Sunday, January 24, 2010

Brine and professional rubber-chicks

Cooling off in a brine bed during a video shoot

Brine beds and the rubber fetish: The freezing point of brine is much lower than that of pure water so it can be refrigerated and used to quickly chill small pools of water such as the brine beds or ‘cool pools’ that latex escorts, models and porn actresses use to refresh themselves during strenuous training or from working under powerful video lighting while encased in latex. It’s common for newbies to a career in latex to try and do more than is physically possible while encased in latex and then collapse from heat exhaustion. Not staying well hydrated while in a skin tight rubber suit in which the temperature can easily reach 130° F during barre work or sex – even with the crotch zipper open - is a common cause of heat stroke in even the healthiest girls. So between times on cam and during rehearsal breaks the girls drink sports drinks to replace the electrolytes lost in sweat and cool down in transportable pools chilled with brine. That way they save time by staying in their latex suits between the times they are needed on cam.

A chilling accident: One of Taryn’s adult media companies had a crew working at Adolph’s the other day when a control valve on the pallet mounted chiller failed. The valve controlled the mixture and therefore the temperature of the brine circulating through one of the three brine beds on the shoot and it was the one in which an actress was napping after a grueling session. The valve failed in the partially open position and the water in the pool froze. The 23 y/o clad in her latex suit died of hypothermia w/o ever waking. Which I think may be a pretty painless way to go considering all the painful and fatal things that can befall an escort or porn actress. Fortunately she was wearing a gasmask in the earlier parts of the video so another girl took her place wearing a SCUBA set to finish the rubber-clad dive-sex encounter, so viewers of the video will never know it used two different actresses.

Snuff video: It turns out that a security cam was focused on the cool pool in which the rubber-chick died so the video was cleaned up to enhance the images and the reprocessing turned the video into a great 45 minute snuff video. There is no action for the first 25 minutes except watching the brine freeze the pool water around the rubber-chick, but knowing the girl’s body temp is rapidly dropping can be a huge turn on for those rubber fetishists who are into hyperthermia. The last 20 minutes is of her body being chipped out of the frozen pool and being given mouth-to-mouth to try and revive her. The beautiful limp rubber clad body with her front zip pulled down to expose the blue nipples of her breasts is awesome! Robin says it’s the sort of kinky rubber-death thing that guys (especially in Europe) will pay a fortune to own because it’s a wonderful video to masturbate to. After some months on offer, after sales decrease, Taryn’s marketing director says she might consider renting copies but rentals can be easily pirated which is why the purchase price of single copies will be so expensive.

Hot shots or hot loads: These are other names for sex w/o contraceptive protection of any kind. In escort training and at St Lucy’s we stress never being caught unprotected and for women with hormonal (Implanon) or GyneFix implants that’s very easy to do. However, for women on oral contraceptives or those of us who use barriers for contraception there can be times that, if we aren’t careful we can be caught unprepared. Like, when a girl forgets her pills on a vacation trip or to insert her barrier after drinking too much alcohol. If the girl remembers soon enough afterward Plan B is very effective, but there is still a chance she will become preggers.

Then there are the unprotected girls who routinely take hot loads on a dare or because they are risk takers and want to see how long they can get away with using no protection. That was how I was for the first year after I became sexually active. Then I met Father Tom and as my spiritual advisor he insisted on wearing a condom, because he didn’t want to add to his parishioners by me (at 14) giving birth to his baby. He needn’t have worried. However, if a girl is going to take that level of risk she should at least confine herself to partners who have been tested and are free of STIs. These days a pregnancy can be easily and safely terminated. That’s not true of some few STIs which are incurable and sometimes fatal. The likelihood of becoming pregnant from a single act of unprotected sex varies from person to person, and also depends on where the woman is in her menstrual cycle. The probability is highest when she is fertile around the time of ovulation, when, on average, up to one third of women will become pregnant from having sex once. So routinely having unprotected sex over a 12 month interval typically results in an 85% pregnancy rate. There is nothing like watching a well equipped man sliding in out of you and thinking how good it feels while you wonder if you are going to get your period when you should. I tried not to think about that when I was 14 and unprotected as it was a huge turn off and would ruin a sexual encounter.

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