Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Pointe shoe quiz December 7, 2010

What maker’s shoes is this model wearing?


  1. Hey Jill ,

    Mmmmm You just can not miss the way a freed toe box is made . Also the answer is for a double check is here
    28 seconds into the offical video . By the way nice song!
    How did I do ?

  2. I think I've seen the dancer design on the forefoot of the sole on Capulet shoes. I can't confirm it, because somehow Pointeshoe.net is down.

  3. Paul, you're correct... the shoes are Freeds. Good for you!

    Eric, the line of stitching under the throat of the vamp is usually a sign that the shoes are Freed Chassics.

    Paul S... I missed your participation.

  4. Jill,

    Sorry, I did have a look at this... was going to say 'Freed' myself (as a guess) after reading an article about Moira Shearer wearing Freed's in the actual film...


    But wasn't 100% sure with this being a later music video... could have been Gaynors I thought at one point...

    Wish I'd listened to my original gut feeling!

