Friday, June 3, 2011

An ideal breath play FFM

Desco Inferno free flow FFM ideal for breath play

An ideal breath play FFM:
The surface supplied Desco FFM worn by an escort in the photo above is ideal for underwater breath play in my 68 foot deep pool. That’s because this models recommended max depth is 30 feet after which – even with the free flow valve fully open - the air pressure isn’t sufficient to provide enough air for strenuous activity and the deeper a diver goes the more difficult it becomes to breathe. That makes it ideal for breath play during strenuous dive-sex at 45 or 50 feet where the wearer is struggling to breathe and her face is being pushed deeper into her mask by the pressure. Having my face pushed closer to the lens of the mask also decreases the masks buoyancy, which makes me sink faster. I’ve found wearing a Desco FF FFM during orgasms at 50 feet to be an amazingly intense experience while trying to suck enough gas to prevent asphyxiation. It is relatively safe (if I don’t pass out) as all I need do is ascend to increase the air in my lungs. In my experience it’s almost always the woman who wears a Desco FF FFM for breath play because most men can’t function effectively enough when deprived of air to get his partner off. Though, it might work for a man who is masturbating because it works for me when I’m fucking myself with a dildo.

To prevent accidentally pulling the mask off if my air hose gets yanked during a sexual encounter I loop it under my left arm and once around my body so the hose will just tighten around my chest, above my breasts, rather than flood or pull my mask off. I haven’t yet figured out how to assure my ascent if I should pass out during solo breath play, which leaves me at considerable risk of suffocating, or worse permanent brain damage from lack of oxygen, but that does add a frissson of terror to use of the Desco for breath play during solo dive-sex. I do wear flippers to speed the ascent, but I’ve had times I was so starved for oxygen I could hardly move. The easiest thing to do would be to arrange a weight drop from an inflated buoyancy control vest if I should pass out, but I hate wearing a BCD when I’m masturbating so I haven’t given a safe ascent strategy the attention it deserves.

Induced lactation for escorts: I was asked to help coach a few experienced escorts who want to offer breastfeeding as a chargeable service. I declined the request because of my other commitments and the fact that I plan to be traveling for several months during the summer. Inducing lactation is not a step an escort, or any woman, should take w/o giving it serious thought because it is time consuming to prepare the breasts of a nulliparous woman for lactation. It is also labor intensive to pump to first stimulate and then empty lactating breasts and provide good nipple care with lanolin cream to prevent cracked nipples and clogged milk ducts. In addition, it almost always requires hormone therapy and a hospital quality twin breast pump is a must for times when there will not be an infant or adult lover to breast feed, because over-filled breasts are unbelievably painful. More than half the girls who think they want to induce lactation drop out of the program. They don’t follow the lactation protocol long enough or thoroughly enough to get meaningful amounts of milk which leads to discouragement and then they quit after having spent months and considerable money having nothing to show for their trouble.

My own experience, never having been pregnant, was that I accidentally induced lactation and from all accounts of problems inducing in nulliparous breasts my milk arrived fairly easily as far as the time it took and the amount of milk I produce. I began lactating in about three months of fairly constant nipple manipulation from getting into and out of latex encasement suits when I was a rubber fetish model one summer about 6 years ago and at the same time I had a lover who was into dancers with small breasts and he was constantly at my breasts sucking my nipples when we were at my apartment or even in public places in Montréal. I’m told my prolactin level was high and I had been experimenting with the birth control pill Yasmin and unbeknownst to me at the time the Progestin in it prepared my breasts for the production of milk and Oxytocin from all the breast play stimulated its release. Even now it’s time consuming to breastfeed or pump and perform breast maintenance, but breastfeeding or pumping is so arousing that it contributes significantly to my enjoyment of penetrative sexual encounters, especially with men.

Orienting Ballet SI teachers: I have been orienting male ballet teachers for St Lucy’s Summer Intensive to be held this June and July. Their background and accomplishments in the art are well known to me, but I’m testing their sexual stamina because St Lucy’s SI is known for the intimacy with which student and teachers interact and the fact than none of the instructors wear condoms. The men all are between the ages of 25 and 33, have had the complete course of Gardasil HPV vaccine injections and have had a recent, full and clean STI panel, just as have all students admitted to our SI. There were far more applicants than we needed even though our male instructor to student ratio is 1:10. So it was a matter of selecting the ones with personality, the charisma to charm a student out of her tights with a single glance and the sexual stamina and control to hold her in orgasm until she faints. The SLSI is known for providing a ‘Las Vegas ballet experience’, meaning its dedication to Vaganova method and its liberal view of student faculty relations, so an instructor unable to perform during an intimate training session with a student would be an embarrassment to the school. Therefore, we try to select only expert male dancers who are known for their sexual stamina.

Our SLBI students have been referred to us by their teachers as adventuresome women who enjoy physical and emotional challenges so we prefer that their teachers have high sperm counts since that is another reason for the students to be in awe of them, but a high sperm count is not mandatory as the students are supposed to make every effort to avoid pregnancy. It’s in the agreement signed for admittance to the SI. We recommend that where possible SI students have a copper IUD inserted several months prior (shortly after being accepted) to arriving for the SI. That way there is little danger of a student conceiving from intercourse with faculty or male student partners.

Gasmasks and breath play: Recently I’ve been cautioning my Wards, Cyndi, Gigi and Aimée to be careful at UNLV fetish parties they are being invited to because there is someone who is into breath play going around incapacitating women in gas masks by tampering with their mask to constrict or entirely block their air. The victims say that a young couple are working together (passing themselves off as grad-students) to distract then immobilize women by asking them to pose for photos and in the set-up for the pics block the air through the filter canister either by stretching a balloon over the opening, effectively making it a rebreather bag, or unscrewing the canister and putting a piece of rubber or plastic in the canister fitting and reattaching the canister hiding the blockage. If the gasmask chick has a good seal on her mask and can’t move enough to push her mask against something to break the seal she will suffocate or suffer brain damage in just a few minutes. The two instances of rebreather bags on the incapacitated women have had an anesthetic liquid, chloroform perhaps, in them so that a breath or two with the balloon over the filter and the wearer is unconscious and left to suffocate from rebreathing her own carbon dioxide. It’s only by luck that there have been no fatalities caused by this couple as yet. The suspected couple was wearing high quality gasmasks so no one seems to know who they are.

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