Sunday, March 13, 2011

Death Rubber & Spring Break

Rubber Sub inserting a motorized sleep aid at bedtime

Motorized dildos & encasement suits: The photo above shows a Rubber Sub inserting a motorized pelvic plug (the female escort candidates call them joysticks) as a sleep aid. The good ones have anti-expulsion ridges that fit behind the pubic bone to prevent accidental expulsion from vaginal muscle contractions during orgasm. The remote control allows adjusting the vibi to the exact stimulation the user wants or needs for her circumstances. The continuous or pulsed stimulation focuses the wearer’s mind on something pleasant and can be used to exhaust her to the extent that she sleeps and dream erotically for hours and hours. For female rubber fetishists who enjoy sleeping in an encasement suit a well lubed motorized dildo with a G-spot vibi on its lowest setting is ideal for nights when sleeping alone.

Or, for a Sub, if her Dom is traveling and she has been ordered to sleep encased it can take a girl’s mind off the pooling sweat between her breasts, under arms and the service zip open (for the power cord) will allow some drainage of vaginal discharge because having an operating joystick inserted keeps a woman very, very wet. The distraction provided by an operating joystick is especially helpful for girls new to and being trained in the role of a Rubber Sub. To ensure long duration encounter reliability for bondage Subs strapped to a bed or table where they can’t help themselves the small AC motor driving the vibi head eliminates the problem of batteries dying in the middle of an hours long encounter leaving her encased but un-stimulated to marinate in her own fluids as she contemplates life bound to please as a rubber sub.

‘Death Rubber’ as a fetish: For anyone new to reading this blog I’ve coined the term ‘Death Rubber’ for tight rubber clothing of any kind; sportswear such as SCUBA wetsuits or drysuits or fetishwear such as latex lingerie, catsuits or encasement suits in which another woman was encased when she died while having sex. Wearing rubber that another woman died in while being penetrated by a man is a huge turn-on for me and I’m fortunate to have access to some of this type rubber gear through one of the jobs I’m called on to perform from time to time. Sex for me while wearing death rubber is not only intensely physical but a profound psychological experience.

A reader recently took me to task for writing about that aspect of my life, commenting that “you are too cavalier about it with your supposed fetish for "death rubber". That's one I can't even begin to understand.” Since from his other comments he seems to be broadminded and have rather sophisticated tastes I was a bit taken aback by his comment about my being too cavalier about other women’s deaths during fetishist sexual encounters when in fact I do everything possible to hide their identities if they had been involved with something questionable or where family is available, which is seldom the case, help return the body to them with respect.

But it’s not just wearing death rubber. There is also being taken to orgasm wearing DR, while having penetrative sex with an unprotected man who is doing his best (biologically) to impregnate me which is another important part of the allure of death rubber for me. My circle of stallions have very high quality sperm so I know when they plant their seed in my belly they are giving it their very best shot. My being able to do what the previous owner was unable to - to enjoy the reproductive act as recreation - while wearing her rubber protection gives me a feeling of power over death and a bond with the original owner’s spirit, from the tiny bit of her life force still left in her rubber clothing or equipment.

Spring Break in Vegas: It’s that time again and while many college students head for warm beaches some want a bit edgier experience and come to Vegas. It’s usually the 4th year under-grads and grad-students who can legally drink and play the tables and who want to sample the kinky side of Sin City. The singles bar (the Meat Market) and the lounge shows at Naughty Pleasures at our casino, help provide a good introduction to the kinky side of Vegas.

Unfortunately we are already seeing young women on spring break come in to our 24/7 clinic for emergency contraception because they forgot their pills or the condom tore. So far this year condoms tearing on zipper tracks of rubber catsuits seem to be the most common accidents, but then we run a fetish friendly clinic so perhaps that’s why so much rubber walks through the door. I can relate, about the scramble to get him reinserted when he slips out just as she is approaching orgasm so no attention is paid when the tip of his protection snags on the track of her service zipper. This year male grad-students from UNLV - who are hunting unescorted Co-eds from Eastern colleges like grizzlies standing in a spawning stream waiting for salmon – seem to be the ones with the torn condoms. The service zippers on the rental-rubber catsuits the chicks wear aren’t well protected when open so can be a hazard to a man if he isn’t careful. In the men’s favor they usually bring the inseminated chicks in for EC. Some opt for Ella, the new EC pill, others for having a copper IUD inserted. I’d like to think it’s because a guy wants to do the right thing by a sexual partner, but a major motivator is that a paternity suit can complicate a guy’s life especially if he’s in med or law school.

Bad actors: Occasionally there will be a belligerent woman who is under the influence of alcohol or drugs. I had one of those during my shift as duty manager several nights ago. She was a grad-student with money in a well fitting high quality rubber catsuit, open face hood with long blonde hair pulled through the hair tube and gloves. The suit fit so well I was pretty sure it was hers and not rental-rubber. She wore a pair of good quality leather ballet-boots and she had enough talent and practice to actually walk in them rather well, before she became obnoxious. I knew she was an amateur when I saw the hair tube. No serious fetishist wears a hood with a hair tube in a new venue because it’s a physical and identity liability.

She had been snorting coke and had w/o warning attacked another woman breaking her arm with a kick aimed for her breasts, but her victim managed to turn and take the blow with her forearm resulting in a compound fracture. I tried reason but miss agression wouldn’t calm down and I could see that the quieter I got the madder she got and that there was going to be another confrontation. She was tall, 5’8” (6’5” in ballet boots) with long legs while I’m 5’4” (6’1” in BBs) so she had the reach on me. I had security guys available, but it was a matter of minimizing the disruption while letting the customers see that a woman manager can take care of a problem so I decided to handle her myself.

I knew she was going to kick at my breasts. In a woman-woman bar fight women in ballet boots almost always try to kick an opponent in her breasts which can be painful, but not disabling. Even so, it was time for me to pump my breasts and I really didn’t want to have a boot platform, mash an engorged breast or worse the 7 inch spike of a heel puncture one. I’ll try to use reason to defuse a tense situation, but if it comes to blows my policy is to use whatever force necessary to end the fight as quickly as possible. So I was ready and stepped back when she kicked, then stepped closer as the momentum of her kick opened her pelvis to attack and I brought my boot up with a kick calculated to put her down w/o doing too much damage by putting the leather sheathed titanium vamp of the toe-box hard into her crotch. It hit with a solid thump and enough force to lift her off her standing leg. She gasped couldn’t get her breath and couldn’t get her working leg back under her before the platform of the boot on her standing leg hit the floor and her knee buckled as she doubled over at the waist. As her head came within range I kneed her in the face and she toppled over on her side moaning and clutching her groin. It was over in less than 5 seconds.

Perineal trauma: With her down I rolled her on to her back with the platform of my boot. The first thing I looked for was to see if her thighs were still correctly aligned and that she could move her legs. I was relieved that she could, a good indication that I hadn’t fractured her pelvis, but had produced perineal straddle trauma which is exactly what I had intended. Before I struck I could tell that she wasn’t wearing a Jill pad and as often as I’ve hit opponents with that kick during KP Boot fighting they were all wearing pelvic protection. So estimating the force necessary to create tissue injury w/o major damage is always tricky. She seemed to have good bone structure, but you can never be sure how solid a woman’s pelvic bone mass is and that sort of blow with too much energy behind it can shatter an unprotected pelvis. When the EMTs slit the crotch of her suit to check the extent of the damage they found her pelvis bloody, her labia majora split and her clitoris seemed badly mashed. I was pleased that it wasn’t worse and was something that will have her avoiding pelvic masturbation and penetrative sex for at least several months after reconstructive surgery.

Breast relief: By the time I had filled out an incident report security had the police there the EMTs had treated both women and taken them to the private hospital where we treat casino related injuries. My breasts were so full and throbbing that I couldn’t wait to get back to my office and get into my Medela breast pump rig. I needed immediate relief so went back stage to the male dancer’s dressing rooms opened my front zip with the top pull and had two of my male dancers who were on break between shows milk me, one at each breast. I was afraid that my boobs were so engorged they would develop stretch marks! I’m delighted to say that didn’t happen. Probably because of the special lanolin moisturizing cream I rub into them every evening at bedtime. While I was with the guys I asked one of them to satisfy me sexually as well because breastfeeding is an extremely erotic activity for the woman being milked. So Andy – who has amazing manual dexterity – used the bottom pull to open my crotch, inserted two fingers and caressed the ring of nerves just behind my Introitus while manipulating my clit with his thumb. He knew exactly what I like and got me off while emptying my left breast. It was marvelous! Until I began lactating myself I had no idea and wondered why some women don’t wean their infants until they are 18 months or 2 years old. Now I know how pleasurable breast feeding can be, I understand. But breasts of lactating women take continuing maintenance and clogged milk ducts and chapped nipples are no fun at all!


  1. I think many women who don't regularly visit your casino don't know you're not one to be messed with. Of course, being in a position of authority, you should be respected by your guests.

  2. I think you balletboot fighting experience did well within these 5 seconds. :-) BTW: How is the season going?

  3. Eric, me and thee should have a pretend play fight outside Jill's casino... I'd love a prescription of some Jill-pain™ *

    *unfortunetly we both could be beaten to a pulp, but I'm sure it will be a pleasurable experience!

    Paul S :D

  4. Hi Joe, yes, she went down very fast! Well, we have several seasons going at the moment. And all are going well.

    My High-rollers clubs ballet company is performing my version of Marguerite and Armand after Frederick Ashton and Ravel’s Bolero with the dancer in pointes rather than barefoot or in sandals as is usual. The soloist masturbating with a dildo while moving en pointe to Ravel’s score is awesome! It drives some of the men in the audience mad with desire.

    And in training this season: St Lucy’s Ballet and AST classes are going well as is the dive-sex training for the current class of escort candidates.

    Thanks for asking!

  5. Paul S:

    When it comes to women, I'm a lover, not a fighter.
