Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Menstrual sex

A submissive being trained for menstrual sex

Menstrual sex: When I’m menstrual I have my secondary libidinal peak when I enjoy menstrual sex with all its messiness and the attendant monthly scents of blood and uterine flow along with the normal scents associated with the sweaty exertion of energetic intercourse. A lot of men are turned off about having sex with a woman during her period so finding guys who enjoy ‘swimming in the Red Sea’ and who are suitable partners can sometimes be difficult. I recently had a lovely chat with a friend as we set up guidelines for a menstrual encounter when I visit him, he lives out of state, hopefully in the near future. He is so into menstrual sex! I can’t imagine why we haven’t done this before. He’s married so he’ll have to take me in my hotel room. To give readers some idea what goes into planning this sort of an encounter from a woman’s perspective here is a bit of our conversation:

A friend: What clothes would you wear for CD1? We would have menstrual sex in your hotel room, but with bed protection that is usually what I do in that situation.

Me: Around here I usually wear something red when I'm menstrual and red pointe shoes... I'm not usually too grouchy but I like to give... men especially... warning... Would you like me demure... or haughty when I’m menstrual?

A friend: Nice I like that touch. Red something in your outfit.... I would like you however you honestly feel... I mean just be yourself and I would LOVE the messy sex very, very sexy for me...

Me: Well, that's a problem with you. On one level I would love to dominate you, the great expert in your field who has thousands of women after him. On the other hand I want to feel protected, demure and submissive when under your spell...

A friend: I would provide a latex bed sheet for our menstrual sex so we can just let you flow and enjoy it .... ha ha.. ok then on CD1 you dominate and on CD2 you are submissive then...

Me: Awesome! I'll bring my whip and ballet boots with the 7 inch spike heels! And then on CD2 I wear a bondage collar and labia leash... I hate being taken in the shower! The mess washes away but the encounter is so antiseptic I think...The rubber sheet solves several problems and I get my latex fix digging the platforms of my red leather pointes into the rubber to lift my hips when you are thrusting into me in missionary.

A friend: I agree about the shower.. and I would want you on the bed missionary style and with you on top too... the menstrual blood has to be enjoyed... not washed away....

Me: I totally agree! My bloody flow is a gift and the sign of the renewal of my reproductive cycle...

A friend: I would also want to enjoy your menstrual blood when out and about with you... how do you usually like to arrange that

Me: I just empty my Milex or whatever CB I’m using before I leave home and then again when I need to... since I've been having regular MEs for more than 18 months now I haven't had to empty while away from home... what do you have in mind?

A friend: You would not have your ME till CD3 so we could enjoy CD1 and 2 to the full. I would not want you protected at all and would want full and free access to you at all times... you would control your flow with a belted pad and no panties so it could just be slid to one side when I wanted to take you and enjoy your menses on my penis... you would be allowed a male condom if you wished but that is all...

Me: I flow heavily on CD2 so if I’m not to use ANY protection ... Ohhh a pad and belt...yes, that's ok... I can do that easily! Umm... I would be allowed a male condom? LOL! What good would that do me? I wouldn't need in for contraception.

A friend: just in case you felt you wanted contraceptive cover. (not that you would need it)

Me: Ahhh... well... that's a sweet thought, but with my ME the next day and then again on CD1 of my next cycle I don't think I'd need it. And If I did... Well, wouldn't that be awesome to be carrying your baby, but it would only be for a month.. Then I’d terminate it!

A friend: no you would not need it .. just I always offer… yes that would be awesome I agree.

Me: The condom is a lovely gesture and it's appreciated too!

A friend: would you enjoy that plan for CD1/2?

Me: Wearing a belted pad, yes absolutely! It's rather like wearing an absorbent thong...


  1. I'm not sure how I'd react when I learn whomever I'm with is flowing. Jenny was on the pill when we were together, and I don't know when she had her period.

  2. There are some extended regimen pills now but most are still 21 active pills and 7 inactive ones so women on those pills (if they are taken correctly) will have a regular 28 day cycle.

    Yaz still has a 28 day cycle but has 24 active and 4 inactive pills which gives Yaz users shorter periods. And then there are Seasonale and Seasonique which – once the woman’s body adjusts – will allow her to go 3 months w/o a period so she has a period only 4 times a year. The newest extended use regimen pill is Lybrel which has a 365 day active pill regimen. With Lybrel a woman can supposedly go an entire year w/o a period… but irregular bleeding is very common with extended use pills like Seasonale, Seasonique and Lybrel.

  3. I am such a fan of period sex, latex and diaphragm usage. This site is pure heaven. Thank you.

  4. I have just broke up with a lover who made
    menstrual sex special. She made it a ritual thing, using a menstrual cup to catch her flow then serve it to me as a cocktail. Second morning of her period was usually the heaviest, and she would straddle my face and empty herself, pee and period. It was her way of saying I want a part of me to be a part of you.

  5. Hi Peter. I'm sorry you lost your menstrual sex partner. I hope you can find another woman compatible in that regard.

    It’s such a thrill for me watching a lover drink my flow while giving me oral sex. Especially when I know he has fought another man for the privilege. I feel as though I'm letting him share a very special part of me!
