Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Death in a rubber bag

A 3 liter rebreather bag with gasmask connector

Death in a 3 liter bag: The other day a local 19 y/o suffocated from carbon dioxide (CO2) build up in her mask when her partner closed the valve on her 3 liter anesthesia rebreather bag while he was giving her multiple orgasms. The bag was connected to the standard 40 mm NATO connector on her Mestel 400 gasmask in the standard way where she could have easily opened the valve on the rebreather herself. He claimed he was trying to increase her pleasure when she fainted. He says he got caught up in his own orgasm forgot to open the valve and kept on thrusting into her until he finished and by then she had stopped breathing. That sort of death is very common especially among women in couples just starting to learn the basics of erotic breath play. Accidents are so common now that high quality masks that will seal properly and gasmask ready rebreather bags are commonly available that I’m teaching a rebreather bag safety class for escort candidates and in my Advanced Sexual Techniques (AST) course at St Lucy’s so the girls know to be careful of the CO2 build-up in their masks and how to quickly open the valve on their rebreathers to get fresh air.

Symptoms of high or prolonged exposure to carbon dioxide include headache, increased heart rate, dizziness, fatigue, rapid breathing, visual and hearing dysfunctions. Exposure to higher levels may cause unconsciousness or death within minutes of exposure. Breathing rate doubles at 3% CO2 and increase to four times the normal rate at 5% CO2. At levels above 5%, concentration CO2 is directly toxic. And with breath play there is no way to really tell what the level of exposure is for individual masked participants. Women or men with smaller or limited lung capacity are more likely to succumb quicker to lower levels of CO2.

A bad joke: Several weeks ago we had a escort candidate whose emergency gas (Pony) bottle was filled with N2O. We think it was supposed to be a joke. She was on a recreational dive in Lake Mead when she ran out of air on her main tank and she switched to her EA and she gassed herself. Fortunately since she and her buddy were short of air they had already started their ascent and her dive buddy cut their safety stop short inflated her BCD and got her to the surface. She is ok, but that sort of joke can be fatal. We are trying to find out how someone got a pony bottle filled with nitrous oxide. While a number of people had access to her equipment there are no strong suspects or motive for that matter, except perhaps jealousy since she is very beautiful and excels in whatever she wants to do.

Bondage boots: Gepetto now offers a modified version of his standard sports ballet boots to include shaft locks, steel wire laces (no zippers) and D-rings on the heels for restraining the wearer by locking the wearer’s feet together or chaining her feet to the floor, wall, or an exam table, or hanging her by the D-rings from a hook. Before hanging a girl by her boot heels it’s a good idea to check the fit – sometimes a teen will be wearing her mom’s ballet heels and pad them out – to ensure she won’t slip out and drop on the dungeon floor. We had an incident a while back where that happened on one of the bondage floors of our resort. The 17 y/o who had worn her mom’s boots to a bondage party broke her neck.


  1. The bag in the picture has a GOST - connector (Russia round threat 40mm x 3mm )
    He is not fully compatible with the NATO connector. (Rd 40mm x 1/7") DIN-EN 148-1

    because he does not seal completely

  2. Thanks Mark! We try to use bags with that connector only with the few Russian masks we have.
