Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Pointe shoe quiz 01-27-10

What obvious modification has this dancer made to her pointes?

For extra credit: Guess who the maker of her shoes is? There is a clue but no proof in this photo.


  1. Hmmmm ok Jill , In this case the dancer has done a darning of the vamp . Reasons for this is Block is too Wide or too Narrowor the dancer needs more support for the instep and last to keep her toes from poping out of the shoe . I going to guess Ganyor Mindons based on three items The way the swead is on the toe, also, there is no drawstring on the vamp. If you elarge the picture enough you can see a bump.Between te ribbon and the elastic . Where she tucked the drawstring into the shoe . Of course this is only a guess.
    How did I do teacher?

  2. Yes Paul, vamp extensions! and...

    YES! She is wearing Gaynors!! Awesome!!! No drawstring at the throat of the vamp was my clue...
