Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Jill pads and punitive pointe training

A Jill-pad, the Shock Doctor female pelvic protector

The Jillstrap, a reader’s query: a reader asked, “Can guys wear a Jill pelvic protector.” A female pelvic protector is sometimes called a Jill or Jillstrap and I think it would depend on the design of the Jillstrap and the size of the guy’s genital anatomy as to whether it could be successfully worn by a guy. A conventional Jillstrap cup is pretty shallow covering the vulva and clitoris and shaped differently from a man’s cup. My circle and every woman in training at Gepetto’s for Knife-pointe boot fighting or lash training wear Penetrator plugs for pelvic protection. A Penetrator plug is custom made to fit in the woman’s vagina with a protective shield over her vulva, pubic bone and clitoris with a locking ridge that fits behind the wearer’s pubic bone and is almost impossible to displace from external contact while having no straps or buckles that can be seen under minimal costumes or grabbed and pulled during a fight. For regulation KP-pointe fighting the fighters wear full body armor, but in unofficial fights sometimes all the girls wear are bikinis pelvic and breast protection and their pointe fighting boots. Then wearing a Gepetto fighting Penetrator plug is priceless. The outer shell is tough polymer that will allow penetration but not lateral movement of an opponent’s bladed heel once it penetrates the outer shell. That way the blade tip is stopped by the titanium under-shield and the blade can’t ricochet and penetrate the wearer’s abdomen or thigh. If it’s just a blow from a boot platform the thick foam lining absorbs most of the energy and distributes the remainder over the entire area of the plug head. The pelvis is occasionally bruised, but none of the girls wearing Gepetto designed pelvic protection have had their pelvis broken or even their vulva or clitoris seriously mashed. That’s a testimony to the design skill of Gepetto’s Gyn protection designers.

Because it fits in the wearer’s vagina for stability a Penetrator plug is not suitable for use by a man, unless he wants to suck on it when used as a penis-gag. Of course I and my circle are using pelvic protection for fighting as well as to prevent being groped on social occasions. A girl getting her pelvis groped or even being finger-fucked at a party happens a lot in Vegas. So we need the best protection possible and it has to be so inconspicuous that it can be worn under a thong and not be noticed until the guy feels the padded shell of the plug head.

Commercially available Jill-pads: Bike and Shock Doctor are two well known commercial brands and both make effective Jill-pads, which are shaped differently than male cups and are designed to be worn in compression sports shorts to keep them in place. If a guy isn’t into wearing women’s sports shorts I suppose he might try wearing a Shock Doctor – or other female pelvic protector - in male sports shorts or the cup of a jockstrap and see how that works. If it’s just for the thrill of wearing a girls pelvic protection I think that should probably be ok. If the guy really needs serious protection for his family jewels then if I were him I don’t think I’d trust a female pelvic protector to do the job.

Chastity belts in western Europe: My December 8, 2009 entry ‘Chastity belts at Naughty’s’ in which I mentioned several exclusive girls schools in Germany and Switzerland that fit their students with anti-masturbation belts, has drawn a lot of interest. There are two particularly strict elite schools, one in Germany in the mountains south of Munich and the other of equal reputation on Lake Maggiore in southern Switzerland near the Italian border that specialize in punitive training for recalcitrant girls. Both schools use the Access Denied anti-masturbation belts, but only to curb any lesbian tendencies while saving the students sexual energy for penetrative intercourse with male instructors. In Switzerland the lake made it easy to transport girls in and out of Switzerland without worry about crossing national borders before the EU was established. With the student’s parent’s private aircraft flying into Milan or their yachts docking in Genova for the trip to the lake head. Now it’s like in the U.S. crossing state lines, an EU citizen can travel anywhere in the EC w/o showing identity papers. Even so, it’s traditional for new students to arrive at night after traveling up the lake by boat. For a new student coming to the crenellated towers of the massive building at night after sailing up the lake it must be like a new student arriving at Hogwarts. The Swiss school had originally been established as a convent in the late17th century that eventually catered to lesbians and as the Church contracted over time the land and buildings were purchased by a German nobleman who knew a great deal about punishing women and he turned it into an exclusive girl’s school. The school is extremely private and is renowned for turning out confident and poised young women from good families as brides with extensive bedroom skills for the son’s of the European elite. The less well known aspect of the school, but perhaps more appreciated by worried parents, is that it guarantees to instill discipline in even the highest spirited girls.

Deiter’s legacy: Tanaquil, the French Courtesan who is running the European operation of Taryn’s adult media empire, has turned Deiter’s castle, located a short drive south of Munich, which came to her along with his ‘ballet company’- it supplied the girls for his pornography operation – into a high-tech media showplace for the sort Adult theme (extreme punitive, encasement and bondage sex) media that the large cliental of Europeans seem to enjoy. The head mistress of the Swiss school (a Domme) was at a seminar at the castle and at a cocktail party one evening discussed with Tanaquil her need for more mainstream punitive exercises for her high-spirited girls. Tanaquil suggested pointe punishment as it is can be very difficult and very painful for a woman trainee, even one with extensive ballet training if the course is designed properly. A girl can become somewhat used to ballet boots in a few days. A girl with no pointe training can take months to (or perhaps never) become hardened to the pain of pointe work- because there is no ankle or heel support, especially during sex on her toes where she is lifted off the floor by her partner’s thrusts and then dropped back on her platforms as he withdraws for his next thrust. Pointe appears to be extremely feminine, but it takes years of training and very strong feet, ankles and legs and still even for expert pointe dancers there is some pain. So pointe training can be excellent, seemingly benign, training when in reality it can be barbaric when a sadistic Domme is the teacher.

As returning readers know, pointe also strengthens the vaginal and other pelvic muscles amazingly. So a girl can be punished on her toes while also getting a certain amount of strength training from pointe, if her Domme trainer is careful. There is the problem of blood soaking and softening conventionally made pointes of cloth paper and paste like Capezio and Freed. However, if the trainee wears polymer shanked Gaynor Minden or Capulet pointes which have polymer boxes the blocks will not soften regardless of how much blood fills the boxes. The teacher also has the option of fitting the punitive trainee in GMs or Capulets from which the inner toe-box padding has been stripped which will increase the trainees discomfort amazingly. Occasionally this sort of training will produce a masochist like Anya who delights in pain and the training then just reinforces her obstinacy, but 99% of the girls don’t last a week before they develop very compliant attitudes.

Anya and punitive pointe training: Because Anya is a masochist and enjoys brutal pointe sex along with other specialties she accepted a commission from a unit of Taryn’s Adult Media Empire to advise the Swiss head mistress on what additions should be made to the classical syllabus for pointe training to heighten its punitive aspect and exactly what the disciplinary regimen should consist of to achieve various levels of pain for training purposes. She will also examine the physical plant to see if any changes need to be made to introduce ‘solitary barre’ punishment and if there is need for any additional machines and devices creative punitive pointe training can require. The trip will also give her an opportunity to see Castile Deiter for the first time since its renovation with Tanaquil and one of her lieutenants, who used to be one of Deiter’s girls, giving the tour.


  1. Can you explain deeper what kind of pointe training used as punitive pointe training? I really interested to this topic

  2. Hi Risa. I thought your question deserved an answer where more of my readers could see it. So I posted the answer as a new entry. See my post on December 25, 2010 entitled ‘Punitive pointe training explained’ Please ask if you have more questions.
