Monday, April 12, 2010

Pointe shoe Quiz 04-11-10

Who is the maker of this shoe?

And, give three reasons for the modification of the platform


  1. Seeing the phrase "West Germany" pointed me to do a Google search to discover the shoe was made by Eva, which is also branted on the midsole. Now, as for the reasons the platform had that padding added, I can guess these reasons: 1) to deaden the sound when the platforms strike the stage/floor, 2) to provide extra traction, and 3) extra comfort.

  2. Hi Eric, You are doing great so far! Yes, Eva is a German shoe but it is a style or model like the Freed Classic or the Bloch Alpha, not the name of the maker. Who is the maker of Eva? You have two of the reasons for the modification, traction and to reduce the noise of the shoes, but it has little to do with comfort. I hope you have time to try again. Good luck!

  3. Eric I have waited for you to finish with the quiz . Oh well . Jill The shoe maker is Karl-Heinz Martin as for the third answer the rubber cap increases the shoes durability.

  4. Thanks for the help, Paul. I just couldn't think of the third reason, and couldn't find the manufacturer.

  5. Yes, you're right Paul. Thanks to both you and Eric for participating!
