Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Pointe shoe Quiz September 13, 2011

What shank strength is made into these GM pointes?

And what is different about the shank from the last time this question was asked?


  1. From the background color, green, probably hard shanks.


  2. There hard strenth .
    This is a green bag Gaynor Mindens,
    The shank on these shoes is Gaynor Minden's HARD shank. Code is either "511," "521," or "522"- basically any 3- digit code that starts with the number 5 is a Gaynor Minden hard shank

    The old system from gaynor mindon
    Green bag= Hard shank
    Yellow bag= Extraflex shank
    Pink bag= Supple shank
    Light Blue bag= Featherflex shank
    Lavendar bag= Pianissimo shank

    The new system The color of the shank matches the bag
    So your picture is a green shank and a green bag equals a hard shank!
    Paul D.

  3. Well, yes the green bag designates the shoes as having hard shanks. But what is different from the last time I asked this question is that the polymer of the shank has been changed from blue to green to match the color of the bag which makes it easier to identify the shank strength of worn shoes after the size code has worn off the inside of the shoes

  4. Paul D gave me the complete answer. Good for you Paul!

    I'm sorry Paul S, jj and Eric didn't participate. Your participation was missed guys.

  5. Sorry I didn't get into this, but I was busy with work and fending off what ended up to be another scammer.

  6. Hi Eric, I was wondering how you were doing. I'm sorry you were having a problem and hope everything is ok now.
