Adolph in costume working the door at Hex or Sex
The Doorman: The sorority Hex or Sex Halloween party that has gone on for the last four days has been a huge success; not only because of the body-condom clad rubber-chicks, but because of the venue. Adolph loaned the sorority one of the estates he has purchased during the local real estate crash and it is gorgeous. Fully furnished with six bedrooms and a guest house with four more so ten girls can be working in bed at a time. It also has an indoor pool – dive sex is not on offer – and Adolph has sprung for a free wine bar. As scary as Adolph is in real life he is even scarier in costume so he makes an excellent doorman for the house as no males dare act out while he is there. He also provides overall protection since the Dons who run the call-girls and streetwalkers in town don’t dare cross him and Adolph made it clear to them that this was a one-off as a Halloween charity event so they all swallowed hard and backed off.
Rotation: With only thirteen girls there really weren’t enough as their time was over subscribed and most of them are now on 800 mg of Ibuprofen three times a day to reduce the pelvic pain, but none wanted to drop off rotation. Cyndi (now 17) Anya and I have been going out to the estate to help spread the load because one girl was hospitalized when she took a man far too large for her and she may end up having a hysterectomy. With the three of us there are fifteen of us in rotation and Anya and I take the guys with oversized equipment or ones who ask for rough sex. So dividing up the work that way has worked well and several of the girls are actually enjoying themselves having found they like dominating men. As the house Dominatrix I showed the ones that were interested how to use a riding crop to spank men so they enjoy the experience, but not mark them since most have girlfriends or wives they will go home to. Another useful trick I taught is how to grip a man’s balls and twist so that he will do nearly anything he’s asked to do. And the usual male submissive things like how to let a guy suck their toes or lick their ballet-boots. It’s all great fun and I may be developing some girls hidden talents because two of them are gorgeous and showing promise as nascent Dommes. For these college girls it will be a Halloween to remember!
Monday, October 31, 2011
Saturday, October 29, 2011
The Personhood amendment
A fertilized human egg
The New York Times
October 25, 2011
Push for ‘Personhood’ Amendment Represents New Tack in Abortion Fight
“A constitutional amendment facing voters in Mississippi on Nov. 8, and similar initiatives brewing in half a dozen other states including Florida and Ohio, would declare a fertilized human egg to be a legal person, effectively branding abortion and some forms of birth control as murder.
With this far-reaching anti-abortion strategy, the proponents of what they call personhood amendments hope to reshape the national debate.
“I view it as transformative,” said Brad Prewitt, a lawyer and executive director of the Yes on 26 campaign, which is named for the Mississippi proposition. “Personhood is bigger than just shutting abortion clinics; it’s an opportunity for people to say that we’re made in the image of God.”
Many doctors and women’s health advocates say the proposals would cause a dangerous intrusion of criminal law into medical care, jeopardizing women’s rights and even their lives.
The amendment in Mississippi would ban virtually all abortions, including those resulting from rape or incest. It would bar some birth control methods, including IUDs and “morning-after pills” that prevent fertilized eggs from implanting in the uterus. It would also outlaw the destruction of embryos created in laboratories.
The amendment has been endorsed by candidates for governor from both major parties, and it appears likely to pass, said W. Martin Wiseman, director of the John C. Stennis Institute of Government at Mississippi State University. Legal challenges would surely follow, but even if the amendment is ultimately declared unconstitutional, it could disrupt vital care, critics say, and force years of costly court battles.
“This is the most extreme in a field of extreme anti-abortion measures that have been before the states this year,” said Nancy Northrup, president of the Center for Reproductive Rights, a legal advocacy group.
Opponents, who were handing out brochures on Saturday to tailgate partiers before the University of Southern Mississippi football game in Hattiesburg, said they hoped to dispel the impression that the amendment simply bars abortions — a popular idea in Mississippi — by warning that it would also limit contraceptives, make doctors afraid to save women with life-threatening pregnancies and possibly hamper in vitro fertility treatments.
The drive for personhood amendments has split the anti-abortion forces nationally. Some groups call it an inspired moral leap, while traditional leaders of the fight, including National Right to Life and the Roman Catholic bishops, have refused to promote it, charging that the tactic is reckless and could backfire, leading to a Supreme Court defeat that would undermine progress in carving away at Roe v. Wade.
The approach, granting legal rights to embryos, is fundamentally different from the abortion restrictions that have been adopted in dozens of states. These try to narrow or hamper access to abortions by, for example, sharply restricting the procedures at as early as 20 weeks, requiring women to view ultrasounds of the fetus, curbing insurance coverage and imposing expensive regulations on clinics.
The Mississippi amendment aims to sidestep existing legal battles, simply stating that “the term ‘person’ or ‘persons’ shall include every human being from the moment of fertilization, cloning or the functional equivalent thereof.”
A similar measure has been defeated twice, by large margins, in Colorado. But the national campaign, promoted by Personhood USA, a Colorado-based group, found more receptive ground in Mississippi, where anti-abortion sentiment crosses party and racial lines, and where the state already has so many restrictions on abortion that only one clinic performs the procedure.
In 2009, an ardent abortion foe named Les Riley formed a state personhood group and started collecting the signatures needed to reach the ballot. Evangelicals and other longtime abortion opponents have pressed the case, and Proposition 26 has the support of a range of political leaders. Its passage could energize similar drives brewing in Florida, Michigan, Montana, Ohio, Wisconsin and other states.
In Mississippi, the emotional battle is being fought with radio and television ads, phone banks and old-fashioned canvassing.
Among the picnicking fans being lobbied outside the stadium in Hattiesburg on Saturday, Lauree Mooney, 40, and her husband, Jerry Mooney, 45, U.S.M. alumni, disagreed with each other. She said that she is against abortion but that the amendment is “too extreme.” Mr. Mooney said he would vote yes because “I’ve always been against abortion.”
Shelley Shoemake, 41, a chiropractor, said the proposal is “yanking me in one direction and the other.” She knows women who had abortions as teenagers, and feels compassion for them. “I’ve got a lot of praying to do” before the vote, she said.
Mississippi will also elect a new governor on Nov. 8. The Republican candidate, Lt. Gov. Phil Bryant, is co-chairman of Yes on 26 and his campaign distributes bumper stickers for the initiative. The Democratic candidate, Johnny DuPree, the mayor of Hattiesburg and the state’s first black major-party candidate for governor in modern times, says he will vote for it though he is worried about its impact on medical care and contraception.
No one can yet be sure of how the amendment would affect criminal proceedings, said Jonathan Will, director of the Bioethics and Health Law Center at the Mississippi College School of Law. Could a woman taking a morning-after pill be charged with murder?
But many leaders of the anti-abortion movement fear that the strategy will be counterproductive. Federal courts would almost surely declare the amendment unconstitutional, said James Bopp Jr., a prominent conservative lawyer from Terre Haute, Ind., and general counsel of National Right to Life, since it contradicts a woman’s current right to an abortion in the early weeks of pregnancy.
“From the standpoint of protecting unborn lives it’s utterly futile,” he said, “and it has the grave risk that if it did get to the Supreme Court, the court would write an even more extreme abortion policy.”
Bishop Joseph Latino of Jackson, Miss., said in a statement last week that the Roman Catholic Church does not support Proposition 26 because “the push for a state amendment could ultimately harm our efforts to overturn Roe vs. Wade.”
Conservative Christian groups including the American Family Association and the Family Research Council are firmly behind the proposal.
Dr. Randall S. Hines, a fertility specialist in Jackson working against Proposition 26 with the group Mississippians for Healthy Families, said that the amendment reflects “biological ignorance.” Most fertilized eggs, he said, do not implant in the uterus or develop further.
“Once you recognize that the majority of fertilized eggs don’t become people, then you recognize how absurd this amendment is,” Dr. Hines said. He fears severe unintended consequences for doctors and women dealing with ectopic or other dangerous pregnancies and for in vitro fertility treatments. “We’ll be asking the Legislature, the governor, judges to decide what is best for the patient,” he said.
Dr. Eric Webb, an obstetrician in Tupelo, Miss., who has spoken out on behalf of Proposition 26, said that the concerns about wider impacts were overblown and that the critics were “avoiding the central moral question.”
“With the union of the egg and sperm, that is life, and genetically human,” Dr. Webb said.
Keith Mason, president of Personhood USA, said he did not agree that the Supreme Court would necessarily reject a personhood amendment. The ultimate goal, he said, is a federal amendment, with a victory in Mississippi as the first step.”
The New York Times
October 27, 2011
The ‘Personhood’ Initiative
“A ballot measure going before voters in Mississippi on Nov. 8 would define the term “person” in the State Constitution to include fertilized human eggs and grant to fertilized eggs the legal rights and protections that apply to people. It is among the most extreme assaults in the push to end women’s reproductive rights.
The aim is to redefine abortion and some of the most widely used forms of contraception as murder, obliterating a woman’s right to make childbearing decisions under the 1973 Supreme Court decision Roe v. Wade.
Besides outlawing all abortions, with no exceptions for rape or incest or when a woman’s life is in danger, and banning any contraception that may prevent implantation of a fertilized egg, including birth control pills, the amendment carries many implications, some quite serious.
It could curtail medical research involving embryos, shutter fertility clinics and put doctors in legal jeopardy for providing needed medical care that might endanger a pregnancy. Pregnant women also could become subject to criminal prosecution. A fertilized egg might be eligible to inherit money or be counted when drawing voting districts by population. Because a multitude of laws use the terms “person” or “people,” there would be no shortage of unintended consequences.
A similar ballot measure was handily rejected by Colorado voters in 2008 and 2010. But, in Mississippi, which has already imposed so many burdensome restrictions that the state has only one abortion clinic, there is a real possibility that voters will not react as wisely. Voter approval could energize similar “personhood” initiatives in half a dozen other states, including Florida and Ohio.
Both the Republican and Democratic candidates for governor in Mississippi have endorsed the measure, even though some traditional leaders in the anti-abortion battle, including National Right to Life, have declined to do so, viewing it as a reckless strategy that could lead to a defeat in the Supreme Court. This extreme measure would protect zygotes at the expense of all women while creating a legal quagmire — at least until the courts rule it unconstitutional, as they should.”
Personal comment: If the knuckle draggers who are pushing ‘personhood’ for fertilized eggs have their way women in Mississippi and other radically conservative states will be continuously under suspicion, except perhaps for Nuns. I can’t imagine that legislation so terribly ill-advised would pass, but in the Deep South you never know. Hopefully women who use birth control will vote against ‘Personhood’ as the backers will almost certainly ban hormonal contraceptives and IUDs as abortifacients because with ‘rights’ granted to a fertilized egg the possibility of an implantation failure would be murder.
How would they know a fertilized egg didn’t implant? It is very difficult to detect an egg expelled from the uterus. Would ‘Fertility Police’ be established to test all women between the ages of 12 and 50 on a weekly basis for pregnancy so the government could ensure any fetus was carried to term? And the conservatives say they want smaller less invasive government! Go figure!
The New York Times
October 25, 2011
Push for ‘Personhood’ Amendment Represents New Tack in Abortion Fight
“A constitutional amendment facing voters in Mississippi on Nov. 8, and similar initiatives brewing in half a dozen other states including Florida and Ohio, would declare a fertilized human egg to be a legal person, effectively branding abortion and some forms of birth control as murder.
With this far-reaching anti-abortion strategy, the proponents of what they call personhood amendments hope to reshape the national debate.
“I view it as transformative,” said Brad Prewitt, a lawyer and executive director of the Yes on 26 campaign, which is named for the Mississippi proposition. “Personhood is bigger than just shutting abortion clinics; it’s an opportunity for people to say that we’re made in the image of God.”
Many doctors and women’s health advocates say the proposals would cause a dangerous intrusion of criminal law into medical care, jeopardizing women’s rights and even their lives.
The amendment in Mississippi would ban virtually all abortions, including those resulting from rape or incest. It would bar some birth control methods, including IUDs and “morning-after pills” that prevent fertilized eggs from implanting in the uterus. It would also outlaw the destruction of embryos created in laboratories.
The amendment has been endorsed by candidates for governor from both major parties, and it appears likely to pass, said W. Martin Wiseman, director of the John C. Stennis Institute of Government at Mississippi State University. Legal challenges would surely follow, but even if the amendment is ultimately declared unconstitutional, it could disrupt vital care, critics say, and force years of costly court battles.
“This is the most extreme in a field of extreme anti-abortion measures that have been before the states this year,” said Nancy Northrup, president of the Center for Reproductive Rights, a legal advocacy group.
Opponents, who were handing out brochures on Saturday to tailgate partiers before the University of Southern Mississippi football game in Hattiesburg, said they hoped to dispel the impression that the amendment simply bars abortions — a popular idea in Mississippi — by warning that it would also limit contraceptives, make doctors afraid to save women with life-threatening pregnancies and possibly hamper in vitro fertility treatments.
The drive for personhood amendments has split the anti-abortion forces nationally. Some groups call it an inspired moral leap, while traditional leaders of the fight, including National Right to Life and the Roman Catholic bishops, have refused to promote it, charging that the tactic is reckless and could backfire, leading to a Supreme Court defeat that would undermine progress in carving away at Roe v. Wade.
The approach, granting legal rights to embryos, is fundamentally different from the abortion restrictions that have been adopted in dozens of states. These try to narrow or hamper access to abortions by, for example, sharply restricting the procedures at as early as 20 weeks, requiring women to view ultrasounds of the fetus, curbing insurance coverage and imposing expensive regulations on clinics.
The Mississippi amendment aims to sidestep existing legal battles, simply stating that “the term ‘person’ or ‘persons’ shall include every human being from the moment of fertilization, cloning or the functional equivalent thereof.”
A similar measure has been defeated twice, by large margins, in Colorado. But the national campaign, promoted by Personhood USA, a Colorado-based group, found more receptive ground in Mississippi, where anti-abortion sentiment crosses party and racial lines, and where the state already has so many restrictions on abortion that only one clinic performs the procedure.
In 2009, an ardent abortion foe named Les Riley formed a state personhood group and started collecting the signatures needed to reach the ballot. Evangelicals and other longtime abortion opponents have pressed the case, and Proposition 26 has the support of a range of political leaders. Its passage could energize similar drives brewing in Florida, Michigan, Montana, Ohio, Wisconsin and other states.
In Mississippi, the emotional battle is being fought with radio and television ads, phone banks and old-fashioned canvassing.
Among the picnicking fans being lobbied outside the stadium in Hattiesburg on Saturday, Lauree Mooney, 40, and her husband, Jerry Mooney, 45, U.S.M. alumni, disagreed with each other. She said that she is against abortion but that the amendment is “too extreme.” Mr. Mooney said he would vote yes because “I’ve always been against abortion.”
Shelley Shoemake, 41, a chiropractor, said the proposal is “yanking me in one direction and the other.” She knows women who had abortions as teenagers, and feels compassion for them. “I’ve got a lot of praying to do” before the vote, she said.
Mississippi will also elect a new governor on Nov. 8. The Republican candidate, Lt. Gov. Phil Bryant, is co-chairman of Yes on 26 and his campaign distributes bumper stickers for the initiative. The Democratic candidate, Johnny DuPree, the mayor of Hattiesburg and the state’s first black major-party candidate for governor in modern times, says he will vote for it though he is worried about its impact on medical care and contraception.
No one can yet be sure of how the amendment would affect criminal proceedings, said Jonathan Will, director of the Bioethics and Health Law Center at the Mississippi College School of Law. Could a woman taking a morning-after pill be charged with murder?
But many leaders of the anti-abortion movement fear that the strategy will be counterproductive. Federal courts would almost surely declare the amendment unconstitutional, said James Bopp Jr., a prominent conservative lawyer from Terre Haute, Ind., and general counsel of National Right to Life, since it contradicts a woman’s current right to an abortion in the early weeks of pregnancy.
“From the standpoint of protecting unborn lives it’s utterly futile,” he said, “and it has the grave risk that if it did get to the Supreme Court, the court would write an even more extreme abortion policy.”
Bishop Joseph Latino of Jackson, Miss., said in a statement last week that the Roman Catholic Church does not support Proposition 26 because “the push for a state amendment could ultimately harm our efforts to overturn Roe vs. Wade.”
Conservative Christian groups including the American Family Association and the Family Research Council are firmly behind the proposal.
Dr. Randall S. Hines, a fertility specialist in Jackson working against Proposition 26 with the group Mississippians for Healthy Families, said that the amendment reflects “biological ignorance.” Most fertilized eggs, he said, do not implant in the uterus or develop further.
“Once you recognize that the majority of fertilized eggs don’t become people, then you recognize how absurd this amendment is,” Dr. Hines said. He fears severe unintended consequences for doctors and women dealing with ectopic or other dangerous pregnancies and for in vitro fertility treatments. “We’ll be asking the Legislature, the governor, judges to decide what is best for the patient,” he said.
Dr. Eric Webb, an obstetrician in Tupelo, Miss., who has spoken out on behalf of Proposition 26, said that the concerns about wider impacts were overblown and that the critics were “avoiding the central moral question.”
“With the union of the egg and sperm, that is life, and genetically human,” Dr. Webb said.
Keith Mason, president of Personhood USA, said he did not agree that the Supreme Court would necessarily reject a personhood amendment. The ultimate goal, he said, is a federal amendment, with a victory in Mississippi as the first step.”
The New York Times
October 27, 2011
The ‘Personhood’ Initiative
“A ballot measure going before voters in Mississippi on Nov. 8 would define the term “person” in the State Constitution to include fertilized human eggs and grant to fertilized eggs the legal rights and protections that apply to people. It is among the most extreme assaults in the push to end women’s reproductive rights.
The aim is to redefine abortion and some of the most widely used forms of contraception as murder, obliterating a woman’s right to make childbearing decisions under the 1973 Supreme Court decision Roe v. Wade.
Besides outlawing all abortions, with no exceptions for rape or incest or when a woman’s life is in danger, and banning any contraception that may prevent implantation of a fertilized egg, including birth control pills, the amendment carries many implications, some quite serious.
It could curtail medical research involving embryos, shutter fertility clinics and put doctors in legal jeopardy for providing needed medical care that might endanger a pregnancy. Pregnant women also could become subject to criminal prosecution. A fertilized egg might be eligible to inherit money or be counted when drawing voting districts by population. Because a multitude of laws use the terms “person” or “people,” there would be no shortage of unintended consequences.
A similar ballot measure was handily rejected by Colorado voters in 2008 and 2010. But, in Mississippi, which has already imposed so many burdensome restrictions that the state has only one abortion clinic, there is a real possibility that voters will not react as wisely. Voter approval could energize similar “personhood” initiatives in half a dozen other states, including Florida and Ohio.
Both the Republican and Democratic candidates for governor in Mississippi have endorsed the measure, even though some traditional leaders in the anti-abortion battle, including National Right to Life, have declined to do so, viewing it as a reckless strategy that could lead to a defeat in the Supreme Court. This extreme measure would protect zygotes at the expense of all women while creating a legal quagmire — at least until the courts rule it unconstitutional, as they should.”
Personal comment: If the knuckle draggers who are pushing ‘personhood’ for fertilized eggs have their way women in Mississippi and other radically conservative states will be continuously under suspicion, except perhaps for Nuns. I can’t imagine that legislation so terribly ill-advised would pass, but in the Deep South you never know. Hopefully women who use birth control will vote against ‘Personhood’ as the backers will almost certainly ban hormonal contraceptives and IUDs as abortifacients because with ‘rights’ granted to a fertilized egg the possibility of an implantation failure would be murder.
How would they know a fertilized egg didn’t implant? It is very difficult to detect an egg expelled from the uterus. Would ‘Fertility Police’ be established to test all women between the ages of 12 and 50 on a weekly basis for pregnancy so the government could ensure any fetus was carried to term? And the conservatives say they want smaller less invasive government! Go figure!
Increased clot risk for some hormonal birth control
Yaz birth control pills
FDA Details Clot Risk for Birth Control Products
By John Gever, Senior Editor, MedPage Today
Published: October 27, 2011
“Worrisome increases in thrombotic risk associated with hormonal contraceptives are not limited to those containing drospirenone, according to an FDA report issued Thursday.
Compared with hormonal contraceptives with relatively low estrogen doses, norelgestromin/ethinyl estradiol transdermal patch and etonogestrel/estradiol vaginal ring products were both associated with increased risk for venous thromboembolism (VTE), as were birth control pills containing drospirenone, according to the retrospective database analysis.
FDA researchers ran the analysis on records maintained by Kaiser Permanente for members in California and state Medicaid programs in Tennessee and Washington, covering a total of more than 835,000 women who received contraceptive prescriptions from 2001 to 2007.
After adjusting for demographic and other factors, the analysis indicated the following relative risks, with low-estrogen hormonal contraceptives as the reference:
• Drospirenone products: 1.74 (95% CI 1.42 to 2.14)
• Norelgestromin/ethinyl estradiol transdermal patch: 1.55 (95% CI 1.17 to 2.07)
• Etonogestrel/estradiol vaginal ring: 1.56 (95% CI 1.02 to 2.37)
Younger women (those up to age 34) appeared to be at higher risk for VTE for all three product types, the study showed.
And the clotting risk was not limited to VTE -- arterial thromboembolism was significantly increased among women 35 and older taking drospirenone products for the first time.
Thrombosis has long been a concern for hormonal contraceptives of all types and doses. But a number of studies have suggested that the risk differs among the multitude of product types now available.
Drospirenone came into the FDA's crosshairs earlier this year when two studies found that the VTE risk was doubled or tripled relative to levonorgestrel-containing pills.
Previous studies had also identified possible increases in risk associated with the patch and vaginal ring products, although the FDA had not formally announced a safety review, as it had done for the drospirenone products.
All of the previous studies were relatively small and fell short of the quality needed to form the basis for regulatory action, the FDA indicated.
Late last month, after reviewing the preliminary data from the Kaiser/Medicaid analysis, the agency said it still had not reached a conclusion about the degree of risk. That remains the case, according to the FDA this week.
It plans to present all the data to its Reproductive Health Drugs and Drug Safety and Risk Management advisory committees at a joint meeting on Dec. 8.”
Personal comment: Birth-control pills that contain drospirenone include Bayer's Yaz, Yasmin, Beyaz, Safyral; Sandoz's Syeda and Loryna; as well as Barr Laboratories' Ocella, Watson Pharmaceuticals' Zarah and Teva Pharmaceuticals' Loryna. Etonogestrel is also used in the single rod implant Implanon.
It will be interesting to see what the FDA decides because they have known about the problems with Ortho Evra (the patch) – because of the much higher average estrogen dose - for years and have done nothing more than require warning labels for the product.
FDA Details Clot Risk for Birth Control Products
By John Gever, Senior Editor, MedPage Today
Published: October 27, 2011
“Worrisome increases in thrombotic risk associated with hormonal contraceptives are not limited to those containing drospirenone, according to an FDA report issued Thursday.
Compared with hormonal contraceptives with relatively low estrogen doses, norelgestromin/ethinyl estradiol transdermal patch and etonogestrel/estradiol vaginal ring products were both associated with increased risk for venous thromboembolism (VTE), as were birth control pills containing drospirenone, according to the retrospective database analysis.
FDA researchers ran the analysis on records maintained by Kaiser Permanente for members in California and state Medicaid programs in Tennessee and Washington, covering a total of more than 835,000 women who received contraceptive prescriptions from 2001 to 2007.
After adjusting for demographic and other factors, the analysis indicated the following relative risks, with low-estrogen hormonal contraceptives as the reference:
• Drospirenone products: 1.74 (95% CI 1.42 to 2.14)
• Norelgestromin/ethinyl estradiol transdermal patch: 1.55 (95% CI 1.17 to 2.07)
• Etonogestrel/estradiol vaginal ring: 1.56 (95% CI 1.02 to 2.37)
Younger women (those up to age 34) appeared to be at higher risk for VTE for all three product types, the study showed.
And the clotting risk was not limited to VTE -- arterial thromboembolism was significantly increased among women 35 and older taking drospirenone products for the first time.
Thrombosis has long been a concern for hormonal contraceptives of all types and doses. But a number of studies have suggested that the risk differs among the multitude of product types now available.
Drospirenone came into the FDA's crosshairs earlier this year when two studies found that the VTE risk was doubled or tripled relative to levonorgestrel-containing pills.
Previous studies had also identified possible increases in risk associated with the patch and vaginal ring products, although the FDA had not formally announced a safety review, as it had done for the drospirenone products.
All of the previous studies were relatively small and fell short of the quality needed to form the basis for regulatory action, the FDA indicated.
Late last month, after reviewing the preliminary data from the Kaiser/Medicaid analysis, the agency said it still had not reached a conclusion about the degree of risk. That remains the case, according to the FDA this week.
It plans to present all the data to its Reproductive Health Drugs and Drug Safety and Risk Management advisory committees at a joint meeting on Dec. 8.”
Personal comment: Birth-control pills that contain drospirenone include Bayer's Yaz, Yasmin, Beyaz, Safyral; Sandoz's Syeda and Loryna; as well as Barr Laboratories' Ocella, Watson Pharmaceuticals' Zarah and Teva Pharmaceuticals' Loryna. Etonogestrel is also used in the single rod implant Implanon.
It will be interesting to see what the FDA decides because they have known about the problems with Ortho Evra (the patch) – because of the much higher average estrogen dose - for years and have done nothing more than require warning labels for the product.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Gardasil moves closer to approval for boys
Proposed HPV vaccine for boys
CDC Panel Votes to Extend HPV Vaccine to Young Boys
October 25, 2011 Good Morning America
“All males starting at age 11 should receive the HPV vaccine Gardasil to protect themselves against sexually transmitted forms of human papillomavirus, the cause of most cervical and anal cancers as well as most mouth and throat cancers, a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advisory committee voted today.
Thirteen members of the committee voted in favor of extending the HPV vaccine recommendation to young boys, and one member abstained. The recommendation now goes to the director of the CDC and the secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services for final approval.
The CDC already recommends routinely immunizing girls with a three-dose vaccine beginning at age 11 or 12, before they become sexually active, although they can be vaccinated as young as age 9. The agency previously issued a so-called permissive recommendation giving boys and young men from ages 9 through 26 the option of receiving the vaccine.
The prospect of requiring that preteen boys and girls get vaccinated against a sexually transmitted infection has drawn the sharpest outcry from some parents, who fear that vaccinating preteens might encourage promiscuous behavior. Vaccination policies also have become an issue in the 2012 presidential campaign, with several GOP candidates objecting to mandates for HPV vaccination.
Many infectious disease specialists welcome universal vaccination as a key tool in reducing the toll of preventable diseases.
"Vaccination is perhaps the greatest invention of medicine," said Dr. John Sinnott, director of the Division of Infectious Disease at the University of South Florida. "It is a tragedy that this vaccine has become politicized." But Dr. Lawrence Stanberry, chief pediatrician at New York Presbyterian Morgan Stanley Children's Hospital, said parents support universal recommendations more recommendations targeting groups at higher risk.
"Recommending universal immunization for girls and making the recommendation for boys permissive sends parents mixed messages," Stanberry said. He offered a fairness argument for recommending vaccinations for both sexes. "Girls acquire the infection from boys and it seems appropriate, even fair, for boys to share responsibility for maximizing community [herd] immunity," he said.
Nearly a dozen experts contacted by ABC News cited "herd protection" from HPV-associated diseases in both women and men as a main reason they supported universal immunization.
William Muraskin, an urban studies professor at Queens College in New York, said it's hard to determine which men and women will benefit directly from vaccination. "The HPV vaccine if given before males become sexually active will also protect those who will become homosexual or bisexual," Muraskin said. Routine vaccination of all young men protects "an important subgroup that otherwise will be at significant risk but cannot be identified until it is too late."
The panel is expected to issue a policy statement on the importance of vaccinating men who have sex with men, because of the risk they could develop anal cancer from HPV.
Two HPV Vaccines on The Market Protect Against Multiple Strains
There are two HPV vaccines currently available, both of which protect against the two principal cancer-causing types of HPV, HPV 16 and HPV 18. By CDC estimates, the two strains cause 15,000 malignancies in women and 7,000 in men every year. The two strains account for an estimated 70 percent of cervical cancers, about 70 percent of vaginal cancers and most vulvar cancers. HPV 16 by itself causes 85 percent of anal cancers.
In addition to protecting against HPV 16 and HPV 18, Merck's Gardasil protects against two other disease-causing strains, HPV 6 and HPV 11, responsible for 90 percent of genital warts as well as cervical cell changes. GlaxoSmithKline's Cervarix protects against HPV 16 and HPV 18, but also has been found to confer some protection against three other cancer-causing strains, HPV 31, HPV 33 and HPV 45.
Dr. Diane Harper, director of the Gynecologic Cancer Prevention Research Group at the University of Missouri-Kansas City called it "misguided to think that all boys will gain any health benefit from HPV vaccination."
She contended that "mass vaccination for the prevention of the other HPV-associated cancers puts large numbers of people at risk for harms from vaccination compared to both the personal and public health risk of anal, penile, and oropharyngeal cancers."
In a background memo leading up to the vote, the CDC estimated that routinely vaccinating 11- and 12-year-old boys would likely be cost-effective. If 1 million 12-year-old boys were vaccinated, over the course of a lifetime, they would prevent 2,381 cases of mouth and throat cancer; 633 cases of anal cancer and 169 cases of penile cancer, assuming the vaccine was 75 percent effective against those conditions.”
Personal Comment: I’m so pleased that the CDC will probably recommend Gardasil for boys! All the men in our casino’s escort training program are required to have completed the entire three injection series of Gardasil vaccine before completing the course. And male escorts used as lab instructors for St Lucy’s students (in AST as well as the more vanilla Contemporary Sexual Health) must have completed the full injection series before they can become a trainer at St Lucy’s.
Beavertails, Holiday ballets and helping friends
Salmon beavertail wetsuit from Labia Labs custom designs
Salmon beavertail jackets for dive-sex students: The Advanced Sexual Techniques class was fitted for their distinctive color beavertail jackets in September. They are the same color and style that the escort trainees wear which makes the SL girls feel more secure. The SL students wear the jackets to give them a sense of control, confident that they are covered while allowing almost immediate access, rather than entering the pool wearing bikinis which some initially feel are too revealing for a student/instructor penetrative encounter. The beavertail gives them a bit more time to prepare mentally while their trainer is opening the twist-latches and zipper. If a student has prepared physically, done stretching exercises, inserted her gas guard – a latex Reflexions FS diaphragm - and lubed up by inserting a 10ml applicator of DiveGel+ containing a powerful spermicide/biocide, she should be fine, but with new students there is always some apprehension during the first few dives when penetration will occur.
When I’m teaching a dive-sex lab I wear a student suit and matching pool pointes so I can circulate among the trainer-partner/student couples w/o being too obvious. Because of my small size if I’m in a salmon beavertail, hood, FFM and pool-pointes I can often pass as a student because the students are too focused on what their trainers are doing with them.
Wednesday 10-26-2011: I’m CD6 and menstrual so I have one of my latex Reflexions flat spring diaphragms inserted for flow control and contraception.. I love it when I’m on my period because I enjoy menstrual sex. I’ve just been really busy choreographing and rehearsing the programs for Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas for my dancers and I’ve been trying to help Taryn’s friend at UNLV - there have been some unintended pregnancies among her friends that needed to be taken care of - as well as a stalker. And then Adolph is up to his old tricks again! Sigh!
Ballets for the holidays: I’ve revived Dracula as our Halloween ballet. It’s been a favorite and my company has been fairly stable for the last several years so most of them know it well. The first perf of this run was this past Monday and it’s very popular with the high-rollers! For Thanksgiving we are going to do La Fille Mal de Gardée and I’m setting it in the harvest season in colonial times with an old landowner after the farmer’s daughter for his wife while she is sweet on and being drilled by one of her father’s indentured servants. For Christmas we will do my erotic version of the Nutcracker where the daughters who are helping their grandfather distribute presents get diaphragms as gifts and suck the cream out of their teen male cousin’s éclairs while trying (unsuccessfully) to avoid being boned by the boy’s fathers.
The UNLV pregnancies: were terminated with Mifeprex, but one required a menstrual extraction (vacuum aspiration) when she didn’t pass the entire placenta. The pregnancies seemed to be because the women forgot to take their pills or they began taking diet pills and the increase in their metabolism caused the contraceptive hormones to pass through their systems too fast reducing the effectiveness of their pills. That’s a common problem with low dose pills. None of the women wanted to go through Student Health because records of the procedures covered by insurance are available to their parents.
I think the stalker will probably just ‘disappear’. We are working toward that end. With Adolph he is fond of European girls who are in the country illegally so no one knows or cares who they are or questions when they move on. You would be surprised how many of them there are.
Crush training: An old friend and frequent reader asked for more details about the crush training course I conduct occasionally. The classes are infrequent because there are so few women who are willing to commit the time and effort to learn the technique. Even with highly motivated students there is about a 50% drop-out rate. Women who are only into vanilla sex find it difficult to believe that the pelvic floor muscles can be developed to the extent that they can crush a vaginal penetrating penis, but it’s true. Think of the strength of the muscle contractions of women with vaginismus. We use those muscles and develop the ability to control when the muscles contract and by how much. If a woman can master that, and it takes months of intensive control and strength training to accomplish, she has a very good chance of destroying the erectile tissues of a penile shaft .penetrating her vagina. When I have the time I’ll try to write up something about crush training in a bit more detail.
Sorority Cosplay in body condoms: Taryn’s friend, I'll call the 'Chloe', who is a second year at UNLV, asked me on behalf of her sorority’s president, to help the cosplay group get fitted for body condoms to wear for ‘Hex or Sex’, an adult version of 'trick or treat', at their off campus Halloween party, the proceeds from which will go to feed poor children in the area. So I have been working with Gepetto’s latex shop to get the thirteen neophyte rubber-chicks, including Chloe, who will be putting out fitted and comfortable wearing their latex skins. We decided on slightly opaque cream latex so no one could see their faces. None of them had any idea how hot and sweaty having sex while wearing a latex body condom can be so it’s taking them a while to get used to the experience. They just need to stay well hydrated and let the guys do most of the work. Fortunately none of them is allergic to latex.
Two of them will be on their periods so menstrual sex will be on offer as well as plain vanilla. The girls all had full SDI panels and tested negative. For birth control six – including Chloe - have ParaGard copper IUDs inserted. Three have Implanon (etonogestrel) implants. Two are on Depo-Provera and two are on Yaz, ethinyl estradiol and drospirenone. They will wear FC2s while with a client so they will probably be safe.
Salmon beavertail jackets for dive-sex students: The Advanced Sexual Techniques class was fitted for their distinctive color beavertail jackets in September. They are the same color and style that the escort trainees wear which makes the SL girls feel more secure. The SL students wear the jackets to give them a sense of control, confident that they are covered while allowing almost immediate access, rather than entering the pool wearing bikinis which some initially feel are too revealing for a student/instructor penetrative encounter. The beavertail gives them a bit more time to prepare mentally while their trainer is opening the twist-latches and zipper. If a student has prepared physically, done stretching exercises, inserted her gas guard – a latex Reflexions FS diaphragm - and lubed up by inserting a 10ml applicator of DiveGel+ containing a powerful spermicide/biocide, she should be fine, but with new students there is always some apprehension during the first few dives when penetration will occur.
When I’m teaching a dive-sex lab I wear a student suit and matching pool pointes so I can circulate among the trainer-partner/student couples w/o being too obvious. Because of my small size if I’m in a salmon beavertail, hood, FFM and pool-pointes I can often pass as a student because the students are too focused on what their trainers are doing with them.
Wednesday 10-26-2011: I’m CD6 and menstrual so I have one of my latex Reflexions flat spring diaphragms inserted for flow control and contraception.. I love it when I’m on my period because I enjoy menstrual sex. I’ve just been really busy choreographing and rehearsing the programs for Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas for my dancers and I’ve been trying to help Taryn’s friend at UNLV - there have been some unintended pregnancies among her friends that needed to be taken care of - as well as a stalker. And then Adolph is up to his old tricks again! Sigh!
Ballets for the holidays: I’ve revived Dracula as our Halloween ballet. It’s been a favorite and my company has been fairly stable for the last several years so most of them know it well. The first perf of this run was this past Monday and it’s very popular with the high-rollers! For Thanksgiving we are going to do La Fille Mal de Gardée and I’m setting it in the harvest season in colonial times with an old landowner after the farmer’s daughter for his wife while she is sweet on and being drilled by one of her father’s indentured servants. For Christmas we will do my erotic version of the Nutcracker where the daughters who are helping their grandfather distribute presents get diaphragms as gifts and suck the cream out of their teen male cousin’s éclairs while trying (unsuccessfully) to avoid being boned by the boy’s fathers.
The UNLV pregnancies: were terminated with Mifeprex, but one required a menstrual extraction (vacuum aspiration) when she didn’t pass the entire placenta. The pregnancies seemed to be because the women forgot to take their pills or they began taking diet pills and the increase in their metabolism caused the contraceptive hormones to pass through their systems too fast reducing the effectiveness of their pills. That’s a common problem with low dose pills. None of the women wanted to go through Student Health because records of the procedures covered by insurance are available to their parents.
I think the stalker will probably just ‘disappear’. We are working toward that end. With Adolph he is fond of European girls who are in the country illegally so no one knows or cares who they are or questions when they move on. You would be surprised how many of them there are.
Crush training: An old friend and frequent reader asked for more details about the crush training course I conduct occasionally. The classes are infrequent because there are so few women who are willing to commit the time and effort to learn the technique. Even with highly motivated students there is about a 50% drop-out rate. Women who are only into vanilla sex find it difficult to believe that the pelvic floor muscles can be developed to the extent that they can crush a vaginal penetrating penis, but it’s true. Think of the strength of the muscle contractions of women with vaginismus. We use those muscles and develop the ability to control when the muscles contract and by how much. If a woman can master that, and it takes months of intensive control and strength training to accomplish, she has a very good chance of destroying the erectile tissues of a penile shaft .penetrating her vagina. When I have the time I’ll try to write up something about crush training in a bit more detail.
Sorority Cosplay in body condoms: Taryn’s friend, I'll call the 'Chloe', who is a second year at UNLV, asked me on behalf of her sorority’s president, to help the cosplay group get fitted for body condoms to wear for ‘Hex or Sex’, an adult version of 'trick or treat', at their off campus Halloween party, the proceeds from which will go to feed poor children in the area. So I have been working with Gepetto’s latex shop to get the thirteen neophyte rubber-chicks, including Chloe, who will be putting out fitted and comfortable wearing their latex skins. We decided on slightly opaque cream latex so no one could see their faces. None of them had any idea how hot and sweaty having sex while wearing a latex body condom can be so it’s taking them a while to get used to the experience. They just need to stay well hydrated and let the guys do most of the work. Fortunately none of them is allergic to latex.
Two of them will be on their periods so menstrual sex will be on offer as well as plain vanilla. The girls all had full SDI panels and tested negative. For birth control six – including Chloe - have ParaGard copper IUDs inserted. Three have Implanon (etonogestrel) implants. Two are on Depo-Provera and two are on Yaz, ethinyl estradiol and drospirenone. They will wear FC2s while with a client so they will probably be safe.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Men in black – in women’s heels
LA guys in women’s peep-toe heels
The Photo: Two LA men in women’s heels. I’m usually pretty broadminded about cross-dressing, but for some reason this just sets my teeth on edge! If men wear women’s heels to make their legs look better then why the fuck aren’t they in shorts or tights to show off their contracted calf muscles – so women have something to look at - rather than having them covered by slacks??? We haven’t seen much of it here yet, but if the fad is in LA then I’m sure we will be seeing more of it. It’s absolutely a Gay-thing, sigh!
A Tall Tale, but True: Men in Heels
The New York Times
“ON a recent summer evening at Mr. Black, a dance party held every Tuesday at Bardot on North Vine Street, Sean Wagner was towering above the crowd. Mr. Wagner, 23, is tall even in socks (6-foot-2), but that night he had some extra help.
On his Size 11 feet were a pair of eight-inch bright neon green lace-up stiletto ankle boots, procured from the Ladies Studio Exotic Shoes on Hollywood Boulevard.
He jokingly dubbed them “my usual hiking shoes.”
Mr. Wagner was otherwise dressed in men’s clothing: a loose-fitting black tank top with a pair of tapered black pants. He had a neatly trimmed beard, and a pair of black-framed glasses sat perched on his nose.
“I never leave the house with less than eight inches on my feet,” he said cheerfully. “It helps you see over the cattle.”
Mr. Wagner was not the only man wearing high heels (but no other women’s clothing) that night. At Mr. Black, Luke Nero, a promoter, estimated that 10 or more men were traversing the dance floor in a pair of pumps. “I went to a loft party yesterday, and there was a guy in normal shorts, normal tank and really hot red pumps. That’s it!” he said. “Everyone was like, ‘Oh my God, I love those shoes!’ ”
In a way, Mr. Wagner and his stiletto-wearing cohorts are repeating history. Until Napoleon banned them, high heels were considered a sign of nobility in France during the 18th century and were favored by men as well as women; long before Louboutin, Louis XVI donned five-inch red-accented heels depicting wartime battle scenes.
In 2009 the Atlanta hairstylist Derek J became famous after appearing on “The Real Housewives of Atlanta” wearing women’s pumps with jeans and a sweater, the same year that the designer Rad Hourani sent male models down the runway in boot heels reminiscent of Prince and ’70s glam rockers like David Bowie and David Johansen of the New York Dolls.
At Mr. Black, two best friends, Coy Barton, 24, and Mark Cramer, 25, who go out together as a duo dubbed Coma, were dressed alike in buttoned-up white shirts, dark gray dress slacks pegged at the ankle — and black leather ankle boots with peep toes that showed off their black painted toenails. “I’m in Steve Madden, he’s in Chinese Laundry,” said Mr. Barton of their shoes, “These were $115. Mine were, like, $170.”
Expensive, yes, but nothing compared with the price of Gregory Alexander’s prized pair of Balenciaga six-inch wooden wedges: $2,000. They were safely ensconced in his closet. That evening, Mr. Alexander, 26 and a host at Mr. Black, had paired Yves Saint Laurent’s Imperiale platform stiletto ankle boot (original retail price: $1,395) with a leather motorcycle jacket, tight black jeans, a white shirt and a skinny black tie. “They were a pretty penny,” said Mr. Alexander, 26, referring to the YSL’s. “They were a Valentine’s present to myself. I had them engrave a card for me, too.”
Mr. Alexander, who runs a popular party called A Club Called Rhonda, said he owns about 30 pairs of women’s heels. He wears a women’s size 11, and just barely fits in most designer shoes.
Mr. Wagner, meanwhile, said he often resorts to paying for custom-made heels for his larger feet.
“I love the height,” he said. “It helps when you’re in a club. I’ve bought Louis Vuitton. I’ve bought Gucci. But a lot of designers don’t go high enough for me. I found a company in Arizona that will do 15-inch heels for $3,000.”
Jeff Paice, a clothing designer at Mr. Black who had dressed up his buttoned-up black shirt and black pants with a pair of sandal wedges, said he was bored with the usual choices. “There’s nothing for guys,” he said.
Mr. Barton agreed: “I literally look at girls and think, you have so many options. You have jumpers, you have skirts, you have dresses, you have pants, you have shorts. Boys have pants and shorts. Or suits and a shirt.”
None of the men interviewed considered themselves to be in drag. “I always make it very clear that I am a man, and I’m not trying to portray an illusion to anybody,” Mr. Wagner said.
Though some would call it a form of drag, he added, “As far as we’re concerned, this is just bringing a look to a club — which is what you are supposed to do.”
“I wish society was more acceptable of men wearing heels,” Mr. Paice said. “I think it’s fun. I think it makes a statement.”
Mr. Alexander cited reasons for wearing high heels many women have known since they were invented: “It’s a power thing. You’re higher than everybody else. You make more sound. You walk a different way. It makes your legs look better.”
He added: “I don’t ever take them off. I even drive in them — stick shift.”
Last summer, he broke his ankle trying to jump a fence to get into a party while wearing a pair of heels. “I was in a cast for four months,” he said. “They told me I should never wear heels again, obviously.”
“But I don’t know,” Mr. Alexander added, admiring his YSL-clad feet. “I’m back.””
Friday, October 21, 2011
Christian Louboutin
Christian Louboutin mesh sole kitten heel slippers (photo by David Lynch)
The Photo: From: shows a pair of what I call “semen slippers” that have mesh soles so the wearer can feel a lover/client’s semen squish between her toes as she jacks him off. The version of the slippers made by Gepetto and worn by Towel Girls at Splash (Adolph’s elite exercise club) have suction cup grippers around the edges of the soles to prevent slipping in puddles of ejaculate while participating as the object of desire in a multi-man circle-jerk. Afterward the TG can let a lover lick semen off the soles of her feet as a tease w/o removing her slippers. Being allowed to take off a Towel Girl’s slippers, pointes or ballet-boots is a premium service and sole licking of semen slippers after the TG has squished his ejaculate between her toes through the mesh soles almost always results in her client paying for the privilege of removing her slippers to suck her toes still slippery with his seed.
Louboutin Wisdom
Ella Alexander
17 October 2011
“CHRISTIAN LOUBOUTIN has shed some light on why some women endure wearing painfully high heels.
"There is an element of seduction in shoes that doesn't exist for men," he said. "Think about Marlene Dietrich crossing her legs - the whole attitude. The language starts with the shoe and radiates over the whole body. A woman can be sexy, charming, witty or shy with her shoes. Shoes for men are about elegance or wealth; they are not playing with the inner character.
"That's why women are happy to wear painful shoes. For some a little discomfort is balanced by something else, which has to do with desire. You feel yourself, empower yourself, know yourself. You are aware of your body. This little act of discomfort pays off in lots of other ways."
Louboutin, who is launching a book to celebrate his 20 years in fashion, has a customer base which includes the world's most stylish women, from Kate Moss to Victoria Beckham - a woman the designer is quite a fan of.
"Her whole attitude is 'Here I am'," he told the Sunday Times. "She doesn't look like a mouse ready to hide. She has a strong and active attitude. She is fronting things. She is an actor in her own life. That's why a lot of people love and respect her."
Literature By Louboutin
Ella Alexander
21 September 2011
“CHRISTIAN LOUBOUTIN has launched his first ever book, a beautiful tome featuring the designer's most iconic styles as well as an insight into his influences and photos from his personal archives.
"Rizzoli approached me to work on a book together and it happened to be perfect timing as my 20th anniversary was approaching," Louboutin told us this afternoon. "Without a doubt my favorite element is the photography of the shoes by Philippe Garcia. In researching the book, I was also obliged to revisit my own personal archive of photos and sketches and I was impressed at the amount that I had saved from those early days.
"The most important thing to me when considering the photography was to ensure my favorite pieces from the 20 years photographed in a beautiful way. The choice of photographer was crucial - I didn't want to work with a fashion photographer who would be likely to photograph them in a seasonal way as a book has a much longer life than a magazine. The book also includes photography from a past collaboration with film director David Lynch and we made a conscious decision to shoot the shoes and bags chosen for the book against a light background to contrast against their darker aesthetic."
The book is divided into six chapters; the first documents Louboutin's biography, noting his early work for Chanel and Yves Saint Laurent; the second looks at the various interiors of the label's international stores; the third charts 20 years of Louboutin design, the fourth features intimate photographs of the designer's Paris and Egypt homes, while the fifth and sixth explore his collaboration with prestigious director David Lynch.
Louboutin has also recruited some of his favorite models and famous friends to contribute, including Dita Von Teese, Kristen Scott Thomas and Mika.”
Personal Comment: Louboutin does make some lovely shoes! His fetish shoes are the standard other creative makers try to emulate.
The Photo: From: shows a pair of what I call “semen slippers” that have mesh soles so the wearer can feel a lover/client’s semen squish between her toes as she jacks him off. The version of the slippers made by Gepetto and worn by Towel Girls at Splash (Adolph’s elite exercise club) have suction cup grippers around the edges of the soles to prevent slipping in puddles of ejaculate while participating as the object of desire in a multi-man circle-jerk. Afterward the TG can let a lover lick semen off the soles of her feet as a tease w/o removing her slippers. Being allowed to take off a Towel Girl’s slippers, pointes or ballet-boots is a premium service and sole licking of semen slippers after the TG has squished his ejaculate between her toes through the mesh soles almost always results in her client paying for the privilege of removing her slippers to suck her toes still slippery with his seed.
Louboutin Wisdom
Ella Alexander
17 October 2011
“CHRISTIAN LOUBOUTIN has shed some light on why some women endure wearing painfully high heels.
"There is an element of seduction in shoes that doesn't exist for men," he said. "Think about Marlene Dietrich crossing her legs - the whole attitude. The language starts with the shoe and radiates over the whole body. A woman can be sexy, charming, witty or shy with her shoes. Shoes for men are about elegance or wealth; they are not playing with the inner character.
"That's why women are happy to wear painful shoes. For some a little discomfort is balanced by something else, which has to do with desire. You feel yourself, empower yourself, know yourself. You are aware of your body. This little act of discomfort pays off in lots of other ways."
Louboutin, who is launching a book to celebrate his 20 years in fashion, has a customer base which includes the world's most stylish women, from Kate Moss to Victoria Beckham - a woman the designer is quite a fan of.
"Her whole attitude is 'Here I am'," he told the Sunday Times. "She doesn't look like a mouse ready to hide. She has a strong and active attitude. She is fronting things. She is an actor in her own life. That's why a lot of people love and respect her."
Literature By Louboutin
Ella Alexander
21 September 2011
“CHRISTIAN LOUBOUTIN has launched his first ever book, a beautiful tome featuring the designer's most iconic styles as well as an insight into his influences and photos from his personal archives.
"Rizzoli approached me to work on a book together and it happened to be perfect timing as my 20th anniversary was approaching," Louboutin told us this afternoon. "Without a doubt my favorite element is the photography of the shoes by Philippe Garcia. In researching the book, I was also obliged to revisit my own personal archive of photos and sketches and I was impressed at the amount that I had saved from those early days.
"The most important thing to me when considering the photography was to ensure my favorite pieces from the 20 years photographed in a beautiful way. The choice of photographer was crucial - I didn't want to work with a fashion photographer who would be likely to photograph them in a seasonal way as a book has a much longer life than a magazine. The book also includes photography from a past collaboration with film director David Lynch and we made a conscious decision to shoot the shoes and bags chosen for the book against a light background to contrast against their darker aesthetic."
The book is divided into six chapters; the first documents Louboutin's biography, noting his early work for Chanel and Yves Saint Laurent; the second looks at the various interiors of the label's international stores; the third charts 20 years of Louboutin design, the fourth features intimate photographs of the designer's Paris and Egypt homes, while the fifth and sixth explore his collaboration with prestigious director David Lynch.
Louboutin has also recruited some of his favorite models and famous friends to contribute, including Dita Von Teese, Kristen Scott Thomas and Mika.”
Personal Comment: Louboutin does make some lovely shoes! His fetish shoes are the standard other creative makers try to emulate.
Sunday, October 16, 2011
The pill and sexual satisfaction
A combined birth control pill dial-pack
The Pill decreases Sexual satisfaction, but Boosts Relationship Happiness
Popping a birth-control pill could significantly impact your long-term relationship choices, new research suggests.
Comparing the relationships of women who were on the pill when they met their partner with those who weren't, researchers found that pill users were less sexually satisfied, but happier overall with their relationships than women not taking birth control when they first met their mate.
"These results are in line with what we and other groups have seen in the lab," study researcher Lisa DeBruine, of the University of Aberdeen, told LiveScience in an e-mail. "Although they're less sexually satisfied, they are MORE satisfied with nonsexual aspects of their relationship, including a partner’s financial provision and support."
Polling the pill
The study, performed by lead author Craig Roberts, of the University of Stirling in the U.K., polled about 2,000 women from all over the world, including the U.S., U.K. and the Czech Republic. The average age of the women was around 37, and to make sure the levels of relationship commitment were comparable, they were asked about their relationships with the fathers of their first children.
The women filled out surveys about their relationships and sex lives. Oddly, these couples who met while the woman was on hormonal birth control were also more emotionally satisfied and were more likely to stay together, on average about two years longer. If those couples did separate, the break-up was more likely to be initiated by the woman.
While the nonsexual parts of their relationship were satisfying, these women showed increasing sexual dissatisfaction during their relationships, while there was no change in nonusers. This increasing sexual dissatisfaction could lead to a tipping point between emotional and financial satisfaction and a desire to be sexually satisfied, the researchers suggest.
Pill use and attraction
Though the biology behind this phenomenon is unknown, DeBruine believes it's most likely related to the hormones found in the pill used to control fertility. "The biological mechanisms are almost certainly linked to hormones," she said. "Hormones influence our bodies and behavior in many ways, so we're still researching exactly how hormones affect mating behavior."
These hormones influence what characteristics women are attracted to in a mate. Studies have shown that a main component of attraction is a desire to find a genetically dissimilar partner, specifically in genes called the major histocompatibility complex (or MHC) that are involved in the body’s immune system. Having a large selection in these genes improves the immune system and can make for healthier offspring in the long run.
When women are on the pill, however, they are in an "eternally pregnant state," meaning they aren’t ovulating and may be wired to instead to seek out genetically similar men — essentially, the genetic equivalent of a relative — because evolutionarily, family would help raise the baby. This desire for genetically similar men was found in a study published in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. That same 2008 study found that women not taking hormonal birth control prefer genetically dissimilar men and those with higher testosterone levels and more masculine features.
And supporting the lower sexual satisfaction in birth-control couples, previous research has indicated that females with genetically similar partners express lower sexual satisfaction and have a higher interest in having sex with someone who isn't their partner; essentially, they think about cheating.
Though the new study didn't test genetic similarity, they found that women who had been on a progesterone birth-control pill when their relationship started expressed sexual dissatisfaction and desire to cheat.
Complex relationships
Jonathan Schaffir, a doctor at Ohio State University Medical Center who has studied the link between hormonal contraception and sexual desire but who wasn't involved in this study, suggested that trying to tease out the effect of hormonal birth control on something as complex as mate choice can be misleading.
"It's not likely that a small change in a single biological parameter will make a big difference," noting that the differences the study found, while statistically significant, were small. He said a forward-looking study, or an investigation of possible biological effects of the hormone treatment would have been more convincing. [The History and Future of Birth Control]
"This type of retrospective study cannot fully explain all of the complex processes that shape relationships," DeBruine told LiveScience. "Our findings do suggest that these processes play out slightly differently in women who were and were not using the pill when they met their partner."
Schaffir worries about how women might interpret these findings. "Sometimes people give good forms of birth control a bad name by suggesting that they might have [these kinds of] effects," Schaffir told LiveScience. "I don't want women to have the impression that they shouldn’t use reliable birth control because of dubious psychosocial effects."
The study was published today (Oct. 11) in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.
Personal comment: Students at St Lucy’s have always been counseled to use effective methods of non-hormonal of contraception where possible as we feel young women should be able to experience the full range of their femininity available only though the ebb and flow of their natural hormonal cycles. Hormonal contraceptives are only used to treat heavy or painful periods, acne or other conditions where appropriate.
HPV-Related Throat Cancers Increasing, Study Finds
The percentage of throat cancers caused by the human papillomavirus has increased significantly in the U.S. since the 1980s, according to a study in the Journal of Clinical Oncology, the New York Times reports. HPV type 16, which also causes many cases of cervical cancer, is sexually transmitted, including during oral sex.
For the study -- which was funded by the National Cancer Institute, Ohio State University and the Oral Cancer Foundation -- researchers tested tumor samples from 271 patients diagnosed with throat cancers between 1984 and 2004. About 16% of samples from the 1980s found strains of HPV, compared with nearly 72% of cases found after 2000. Overall, throat cancers caused by HPV increased from 0.8 cases per 100,000 people in 1988 to 2.6 per 100,000 people in 2004, the study found.
According to the Times, there are fewer than 10,000 cases of throat cancer annually, and most people with HPV do not develop cancer. HPV-related throat cancers are more treatable than those not caused by the virus. People with throat cancers caused by HPV have a median survival of 131 months, compared with 20 months for people whose cancers are not related to the virus (Grady, New York Times, 10/3).
Risk Highest Among Men
The study found that the risk of HPV-related throat cancer was greatest among men, though the researchers did not determine why. According to the AP/Washington Post , the incidence of oropharyngeal cancer has risen 28% since 1988, even though the incidence of other types of head-and-neck cancers has been decreasing.
An HPV vaccine is approved to protect against cervical cancer in girls and women and to protect against genital warts and anal cancer in both sexes. Maura Gillison, a head-and-neck cancer specialist at Ohio State University and senior author of the study, said protection against oral HPV has not been studied in either gender. A spokesperson for Merck, which makes the HPV vaccine, said the company does not plan to conduct an oral cancer study.
She said that oral cancer always has been a bigger threat to men than women and that women's incidence is steady while men's is rising. Women account for about 25% of oral cancers, which could suggest that gender differences in sexual behavior play a role or that the virus stays in men's bodies longer (Neergaard, AP/Washington Post, 10/4).
Personal comment: All of the casino’s escort trainees (both male and female) and St Lucy’s students are required to have had the full series of Gardasil injections and for the women routine pelvic exams including pap tests are scheduled in addition to full STI panels for the sexually active St Lucy’s students. This well-woman care has virtually eliminated most health risks associated with their assertiveness training.
The Pill decreases Sexual satisfaction, but Boosts Relationship Happiness
Popping a birth-control pill could significantly impact your long-term relationship choices, new research suggests.
Comparing the relationships of women who were on the pill when they met their partner with those who weren't, researchers found that pill users were less sexually satisfied, but happier overall with their relationships than women not taking birth control when they first met their mate.
"These results are in line with what we and other groups have seen in the lab," study researcher Lisa DeBruine, of the University of Aberdeen, told LiveScience in an e-mail. "Although they're less sexually satisfied, they are MORE satisfied with nonsexual aspects of their relationship, including a partner’s financial provision and support."
Polling the pill
The study, performed by lead author Craig Roberts, of the University of Stirling in the U.K., polled about 2,000 women from all over the world, including the U.S., U.K. and the Czech Republic. The average age of the women was around 37, and to make sure the levels of relationship commitment were comparable, they were asked about their relationships with the fathers of their first children.
The women filled out surveys about their relationships and sex lives. Oddly, these couples who met while the woman was on hormonal birth control were also more emotionally satisfied and were more likely to stay together, on average about two years longer. If those couples did separate, the break-up was more likely to be initiated by the woman.
While the nonsexual parts of their relationship were satisfying, these women showed increasing sexual dissatisfaction during their relationships, while there was no change in nonusers. This increasing sexual dissatisfaction could lead to a tipping point between emotional and financial satisfaction and a desire to be sexually satisfied, the researchers suggest.
Pill use and attraction
Though the biology behind this phenomenon is unknown, DeBruine believes it's most likely related to the hormones found in the pill used to control fertility. "The biological mechanisms are almost certainly linked to hormones," she said. "Hormones influence our bodies and behavior in many ways, so we're still researching exactly how hormones affect mating behavior."
These hormones influence what characteristics women are attracted to in a mate. Studies have shown that a main component of attraction is a desire to find a genetically dissimilar partner, specifically in genes called the major histocompatibility complex (or MHC) that are involved in the body’s immune system. Having a large selection in these genes improves the immune system and can make for healthier offspring in the long run.
When women are on the pill, however, they are in an "eternally pregnant state," meaning they aren’t ovulating and may be wired to instead to seek out genetically similar men — essentially, the genetic equivalent of a relative — because evolutionarily, family would help raise the baby. This desire for genetically similar men was found in a study published in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. That same 2008 study found that women not taking hormonal birth control prefer genetically dissimilar men and those with higher testosterone levels and more masculine features.
And supporting the lower sexual satisfaction in birth-control couples, previous research has indicated that females with genetically similar partners express lower sexual satisfaction and have a higher interest in having sex with someone who isn't their partner; essentially, they think about cheating.
Though the new study didn't test genetic similarity, they found that women who had been on a progesterone birth-control pill when their relationship started expressed sexual dissatisfaction and desire to cheat.
Complex relationships
Jonathan Schaffir, a doctor at Ohio State University Medical Center who has studied the link between hormonal contraception and sexual desire but who wasn't involved in this study, suggested that trying to tease out the effect of hormonal birth control on something as complex as mate choice can be misleading.
"It's not likely that a small change in a single biological parameter will make a big difference," noting that the differences the study found, while statistically significant, were small. He said a forward-looking study, or an investigation of possible biological effects of the hormone treatment would have been more convincing. [The History and Future of Birth Control]
"This type of retrospective study cannot fully explain all of the complex processes that shape relationships," DeBruine told LiveScience. "Our findings do suggest that these processes play out slightly differently in women who were and were not using the pill when they met their partner."
Schaffir worries about how women might interpret these findings. "Sometimes people give good forms of birth control a bad name by suggesting that they might have [these kinds of] effects," Schaffir told LiveScience. "I don't want women to have the impression that they shouldn’t use reliable birth control because of dubious psychosocial effects."
The study was published today (Oct. 11) in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.
Personal comment: Students at St Lucy’s have always been counseled to use effective methods of non-hormonal of contraception where possible as we feel young women should be able to experience the full range of their femininity available only though the ebb and flow of their natural hormonal cycles. Hormonal contraceptives are only used to treat heavy or painful periods, acne or other conditions where appropriate.
HPV-Related Throat Cancers Increasing, Study Finds
The percentage of throat cancers caused by the human papillomavirus has increased significantly in the U.S. since the 1980s, according to a study in the Journal of Clinical Oncology, the New York Times reports. HPV type 16, which also causes many cases of cervical cancer, is sexually transmitted, including during oral sex.
For the study -- which was funded by the National Cancer Institute, Ohio State University and the Oral Cancer Foundation -- researchers tested tumor samples from 271 patients diagnosed with throat cancers between 1984 and 2004. About 16% of samples from the 1980s found strains of HPV, compared with nearly 72% of cases found after 2000. Overall, throat cancers caused by HPV increased from 0.8 cases per 100,000 people in 1988 to 2.6 per 100,000 people in 2004, the study found.
According to the Times, there are fewer than 10,000 cases of throat cancer annually, and most people with HPV do not develop cancer. HPV-related throat cancers are more treatable than those not caused by the virus. People with throat cancers caused by HPV have a median survival of 131 months, compared with 20 months for people whose cancers are not related to the virus (Grady, New York Times, 10/3).
Risk Highest Among Men
The study found that the risk of HPV-related throat cancer was greatest among men, though the researchers did not determine why. According to the AP/Washington Post , the incidence of oropharyngeal cancer has risen 28% since 1988, even though the incidence of other types of head-and-neck cancers has been decreasing.
An HPV vaccine is approved to protect against cervical cancer in girls and women and to protect against genital warts and anal cancer in both sexes. Maura Gillison, a head-and-neck cancer specialist at Ohio State University and senior author of the study, said protection against oral HPV has not been studied in either gender. A spokesperson for Merck, which makes the HPV vaccine, said the company does not plan to conduct an oral cancer study.
She said that oral cancer always has been a bigger threat to men than women and that women's incidence is steady while men's is rising. Women account for about 25% of oral cancers, which could suggest that gender differences in sexual behavior play a role or that the virus stays in men's bodies longer (Neergaard, AP/Washington Post, 10/4).
Personal comment: All of the casino’s escort trainees (both male and female) and St Lucy’s students are required to have had the full series of Gardasil injections and for the women routine pelvic exams including pap tests are scheduled in addition to full STI panels for the sexually active St Lucy’s students. This well-woman care has virtually eliminated most health risks associated with their assertiveness training.
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Shoes for Spring 2012
Alexander McQueen Spring 2012 Ready-To-Wear
The New York Times. Designers concentrate on the shoe in endless styles for Spring 2012: Bill Cunningham Flirty
So lovely! Something for everyone!
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Gardasil and pelvic familiarization
The HPV vaccine Gardasil
Gardasil Cervical Cancer Vaccine More Cost-Effective Than Cervarix
“(Research: Comparing bivalent and quadrivalent human papillomavirus vaccines: economic evaluation based on transmission model)
(Editorial: Comparing bivalent and quadrivalent HPV vaccines)
The quadrivalent cervical cancer vaccine (Gardasil) is more cost-effective than the bivalent vaccine (Cervarix) if the two are equally priced, concludes a study published on today. This is despite the fact that Cervarix may provide better protection against cervical cancer.
However, the authors stress that considerable uncertainty remains about the differential benefit of the two vaccines.
Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a common sexually transmitted infection seen most often in young women and adolescents. There are more than 100 types of HPV - some cause genital warts, but others cause cancers including cervical cancer.
Two HPV vaccines (Cervarix and Gardasil) are currently available. Both protect against HPV types 16 and 18, which cause over 70% of cervical cancer cases, as well as several other types of cancer. Gardasil also protects against types 6 and 11, which cause the majority of genital warts as well as a rare disease called respiratory papillomatosis.
In 2008, the UK government chose the bivalent vaccine Cervarix for its HPV vaccination programme, based partly on analyses by Mark Jit and his colleagues at the Health Protection Agency suggesting that Cervarix would have to be £15 to £23 cheaper per dose to be as cost-effective as Gardasil. However, the choice of vaccine will be re-evaluated when the current tender for the vaccination programme ends.
Since then, further evidence has emerged to differentiate the two vaccines. For instance, Cervarix appears to give better protection against cervical cancer caused by HPV types other than 16 and 18. Gardasil has now also shown protection against vulvar, vaginal and anal cancer.
Using this latest evidence within a mathematical model, Mark Jit and his team set out to re-evaluate the two vaccines to inform the next round of vaccine tendering.
They found the price differential between the two vaccines was larger than their 2008 analysis. Based on the most recent evidence, Cervarix would have to be £19 to £35 cheaper per dose to be as cost-effective as Gardasil, mainly due to a lack of protection against genital warts.
When all differences between the two vaccines are considered, "the quadrivalent vaccine (Gardasil) is still more cost effective if the two are equally priced," conclude the authors. However, they stress that "considerable uncertainty remains about the differential benefit of the two vaccines."
An accompanying editorial says that modeling can help decision makers, but ultimately the tender price is the final determinant of cost-effectiveness.”
Personal comment: St Lucy’s was fortunate that we had good advice when we chose Gardasil as protection against cervical cancer as now it has been found to protect against genital warts as well as vulvar, vaginal and anal cancer. This year all new St Lucy’s students must have completed the series of three Gardasil injections over an interval of six months before they are allowed on campus for orientation. All our male partner/instructors have had the full Gardasil regimen as well to provide maximum protection to themselves and their student partners. Gardasil has recently become a topic of debate among candidates for the Republican nomination for the 2012 presidential election. The conservative candidate Michele Bachmann seems to be very poorly informed and continues to blunder on about mental retardation and the dangers of vaccines. Sigh!
New St Lucy’s entry requirements, Pt II: I was remiss when posting about changes to St Lucy’s entry requirements for the 2011/12 school year. I failed to mention that all entering students must have had at least four years of ballet training consisting of not less than four hours a week for at least fifty weeks per year. We aren’t a ballet academy, but the physical and mental development (poise, grace, discipline, confidence and pelvic muscle development) of the students is so closely tied to ballet training and discipline that any less and a student has a very difficult time keeping up. One might think that this requirement would dissuade parents from enrolling their daughters at St Lucy’s, but that hasn’t been the case as highly qualified applicants far outnumber the seats available for new students. Parents (especially their mothers) are determined to begin preparing their daughters years in advance to get into St Lucy’s.
Pelvic Familiarization for post-menarche students: Because the health syllabus at St Lucy’s is heavily weighted toward teaching female sexual skills we require all post-menarche students to take a pelvic familiarization (PF) course. This course covers menstruation, feminine hygiene products and their proper use, reproductive tract devices for contraception (IUDs, condoms and cervical barriers), dealing with the hymen and sex toys. The course purpose is not only to familiarize the student with the range of products and devices available, but to have her become comfortable and confident about touching her own genitals so she won’t be afraid or embarrassed when she takes Contemporary Sexual Health and Advanced Sexual Techniques. To that end we teach and recommend the students masturbate to learn what arouses them and what doesn’t so they can guide a male partner/instructor when that time arrives.
Students in this course usually range in age from 13 to 15 as all train heavily for ballet which often delays menarche. You would be surprised at the number of girls who have been brought up to think that touching themselves “down there” is dirty or shameful so PF has reduced the number of girls needing counseling due to psychological issues from becoming more intimately aware of their own bodies. We are very pleased with the PF student’s response to the classes on the clitoris, condoms, dildos and vibrators and all have delighted in their new found source of self-pleasuring with the toys provided each student for lab exercises.
Having pelvic familiarization taught in a gentle, non-threatening and supportive way our psychologists believe will result in very young students not suffering from stress related Vaginismus: a condition where any vaginal penetration – or sometimes in severe cases even the thought of penetration occurring - causes clenching of the pelvic muscles making any penetration extremely painful and so tight penetration is impossible for an erect male. There are physiological reasons – which we test for and if found prevent the student from entering St Lucy’s - as well as psychological reasons for Vaginismus. In the past we have had an occasional case of stress related vaginismus after a student has been accepted so our psychologists believe the PF course should prevent that from occurring