Friday, March 29, 2013

Ballet-sex and Gaynor Minden pointes

Luxe satin supple shank Gaynors as bedshoes

Advanced training for Bea: Returning readers will remember that twenty-one St Lucy’s ballet students (seven from each of the second, third and fourth year ballet students) were chosen to participate in Brian’s technique master classes. In the three weeks he was teaching at St Lucy’s he became attracted to some of the girls more than others for their grace, musicality, strong technique and a very few additionally for their amazing pelvic grip during private coaching sessions conducted immediately after his master classes. These girls he called his ‘Muses’.

Brian in thrall: During his three week residence he became obsessed with a Muse named Bea, a second year student, who excels at academics and whose physical and mental maturity and guile belie her age. She knows just what to say, how to flirt w/o seeming to and how to gently and humorously turn away unwanted advances while making the man believe she values his attention. I see a lot of myself in Bea when I was her age and so I’m working with her to expand and perfect her range of skills. She is on an academic scholarship as her mom is in poor health and of modest means so she works part time as a specialty shop assistant at Fasteners our BDSM Boutique. She has a gorgeous Balanchine body and waxes everything but her eyelashes and scalp hair so nude she actually looks far younger than she really is. She reached menarche two years ago, at thirteen, and fortunately her cycles have already stabilized into regular 29/30 day intervals with minimal discomfort during menses that Ibuprofen will take care of. She only came to my attention recently while I watched her perform in Brian’s classes and during his private coaching sessions where she handled his size and ardor with grace dignity and good humor for such a large man in so small a woman.

The Muses and bedshoes: Bea is still growing so her body might change considerably as she ages but both her parents were small and slim, so if she wants to pursue a career as a dancer/escort it would be ideal if she were to mature with her body proportions just as they are now. I’ve come to look on her as a daughter so now that Cyndi will be leaving for Oxford in the Fall I’ve decided to take Bea under my wing and teach her all I know about seduction and launch her into society so she can make the most of her talents. I’ll love watching her cutting a swathe through the men in society breaking hearts left and right as her favors are competed for.

One of the things I’m teaching Bea is the use of Gaynor Minden pointes as bedshoes which is a particularly important use for a small woman as she is now. As Brian’s Muse she wore Gaynors for support and comfort during the facet of ballet-sex where she was penetrated from behind while en pointe, which was the only position Brian could comfortably use in a ballet studio since they weren’t in an encounter salle. The reason suede tipped Gaynors are also ideal as bedshoes is because the sueded platforms provide excellent traction on bed linens even on very high thread count and satin sheets, so allow a small woman being taken in missionary by a tall man to use her pointes to increase the range of her pelvic thrusts. Even when a tiny woman has her buns on a hard pillow it is often difficult for a tall man to penetrate her easily while they are in bed as opposed to when she’s penetrated with her legs on his shoulders or while on her back on a dinner table or on a kitchen island. So Gaynors with supple shanks can be a thrust-multiplier for small women when worn as bedshoes

Our escorts perform for clients in sueded tips and Luxe satin shoes to look their very best. Typically hard shanks are used for sex en pointe and supple shanks in bedshoes. That’s what I wear and what I’m having Bea wear to train in. The Luxe satin is an additional $5 and the sueded platforms an additional $10 USD and well worth it. Of course the school buys in quantity so we get a discount. The Luxe satin is a shimmering, plush and luxurious peach satin which self-smoothes to minimize folds and wrinkles which I think is better than the standard peach satin for ballet sex encounters because it shows off the wearer’s gorgeous legs with far fewer distracting wrinkles in the satin of her shoes. The only drawback to Luxe satin shoes is that when splattered with coitial discharge then pancaked with makeup or calamine lotion to hide the stains you lose the marvelous plush glow of the satin, but stained or pancaked shoes are still good to train in

A better shoe: My readers may recall that I wrote several years ago about wearing Capezio Glisse shoes as bedshoes and coated the platforms with several coats of liquid latex for traction. Unfortunately with wear the latex peels off and the shanks of Glisse shoes can break if the woman does a lot of pelvic thrusting when under a tall man. Gaynors with sueded tips and supple shanks avoid both those problems and last far longer than Capezios so while on a per-pair basis GMs are more expensive we have found over the long term Gaynors are less expensive because even high users buy about half as many pairs. And nap on the suede platforms can be refreshed by using a suede brush.


  1. Kind of confused by what I'm reading in this blog. Stumbled upon it totally by accident.

    Heard about a semi-scandal recently and a ballet school/prostitution if I recall a while ago.

    The stuff in this blog is pretty wild, training people as escorts + ballet and....well I dont know if this is chronicling something real or an elaborate fantasy.

    Try as I might, I cant find any resources on the internet or more about this place.

    Still ....curious.

    If you have -or rather, are willing to tell more.

    Hit me back.


    Rexy640421 @ aol DOT com.

    1. Hi Rex, welcome to my world!

      You're surprised ballet girls are involved in sex in Vegas? It’s worldwide. Beautiful athletic women attract powerful men especially when they perform in lovely and revealing costumes. It’s not just the Bolshoi you know. I chronicle a lot of what goes on in training and with clients [names and some circumstances changed to protect identities] so if you're interested I hope you'll be a returning reader.



    I think this may be...relevant to your interests.

