Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Menstruation, lactation and toe pads

Diva Cup, a silicone menstrual cup

The photo: The photo is of a silicone Diva cup used to collect menstrual flow. It can be left in for up to 12 hours according to the manufacturer’s guidelines– depending on the woman’s rate of flow - though I have worn one continuously for 24 hours on my light days with no problem. I haven’t written much about wearing a Diva because for me it is a special use device. Returning readers know that I use a diaphragm for flow control and that works well for me even when I’m diving because I can have sex while it’s inserted. However, there are special circumstances, such as when I’m wearing a drysuit continuously for hours and hours during which using a Diva cup works extremely well since I can wear it all day w/o needing to empty it even though my flow is heavier when I dive.

While the manufacturer recommends a Model #2 for women my age I find wearing the smaller model 1 cup fits me better because my continuous training with Ben Wa balls and Kegel exercises keeps the grip of my ‘vaginal vice’ very strong. I always carry a Diva cup in my dive bag in case I find I need to wear a drysuit when I’m menstrual. Then it’s standard procedure to insert the Diva just after empting my bowels and bladder and before putting on an adult diaper and pulling on the thermal underwear worn under a drysuit. The adult diaper doesn’t allow the same form fitting look as when a wetsuit is worn, but the pants of a drysuit are baggy anyway and I’m not on the runway at Lincoln Center during Fashion Week in a drysuit so the extra bulk of the diaper for when I have to urinate isn’t that noticeable. And besides everyone I know wears a diaper when diving a drysuit.

The dimensions of the Diva cup: For anyone interested the Model 1 cup is 1 11/16" (~4.3 cm) in diameter and the Model 2 cup is 1 13/16" (~4.6 cm) in diameter. Both cups are approximately 2 1/4" (~5.7 cm) in length in the body of the cup, with another 3/8" (~1 cm) stem (2 5/8" total length). The stem may be trimmed to adjust for comfort. There is a small difference between the two sizes (Model 1 is 1/8" (~0.3 cm) smaller), but it is important to use the recommended sizing to prevent leakage. The manufacturer recommends Model 2 if the user is 30 or over 30 years old. As with a diaphragm once the Diva cup is properly inserted and positioned at the lower end of the vaginal vault it can’t be felt by the wearer. I’ve worn a Diva for 8 hours in a drysuit on one of my heaviest days and filled it with 20 ml of flow. It will hold up to 30 ml. Another nice thing about wearing a Diva cup is if a man is into drinking menstrual flow drinking it out of a Diva is easier than drinking it from a diaphragm since it fits his mouth better and is easier to compress to squeeze out the last few drops.

Diving and lactation: As I’ve mentioned when writing about lactating before, lactating is a high maintenance function. Extra pressure from wetsuits and/or tight bathing suits puts a lactating woman at greater risk for plugged milk ducts so there is breast maintenance, keeping my nipples and milk glands soft with a lanolin base cream to prevent clogging and the need to wear a front closure wet or dry suit so I can breastfeed or pump my breasts w/o taking the suit off. When diving, in addition to losing fluid when I’m menstrual and due to my milk production I also lose fluid from immersion dieresis - a type of increased urine production caused by immersion of the body in water (or equivalent liquid) which is mainly caused by lower temperature and by pressure - so I have to be very careful to stay well hydrated. And of course I need to breast feed or pump prior to diving and then every 4 to 6 hours to prevent considerable discomfort from engorged breasts, so I take my portable battery powered Medela breast pump when I go on diving day trips.

Toe pads as an aphrodisiac: In my AST (advanced sexual techniques) class I’m teaching tricks to keep a man fascinated. It’s the little unexpected things like letting him suck on your sweaty, smelly and sometimes bloody, toe pads that keeps a man coming back for more. We all frequently change toe pads when changing shoes so with a bit of planning we can take along several pairs of well used, stained and musky smelling pads that are ready to be trashed so when we give them to a lover to suck the sweat, tape residue, skin particles and blood out of them it’s a bonding experience with the guy at no cost to the woman.

I’ve switched to toe pads too when I want to feel semen squishing between my toes. I used to have the guy(s) jack-off in the blocks of my pointes but now that I’m wearing Gaynors when I’m planning to have sex en pointe it’s more convenient and – because Gaynors last so long - it leaves less mess in the blocks after the semen dries if I have the guy cum in my toe pads. That way I can slip my toes into them and get the full effect of the thick slippery fluid oozing between my toes before I force my toes and pads into the blocks of the Gaynors. Another nice thing about using the pads as semen containers is that when I give the cum pads to a lover to suck on he gets a more complete olfactory and gustatory experience. In addition to their feted scent there is the musky taste of semen along with the salty taste of estrogenic sweat, blood and skin particles… a sort of balanced meal as it were, with the trace nutrients and minerals from sperm.

Gigi has a client at Splash who is a ballet teacher at one of the local schools and he has her take his ‘class’ while wearing Freed Classics - which he paid for as a premium item - in one of the small studios at Splash. He requires her to wear old toe pads and sweat in them during their 45 minute pointe class. Then when she changes into Gaynors for ballet-sex he takes her sweat soaked pads to put in his gasmask so he can fuck her with the scent of her estrogenic sweat intermingled with the rubber scent of his mask. She says that for a German he is a considerate lover and gives her her pleasure first. She says he sounds like Darth Vader with his heavy breathing and muffled voice through his mask while much of the air flow is blocked by her sweat soaked pads.

I’ve had several severely sexually repressed men chew on my filthy toe pads when I peel them off when changing shoes. One of them is a high ranking business associate who I successfully negotiate with in the gaming industry. These men have socialized fairly well and are successful in the business world and in public with women they appear on the surface to be masculine and almost misogynistic. When with a woman in private however, they are extremely submissive though highly virile and potent and they need the scent and taste of a smelly sweat soaked toe pad to perform sexually. I always wear convertible tights over a thong bottom leo and take a pair of Gaynors and several pairs of well used toe pads when I’m dealing with one of them. It’s important to know an opponent’s weaknesses when you are in the business world.

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