Sunday, April 3, 2011

Pointe Shoe Quiz April 3, 2011

Who is the maker of these shoes and what is the style?

This may be a tricky one for most of my regular quiz participants.

I am indebted to Olivier for sharing this image with me.


  1. Lets see I think they are the rare serna brand which was taken over by repetto and cygne pointes, there are only a few dancers that wear them around here, and I think that Olivier would be audre soutin's husband and photographer from dansephoto.

    signed jj

  2. Jill , There Serna Cygne o5 Size 4 (taille)is the french word for size Type 2 MD Meaning #2 Shank Medium Density They can be seen here
    I must say Jill this was a good one The word Cygne lead me at first to Etirel of Intersport,then the sole pattern lead me to Repetto.. Then It got tough! I had to dig into the company history and going back and forth to and the perfect pointe shoe exchange .
    Repetto took over three pointe shoe companys .
    one was Crait Company which had the sole pattern on some of there shoe but not the feathering or the nails .
    Then Repetto took over Gamba I thought it was gamba due to the five letter word on the quiz picture .Gamba did not have the sole pattern
    Went back to the perfect and looked again for the fifth time looking at each sole feathering and sole pattern and there it was the thrid company
    Serna Five letters in the name the right sole pattern and nails with eight feathers. When I looked for it on the internet I found your e-mail to wordpress. You can find it here How I do!?

  3. Yes, they are Serna Cygne pointes! Congratulations JJ and Paul D! That was a difficult one I know.

  4. its simple really, I saw cygne on the sole and you mentioned oliver who I remembered was the husband of audrey from dansephoto who I saw long ago, so it only took about 2 hours to hunt down the name and that they maker was french then learned that it was taken over by repetto

    signed jj
