Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Dump Trump!

An angry, old, white Republican

Dump Trump: “More than 510,000 people have signed a online petition urging Macy’s Inc. to sever its ties with real estate magnate and television celebrity Donald Trump, accusing him of “especially unpleasant, nasty and despicable behavior.”

A petition on to “dump Trump” claims that Trump’s attitude toward women is sexist. It also argues that the businessman’s complaints about China luring away American jobs are hypocritical and that the clothing line he sells at Macy’s is made in Asia.” The full article in the Los Angeles Times can be read HERE.

Have your voice heard: If you believe, as I do, that Macy’s is hurting its reputation by associating it’s name with a person spouting the sort of nonsense continuously coming out of the mouth of Donald Trump, then signing this petition is a great opportunity to have your voice heard by that national merchant.

The petition asking Macy’s to dump Trump can be found HERE.

1 comment:

  1. I hope that everyone can tell The Donald, "You're fired."
