Monday, November 7, 2011

Pointe shoe quiz November 6, 2011

Who is the maker of these shoes?


  1. when ever i see a ballerina standing on their toes i always think about rose from titanic...haha that one scene!

  2. From what I remember of shoe constructions, this looks like Gaynor Minden.

  3. Hi Eric, Sorry, the shoes aren't Gaynors. You may remember that GMs have no pleats under the platform nor stitching around the edge of the soles, both of which these shoes have. I hope you will try again.

  4. Hi Jill,

    Freed by any chance?

    Paul S

  5. Hi Paul S, Sorry no they aren't Freeds, but you were close... I hope You'll try again.

  6. Hi Jill.

    I'm a Spanish fan of your blog, especially pointe shoes and ballet sex. if I can answer your question, I think they are Chacott pointes. Dead Chacott!!

    Bye from Spain

  7. Jill,

    The shoe gives a few clues one is the stiching on the quarter panel and the heel. Number two is the sole is swen on in a single line and the name is on the heel to the middle heel. Under this configeration there are a few that fit . They are Chacott,repetto,grisko, Merlet ,Le Papillon , ballerina and , Sylvia . What gives the final clue is the feathering This shoe has a V right in the middle only Chacott does that style .
    Paul D.

  8. Welcome Spanish fan! You and Paul D have it right, the shoes were made by Chacott. You both have keen eyes! Congratulations!

  9. That was a tough one!

    Bravo Spanish fan/Paul D.

    Paul S
