Saturday, November 7, 2009

Pointe shoe Quiz 11-07-09

Who is the maker of these shoes?


  1. My guess would have to be either Gaynors or Freeds. The size and width marker is consistent with Freeds, but I don't recognize the jite-ing dancer on the ball of the sole.

  2. Hi Eric, Good guess but…It’s neither Gaynor nor Freed, but the shoes are from a U.S. maker. The fore-sole design is why I put this pair up. This one might be a bit tricky.

  3. Well, I don't know what shoe is made in America. I know it's not Freed or the Russian ones.

  4. Hello Jill ,
    I have been researching this shoe. At first I started with the 18 company's listed in the Pointe Magazine 2008 issue . Since no one company told me it was theres . While I could not find the shoe model . I did find out that the maker was a subsidiary of Capezio who name was Balletmakers. Now owned by Capezio the logo was replace with the current Capezio logo and, the shoe dicontinued. I also found out that the shoe style when worn .
    They curve quite sharply in the box, leaving a big gap on the front of the foot. Which many dancer did not care for .It was also decribed as like wearing a plastic tube. Sorry Jill,I could not find the shoe model!

  5. That was a lot of work! Good for you Paul! :)

  6. Wow, Paul! No wonder why I couldn't find the model or brand of shoe it was. I was looking in current online catalogs, and none showed this model.
