Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Reader’s questions and nail polish
Sally Hansen No Chip acrylic top coat
Nail polish and pointes: A reader asks “Do you paint your toenails and if so how do you keep the polish from chipping when you wear pointes and ballet boots?” When I have a Pedi my nail tech knows I’m in pointes most of the time, so she just goes lightly over my calluses, cuts my nails straight across and after applying a colored lacquer covers it with a coat of Sally Hansen No Chip Acrylic Top Coat. That way my nails look great for up to a week. The lacquer lasts the longest if I’m wearing Gaynors and Pleasure boots because of the interior padding. When I wear traditionally made pointes, my Freeds mostly, the polish only lasts half as long. I love Sally Hansen products! The No Chip Acrylic Top Coat really works well for me!
Factor V Leiden Mutation: A reader asked “Do you test St Lucy’s students for Factor V Leiden Mutation and PT 20210 Mutation?” Factor V Leiden Mutation and PT 20210 Mutation increases the likelihood of deep vein thrombosis (DVT), blood clots in the legs. All St Lucy’s students, the female staff and all our female escort candidates are routinely tested for Factor V Leiden Mutation. That way we know if it is likely there could be a clotting problem if the girl is on or goes on a combined (estrogen/progestin) contraceptive. A progestin only method like a Mirena IUD, Implanon implant or the mini-pill is safe for a woman with Factor V Leiden Mutation to use. Even so we try to get the students to have a GyneFix IUD implanted because of its long term (five years for the 6 tube regular size) effectiveness, low cost over the life of the device and very low maintenance.
We began testing for Factor V Leiden Mutation several years ago when two UNLV students who developed DVT while on the pill were found to have the gene mutation. About 5% of the population of the U.S has the gene mutation and it’s found primarily in people with European backgrounds. If a woman inherits the mutation from both her parents she is 80 times more likely to develop clots than a woman w/o the mutation. While the women’s doctors should have asked about Factor V Leiden before putting them on the pill some don’t and we have found two students and an escort candidate in three years who had the mutation and weren’t aware of it. One student was on the pill and was immediately taken off.
Blog comment mediation: My readers who also have blogs on Blogger/BlogSpot will know that Google has recently rolled out a feature that allows spam filtering on comments to a blog. Until the other day I had left comments to this blog unmediated. However, now with the spam feature it is in my interest to mediate the comments. Not because I have had spam, I have had only one spam comment from someone (who said he was a young man) who wanted to share with me how well Viagra worked for him and helpfully posted the address of his on-line pharmacy! Like my email spam folder isn’t filled with that sort of thing on a daily basis! Go figure!
I think a really nice thing about comment mediation is that it allows me to see all comments immediately after submission. That way new comments to earlier posts buried in the archives that I would otherwise probably never see are brought to my attention. Now that I will be able to see all comments I can answer them if I want and so be more responsive to my readers. There haven’t been all that many, but there were a few.
Vampire sex: It’s Wednesday and I’m CD27 today and will be CD1 and menstrual this Friday. I think I mentioned in an earlier post that since I found that a Reflexions flat spring diaphragm can be safely worn as a gas guard for deep dive-sex down to at least 200 feet I no longer need to have menstrual extractions on a monthly basis. The ME was to decrease my period to two days so I could wear an Oves cap for deep dive-sex cervical protection for 26 of the 28 days of my cycle. I started having MEs in October of 2007 so it has been almost three years and thirty-seven menstrual extractions.
It was worth having the MEs at the time to get another four days wearing Oves per cycle but the time, discomfort and the physical risk to my uterus were constantly there and so I’m glad to be getting back to a normal period and using a Reflexions flat spring diaphragm as a gas guard when I’m menstrual. Returning to a normal menses will provide more bloody playtime for some of my men friends as well because I have several stallions who enjoy vampire sex, going down on me when I’m menstrual and also filling me with sperm when I’m flowing, so being back at full flow after three years will be a treat for me and them too!
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