Sunday, August 15, 2010

Pointe shoe quiz 08-14-2010

What maker’s shoes is this swimmer wearing?

This is an easy one, but I couldn’t resist posting this image


  1. Looks like with the sole pattern they could be Gaynor Minden. I have to wonder how that swimmer got then into the ocean without ruining them.

  2. Yes Eric, they are Gaynors! Good for you! But showing that much sole wear they already had a lot of use. So ending their life as a prop for a photo shoot almost certainly isn't a waste. Dancers seldom waste the useful life of their pointes, unless someone else is footing the bill for their shoes. And, even then we have been brought up to conserve and protect the wellbeing of our pointes since after a ballet dancer's body they are the most important tools of our art.
