Eight cervical barriers, some with cases
Adolph’s fetish facilities expand: Adolph decided to branch out and enter the under-served market for female water fetishists. He has opened a woman’s intimate aqua-club, it’s called The Lorelei, and he has a full service vaginal devices boutique in it to fit gas-guards, among other things. He negotiated with our woman’s clinic that takes care of a lot of the entertainers and escorts in town to run the satellite cervical barrier fitting salon at The Lorelei which shares the same large building with Splash. The barrier fitting salon will pull some traffic away from the main clinic location, but boost the bottom line since the cost for fittings is about 15% higher than at the main location because of the convenience factor of being able to get fitted on site just before entering a club encounter pool. The clinic gets 80% of the profit since no other fetish club has a woman’s facility much less gas-guard fitting capability and because vaginal rubber is catching on, among the very wealthy as the need for gas guards becomes more apparent, he feels The Lorelei will be ahead of the curve. Female guests at the Lorelei can bring a male companion or chose from among a stable of male escorts picked for their skills and stamina.
The photo at the top of this entry shows eight cervical barriers. The three in the top row are, from left to right: the Ortho All-Flex, the Milex wide seal diaphragm and the FemCap. The three in the middle row are: Lea’s Shield, the Prentif cavity rim cervical cap (that looks like a thimble) and the Ortho Coil spring rim diaphragm. The two devices in the bottom row are: the Semina diaphragm and the Oves cervical cap. Of these eight the Lea’s shield, Prentif, and Oves caps and the Ortho coil spring rim are no longer being made. Prentif and Oves caps can occasionally be found on the internet though most sizes are nearly impossible to get. A coil spring rim is made by Milex. The Semina – the one with the red rim and transparent dome – is made in Brazil and not generally available in the U.S.
For want of a gas-guard: The local fetish community had the need for gas-guards tragically brought home the last week I was away when a highly respected community leader from a large eastern U.S city had an embolism during a dive-sex encounter. She was in her mid 40s in good health and was an experienced diver and rubber fetishist. She was taken to a private hospital and put on a respirator, but her brain activity had flat-lined. Her husband flew out and had her medical power of attorney in which she requested no heroic measures be taken should she be declared brain dead and he had her taken off the respirator and sat with her for the 3 hours it took her to stop breathing. Fortunately the accident happened in a private home and not at The Lorelei. Adolph knows the husband and offered him consolation at Splash for which Adolph says, he was grateful. The couple had an open marriage and each had an active sex life so he wasn’t upset about her having sex with another man, but he was furious about her not wearing her gas-guard which he loved her to wear and which she consistently went without whenever she had SCUBA-sex with other men. She left 12 y/o twin boys.
The Lorelei uses the same utilities and the same upper management as Splash though there are only four encounter pools rather than the nine at Splash, but the building that was once a massive cold storage warehouse and is built like a bunker with most of it underground to reduce HVAC costs, and has plenty of room for them both to expand. Managing The Lorelei itself is Abigail (Abi) who returning readers will remember from earlier posts. She is a gorgeous 25 y/o German with auburn hair who is strong, smart and an expert swimmer/diver who had been a soloist with the Frankfurt Ballet. She was hired to teach an underwater bondage course at Splash early last year then accepted the position as Pool-Assistant (and Lorelei in residence) to Adolph in June 2010.
Adolph expects The Lorelei to operate at a loss for at least the first year to eighteen months as membership builds but he felt the need to have a facility where women can enjoy their most extreme fetishes while being in a safe location. The Lorelei also provides him an opportunity to possibly take possession of some additional female bodies under certain circumstances, so his motives are not entirely altruistic. He has put out the word among wealthy friends on the West Coast who are or know adventuresome women who would be interested in a confidential facility like The Lorelei either as a destination, at a convention or while vacationing in the area.
What’s a nice girl like you - : I have an anonymous admirer, a returning reader who comments - occasionally in considerable detail - on blog entries that interest or horrify him.
I recently got a comment from him along the lines of the old query: “What’s a nice girl like you doing in a place like this?” I’ve mentioned my reasons for being in Vegas and living the life I do a number of times in postings on this blog, but I’ll share with my readers my answers, in case anyone else wonders or cares.
>why go from classic training to the nasty underworld of Vegas?
“Because here I can have the best of both worlds! I run my own company, get to dance what and when I want and can pass on my skills to like minded young women and get all the fetish sex I need at the risk levels I crave.”
>why underwater is it supposed to heighten the brain rush or something, or just the danger of not coming up?
“Why not? It feeds a number of my fetishes simultaneously. My need for: rubber encasement, gasmask, being kept alive by mechanical means, breathing compressed gas and sex in a hostile environment as well as the possibility of becoming pregnant from a cervical barrier failure while being inseminated.
Combining those cravings in a single sexual encounter is for me unbelievably erotic. And that is especially true when my libido peaks as it has this week. That’s because today I’m CD12 and fertile – I should ovulate two days from now, this coming Thursday. The chance of an unplanned pregnancy is very slight, but there is enough risk to cause a frissson of concern to curl my toes and make me wet with desire for a man to plant his seed in my belly.”
E for effort: In response to my entry ‘Fertile women and their scent’ posted on 02-22-2011 he sent me an exceptionally long comment, even for him. In general he was complimentary, but his experience with fetish sex while erotic has been disappointing and, if I understood him correctly he finds my interest in and need for sexual intercourse while wearing latex or SCUBA gear, unrealistic, based on his experience. He wrote:
“If a fetish can be taught and learned, how come so many (men) complain that their partners (wifes, GFs SOs) have no aptitude, nor interest and don’t get it even when they agree to give it a try? Why is something which is so compelling to some so repulsive to others?”
If he was a woman he would know the answer to that question. The majority of daughters are brought up to suppress their sexuality. Even Moms who grew up in the 60s during the sexual revolution when the pill first became available usually realize the risks they took and try to shield their daughters from making the same ‘mistakes’. That early training carries over into intimate relationships when the daughters become sexually active so that vanilla sex is as wild as they dare get without feeling devalued and objectified. It is very difficult for most girls to go against their moral training that has been drilled into them by their mothers for years when their hormones kick in and they start craving men. Intense sports, cold showers, and masturbation tend to lessen the need for men, but not entirely which results in vanilla sex. Only a few adventuresome girls are attracted by the look of a feminine form encased in latex and dare to display their bodies that way.
He complained that his experience with fetish clubs was disappointing, writing:
“I started attending some SM and clubs expecting to meet females who might share my latex fetish in one form or another. Didn’t happen. These clubs were populated by fat ugly people who could care less about elegance, beauty… form motion… fetish and more about whips and so forth. YUCK. I was looking for elegant Balanchine females enclosed in rubber and there wasn’t anything in rubber at all”
Talk about unrealistic expectations and fantasies! Entry level fetish clubs are like that with members having far less than perfect bodies. Balanchine bodies are high maintenance and the few owners of that sort of bod who are into fetishwear almost always realize they can be kept by a rich man or work in an elite club where they can network to become better known and properly appreciated. I think too, that a man actually meeting a beautiful woman encased in latex while finding her erotic may often be so in awe of her that he is unable to act on his fantasies.
I’ve seen that happen to my students in latex encasement training when they take a new partner and he is so mesmerized by their beauty they need to physically seduce him to get him aroused. My shrink says that is because the men in the presence of a woman they know is well out of their league will often think they may be unworthy of such a prize or will be dismissed as inadequate and fear rejection and scorn to the degree that they can’t become aroused or will ejaculate w/o getting an erection. My correspondent goes further, writing that:
“clearly fetish(es) don’t appeal to everyone and everyone will not “get off” on fetish or the less discussed fetish sex. Sex is not discussed as much as bondage, cross dressing, chastity, S&M… My own decades of experience leads me to believe that the most powerful aspect of fetish sex is the fantasy nature of it… not so much the practice of it.”
He is quite correct in that regard, but we should be thankful that vanilla sex does not include true fetish sex and thankful for a number of reasons. First the average person can’t afford much outside the standard S&M gear of ropes, chains, nipple and labia clamps, gags and frilly undies. Latex and dive gear is costly and high maintenance with (in the case of latex) a short lifespan even for quality garments. Finally, for most people expectations are kept in check by community mores, the financial burden and the realization – on the part of the women involved – that they are the ones likely to end up injured or pregnant from fetish sex and as a result do their best to minimize their participation or try to avoid it entirely. So living a rubber fantasy in her mind or at dress-up parties is as much excitement as the average woman wants or can afford.
Fortunately, there are quite a few daughters of wealthy parents or young women of independent means for whom these economic and social barriers pose no limitation on where their adventuresome natures might take them. It is to these women that St Lucy’s is dedicated; to providing the best classical education for the mind and the most advanced intimate training possible for their bodies so they can harness their sexuality for advancement in any field of endeavor they choose while enjoying the delights of the opposite sex in relative safety.
I love Veronika Part. Here is an interview with her you might enjoy.
Let me state for the record there is someone else out there trying to impersonate me, I have never been to a fetish club, never been to a girly bar, or the like, I like dance, and for that matter like the smell of leather, and like it since its expensive for coats or the like, I like the way it shines and ran across this blog while trying to find rare pointes made out of cowhide, found the red ones on google in photo search. I like to find out what makes people tick.
ReplyDeleteYou should be able to tell my posts by the bad spelling, I am not the same J as above.
I know well of two other followers, Ben, and Paul D and for one Paul D makes or used to make taps for toe tap. As for Ben Pointeman1 well, if ever someone was attracted to ballet and eclectic pointe as well as airshows it would be him, hes all over the internet and has been for over ten years.
The only reason I am here is the pointe quiz, and morbid curiousity about what really goes on in Las Vegas. that and the results of the cigar experament, stomping out flat foot vs en pointe which will put it out faster.
I am not capital J
signed jj
Hi jj... thanks for changing your 'name'. I don't think there was any attempt to impersonate you on the part of the other anon poster using J as an identifier and I was pretty sure that he doesn't post on Dance.net as JP, so I wouldn't take it personally. Again thanks for changing your identifier to jj.