Sunday, December 15, 2013

Pointe shoe quiz December 14, 2013

Who is the maker of this dancer’s shoes? 

The photo: This dancer is ‘winging’, taking all her weight on the inside edge, primarily the front corner of the platform and big toe.


  1. Hey Jill. I'm probably wrong but from what I can see, they appear to be Sansha-202s. Is that correct???

    1. Hi Pointeman1, welcome back! Sansha Recital pointes was a good try, but that's not the answer. Recitals have the traditional feathers, pleats, under the toe-box and the shoes in the quiz do not. Would you like to try again?

  2. I hope I didn't double post, but my first attempt said I wasn't signed in.

    From what I see as the pattern of the stage grime on the lifted sole, those look like Gaynor Mindens.

  3. Hi Eric, Merry Christmas! Yes, you're correct! Good eye there! I'm not going to post your answer for a while as I'm hoping more readers will participate.

  4. If I did not post this already .... Jill by the studio grime on the soles there Gaynor Mindons

    How did I do ?
    Paul D.

    1. Hi Paul D, Yes you are right, she is wearing Gaynor Minden pointes! Good for you!
