Sunday, May 13, 2012

Pointe shoe quiz May 13, 2012

Who is the maker of these shoes?

This should be an easy one.


  1. From my searches, looking at the sole, Mirella is the closest I could find, but I doubt I'm right.

  2. Hi Eric, Mirella is a good guess, but the shoes aren't by Mirella. They are not made by a U.S. based company. I hope you will try again.

  3. Looking closer the shoe has one line of stitching. A very distinctive fethering With a V in the middle
    Some sort of witting down the middle heel With a cross hatch pattern to the middle sole . Not a US based company

    Mmmmmm lets see not many non us company's use sole stitching

    Looks like a Japan made shoe the blurred name could be Chacott model Veronese or Veronese 2
    Paul D.

  4. Hi Anon... Thanks for participating! A good guess as there is some similarity with stitching around the edges of the soles, but no, the soles are the wrong color and the sole pattern is wrong. Sorry, the shoes are not Grishkos.

  5. Hi Paul D, you are correct, the shoes are by Chacott! Good for you!

  6. Hi Paul S, welcome back!

    >Yes, they are Chacott shoes! Good for you! “Gotta love red pointe's. I like the ribbons on those particular shoes with the multi colour tone”.

    Absolutely! I wear red pointes in class and during rehearsals when I’m menstrual…

    >I guess you're a size 8 then?!

    I can be, it depends on the maker and style, but that’s not me in the photo if that is what you are asking.

  7. Hi again Paul S… Yes, I think so too! If you post your email address here as a comment I will NOT publish it and will get back to you.

  8. Those shoes are amazing. I'm a photographer for ballerinas and do lots of shoots outside as oppose to studio. I love the color of those. Usually in the shoots I do they have the traditional pink. I also read in one of your posts that you use to live in VA and you had stopped in after that earthquake? What part of VA? I'm from hampton roads but live in DC area.

  9. Hi Kris, Colored pointes are my faves, so it’s always fun when colored shoes fit the costume for a role... Of course I get to use the dead ones for class and love the way softened blocks keep my feet toughened.

    I think the DC area may have had a worse time with the quake than south of the epicenter. I was born in a small coal town in SW Virginia that no longer exists. Now I have an old place on the river that's been in my family for years.
