Sunday, March 28, 2010

Pointe shoe quiz 03-28-10

A pair of Natalie Portman’s pointes worn during the making of her new film ‘Black Swan’

These shoes were auctioned for charity on 3-27-10.

1. Who was the maker of these shoes and, 2. can you guess what the winning bid was?


  1. I'll answer the second question first, as's auction has the bid at $1,525. I would guess the shoes could've been made by either Grishko or Capezio, since I'm not sure of her ballet skills.

  2. Yes! The winning bid was $1,525.00 USD.

    Capezio was a good guess, however, the maker is neither Grishko nor Capezio.

    None of Natalie Portman's bios list any meaningful ballet training so I think there will be some close-ups of her in practice clothes at the barre and a lot of long shots of body doubles performing sections from Swan Lake. The lesbian sex scene doesn't take any ballet training.

  3. Jill Ya had me allmost stumped ...Still the shoes have one defining clue .. That is the extra stiching along the vamp. Which are found on freed shoes .

  4. Yes Paul! They are Freed Classics

  5. Freed, eh? I would've thought a more "beginner" shoe, due to Ms. Portman's non-ballet ability.
