Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Pointe shoe quiz 02-10-10

Who is the maker of these shoes?


  1. Jill , I thought you was going to put something hard !
    There are two pointe shoes companys that use the circle one is principal . This one is Suffolk Pointe shoe company in the UK . Also the style shown is the Solo in different width's
    How did I do teach.?

  2. Paul, you are correct! The quiz pic is of Suffolk Pointe Shoe Company Solo pointes!

    I think there are only two companies that use solid line ovals in their logos. The Suffolk logo uses a solid double oval. The Freed Studios logo uses a single solid oval. The Principal logo I’m familiar with uses an oval made up of a series of crosses. Is there a Principal shoe that has a solid oval in a logo? If there is I’d love to see a pic of it.
