Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Pointe shoe quiz 11-24-09

Which maker made these shoes?

This quiz should be much easier than the last. Again the sole markings are the clues. Thanks to all who participate!


  1. Ok another shoe maker that has a distinctive Hatch pattern Which is now mostly worn away
    . Mmmmwith that shape (box)Not
    too many shoe makers use staples . Mmmm the blured image could be a model number ...not a name ...If that is the case then there made down -under
    Could be Bloch maybe the S2130L Sonata or the S0132L Eroupean model both fit the shoes profile

  2. I am sooooooo glad that was a easy one ! NOT! It was hard still had fun ! good quiz jill

  3. Good for you Paul! ... Yes they are Bloch!

    I don't know exactly which style they are because as you pointed out the Style # and name are blurred. But, if you look at an image from the Discount Dance Supply catalogue showing the sole of a Balance European ES0160L (which I'm just using for illustration purposes) it shows the fore-sole hatching and the stylized B at the heel which the shoes in the quiz image have.

  4. I was thinking about going to DDS to compare those shoes to the 3D views there, but decided not to do so.
