Sunday, August 25, 2013

Next of kin

A 40 foot Bristol sloop

The arrival: The authorities in Spanish Town contacted us by radio and told that Sailor Girl’s  older sister, Miranda, and her partner would be arriving in the cove aboard her 40’ Bristol Sloop, the Sell Short. Then Miranda radioed that they should be expected on Wednesday after a stop in Spanish Town to identify the body of her sister, Veronica and get it released to the family by the authorities. The Sell Short didn’t appear in the cove until very early Friday just in time for breakfast as they had to re-stock provisions after arriving from Bermuda and take care of funeral arrangements. They had begun the leisurely sail several weeks ago intending to meet Veronica in Spanish Town for several weeks of diving when they were contacted by radio to notify them of her death.

The family: Veronica (Roni) was 26 and working on her masters in marine biology at Florida State.  She had been working for the summer as crew on a large rental yacht out of Spanish Town. Miranda is 31, has a PhD in finance from the Wharton School and is a vice president in a small but highly regarded Wall Street Merchant Bank. Her partner, Ralph, is a 32 y/o bond trader for J.P Morgan; both are avid sailors and excellent swimmers. Miranda is a petite blond with a lovely figure (isn’t that always the way) and Ralph is a rugged 6’2” with magnificent shoulders a gloriously hairy chest, superbly proportioned thighs and buns and washboard abs. An absolute hunk he stirred my carnal interest immediately.

A change in plan: From Miranda’s superior attitude during our radio conversation I had taken an immediate dislike to her.  So when I saw Ralph I decided I would seduce him taking him from her temporarily while she was in her bereavement when I thought she would need him the most. I needn’t have bothered. He fell into my lap!

From the way Miranda acted she and Roni hadn’t been close at all and her death was a mere inconvenience.  Given the circumstances I was amazed that both Miranda and Ralph had roving eyes which I spotted immediately since Ralph didn’t try to hide that he was staring hungrily at me and Miranda seemed fascinated by Chris, the Brit Gyn who always accompanies us on vacations. Perhaps on a long sea voyage Ralph and Miranda had gotten bored with one another or were both looking for a little variety in partners. Whatever the reason Ralph definitely wanted me. And Miranda who sat next to Chris at breakfast couldn’t keep her hands off him. Given that Miranda was supposed to be bereaved she hid it extremely well.

With seduction in mind I had dressed for our meeting wearing a bright yellow swimsuit intended to offset the sadness of the occasion and accent my dancer’s body as I showed the bereaved couple around my villa before breakfast which was when I told them how Cyndi and I had found Roni. I wore a custom made canary thong bikini by Gottex and for Ralph’s benefit took off my pareo to display my legs while showing the villa intentionally preceded them up a long flight of stairs on pointe in yellow satin Grishko 2007 toe-shoes, an ability which I use to test an interesting man’s concentration. He tried to hide his interest as he struggled for control, but I turned as I reached the top and immediately spotted the change in the drape of his shorts. I smiled at him and he returned my smile. Miranda was looking off the stairway at the chandelier hanging from the three story high ceiling so she missed our visual exchange.

Or perhaps she was intentionally looking away as my tight buns and contracted calves (far better than hers) were swaying in front of her lover as we climbed the two long flights of stone steps and she recognized the effect I was having on Ralph. By the time breakfast was over he was in thrall to me and she was talking primarily to Chris while occasionally stroking his hand or putting her hand on his thigh as she hung spellbound on his every word in answer to her questions about his medical  training in the UK. Watching him seduce her was like watching a mongoose hypnotize a cobra. Not that she was at all dangerous.

Roni’s cause of death: Miranda and Ralph had brought along a few of Roni’s things off the sloop she sailed into the bay as well as the personal items off her body as Miranda said she had questions about some of them. Veronica’s rings and All-Flex were there, but not the inserted tampon which I suppose the police kept for DNA analysis and possible match. The doctor acting as coroner said she wasn’t pregnant. He said that, as I guessed from the blood in her throat when we got her aboard, she had a rare pulmonary aneurism which burst. He thought it probable that the strain her body had been under from a very tiring series of recent long deep dives (recorded on her dive computer) contributed to the aneurism rupturing. She bled to death or drowned in her own blood either of which would take only a short time to kill her. Apparently she had had the aneurism for some time though Miranda said she never heard her complain about chest pain in any of their conversations.  

Personal effects and plan comes together: Miranda asked wistfully about the kinky rimmed All-Flex, asking why it was bent like that and why there was no spermicide in Roni’s slit kit if she was using a diaphragm. The answers to her questions are that the All-Flex was kinked from water pressure and was the wrong rim style to use for dive-sex because the rim would distort below 10 meters. There was no spermicide because she was on the pill and was using the diaphragm only for flood insurance. Miranda mentioned several times while handling the bent All-Flex that Roni had been going to teach her how to protect her upper reproductive tract during underwater sex and she and Ralph had been so looking forward to the dive-sex experience.

That gave me the opportunity I was looking for to explain about the proper equipment to provide upper reproductive tract protection at depth and to offer to teach them myself with Chris’ help. Doing that would solve two problems simultaneously; letting me fuck Ralph’s brains out under the guise of training, while giving Miranda an excuse to be with Chris who would teach her the fine points of dive-sex while fucking her brains out which she so obviously and desperately wanted, perhaps as bereavement release if not just for the pure carnal pleasure of it. 

The business of pleasure: I explained that Chris could fit her with the correct type and size diaphragm then act as her trainer for a dive-sex lesson and she was all smiles as she agreed. What woman hasn’t wanted to fuck her male Gyn, right? Which, afterward she confided to me had been her fantasy since her first pelvic. But first we needed to take care of checking everyone’s sexual health. I accessed Chris and my health records at our Vegas clinic and printed out copies of our current negative full STI panel results. I also printed out copies of Cyndi and Bea’s Full STI panels just in case they had an opportunity to be with Ralph. Then Miranda and Ralph accessed their medical records held by their primary care physicians and printed copies of their most recent full STI panel results. That’s at least one good thing to come from digitalizing medical records. I was interested to see that both of them had all three of the Gardasil, HPV vaccine, shots just as I and my circle of men as well as women friends have even though both are outside the target population, girls and boys from ages 9 to 26. But with oral sex now being the cause of so much throat and rectal cancer I think it is beneficial for older adults to minimize their chances of HPV related infections. And Miranda was so pleased about having Chris all to herself that she didn’t ask why I was showing Cyndi and Bea’s STI panel results to Ralph.

Once everyone was assured that we were all STI free it was a simple matter for Chris to fit Miranda with a 70 mm Reflexions and show her how to insert and remove it correctly in the exam room I have set up for his use in my villa. She is using the single rod etonogestrel implant Nexplanon for contraception so assuming she watches her meds the progestin should suppress her ovulation and she can use the Reflexions w/o spermicide, but with a good quality silicone lube strictly for flood insurance unless Fred likes the feel of the stretchy dome as his thrusts force it into her anterior fornix and wants her to wear it all the time.   

Training dives: Miranda and Ralph’s used their own SCUBA gear except tanks which I provided.  Their training went very well after we got them to concentrate on taking full breaths and exhaling completely before taking the next breath. Hyperventilating is a common problem when divers are nervous or concentrating on a task and don’t empty their lungs before taking the next breath. It’s a very common problem when new to dive-sex. I thought they should have already known about how to avoid hyperventilating, but since they were both into new partners and a new sexual experience perhaps they forgot.

After 45 minute session in the villa’s swimming pool we found that Chris could massage Miranda’s G-spot and thrust into her anterior fornix giving her massive orgasms. She was sucking so much air that I decided to give her an 80 cu ft. tank rather than the 60 when we went into the cove. Also in the pool I found that Ralph’s pelvic equipment was marvelously thick while being just long enough to reach into my anterior fornix when I was aroused and he was about to ejaculate. If I have to choose between thick or long I’d much prefer thick and so I was very pleased with his equipment, but not initially with his performance. It was as though he hadn’t had much experience pleasing a woman with his penis so I adjusted my hips and tightened my legs around him to direct his thrusts where they would do me the most good and after a few minutes he caught on. Then he was magnificent with his pile-driving butt pounding away and his recovery time was very short. I actually had to stop him in the pool so he would save his ardor for sex at depth in the cove.  

Dive-sex in the cove: We took the Zodiac out in the cove and showed Miranda and Fred the spot where we found Roni’s body. The girls wore bikinis and the guys slingshots and dove briefly to the bottom (60 feet) there for them to look around before moving out of the lava tube to tether pointes elsewhere in the cove where the water was shallower (25 feet) and much warmer so the men could perform w/o having performance anxiety. I went over tethering again as I had in the villa swimming pool, showing them how the women use the ankle leashes on each ankle to tether ourselves to the anchors then inflate our BCs to hold us with our legs spread wide and the leashes tight because of our positive buoyancy so our partners have a relatively stable target.  I showed Miranda how to apply a 10 ml disposable applicator of DiveGel+ while tethered. With dive sex, especially in the salty water of the ocean there is no such thing as having too much silicone lube. Because once your delicate vaginal lining becomes raw the salt water burns like fire and you have to surface and rinse out with a water/vinegar douche and are out of action for a few days until you heal.

Burial at sea: Miranda invited us aboard the Sell Short and Ralph raised the anchor and took us out into North Sound. She prepared a cold lunch of lobster and shrimp after which she invited us to walk aft and there presented each of us with an orchid blossom. On the afterdeck on a small teak table sat a small cardboard box containing Roni’s ashes. Miranda read parts of the funeral service from the Episcopal Book Of Common Prayer and then with the breeze off the starboard quarter opened the box and poured the ashes into the sea and threw her orchid blossom after them and we all tossed our orchids after hers. Miranda said she was returning her sister to the ocean she had loved so much. Once the burial was completed Ralph took us back into the cove and anchored again. I had no idea that the authorities would release a body that quickly. One assumes they kept enough evidence to open an investigation if questions should arise, but with a burst aneurism the cause of death was undeniable. 

Afterward: Miranda stayed on board the Sell Short with Chris for rest of the afternoon while Ralph came ashore with me to meet and have dive-sex in the pool with Cyndi and Bea. They both enjoyed taking a new man who was so well hung and who they could impress with the strength of their pelvic muscles. Cyndi had wanted to wear Roni’s black rubber swim-skin, but fortunately she mentioned the idea to me first and I nixed it. No one had asked why it was missing or they may not have known, but there was no reason to flaunt a souvenir in front of the donor’s relatives lest someone remember. That evening I tool Ralph back to the Sell Short and an hour later Cyndi, Bea and I were still draining his semen while we watched the Sell Short's navigation lights disappear as it sailed for St John in the USVIs.

The temporary swap of partners for training was an ideal solution letting us girls burn off a lot of estrogenic lust with a new man w/o adding him to my circle while Miranda got to enjoy Chris before going back to being submissive enough to eventually capture Ralph as her husband if she wants him. After all he is the eldest son of an extremely rich industrialist and superb marriage material, which may help explain why Miranda didn’t keep him on a much tighter leash.

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