Sunday, April 13, 2014

Ballet dancers, foot worship and Toe-tape

A ballerina’s feet & Freed Classics

The Photo: A Royal Ballet dancers feet showing the prominence of the toe joints after years on her toes. Beautiful feet, no bunions! You can see how the throat of the vamp just covers the toe joints so there is no pinching to limit her roll on to demi-pointe, but her knuckles are prevented from overflowing the box when she is over the front edge of her platforms. It takes a lot of effort to keep a dancer’s feet in excellent condition after the punishment they are subjected to on a daily basis.

Ballet and foot worship: Foot worship goes back at least as far back as the 10th or 11th centuries in Imperial China and binding of women’s feet into the lotus shape thought beautiful at the time. It also restricted the woman’s movement something the men undoubtedly found convenient, for them.  Fast forward 900 years to 1842 in Russia where, after Marie Taglioni’s (April 23, 1804 – April 24, 1884) last performance in the country and at the height of the "cult of the ballerina", a pair of her pointe shoes were sold for two hundred rubles, to be cooked, served with a sauce and eaten by a group of balletomanes. While it may not be common knowledge the status of the ballerina as a goddess of foot worship is still very much alive and well in the 21st century.

I am routinely asked for my old dead pointes, but I burn them when the deshanked ones are no longer suitable for class. Otherwise I’d be continually posting dead pairs off to some man to masturbate in, not that there’s anything wrong with that… what ever works is ok with me. As it is we have guys go dumpster diving looking for old shoes. Of course some other dancers do give away dead shoes and throw away old semen stained leotards and tights too. I’m not interested in stopping the collection of women’s soiled dancewear by fetishists. I’m just not going to help add to some collectors cum rags.

Morning Wood and Jenna’s feet: Marvin has never metatarsal he didn’t like. He always wants to play with Jenna’s (and therefore my) feet and suck my toes as foreplay, which would be fine if my feet were an erogenous zone for me, but not so much in reality. I’d much rather him milk me or insert two fingers inside me and  fondle my G-spot through the thin stretchy latex dome of my Reflexions.

Toe-tape a new Mini-club: Our Casino/Resort has opened ‘Toe-tape’, a ballet club for adventuresome young women who want to show off their feet and legs for admiring men. I know the name sounds like it should be a Chick band, but we tested it and found it’s the sort of name that appeals to young highly motivated female dancers craving excitement.

There is a dress code of sorts, for women, but only one hard and fast rule. All women must be wearing and able to walk confidently in pointe shoes. That  prevents women who can only wear ballet-boots from monopolizing the club when they don’t have the skill and training to confidently wear pointes and women in ballet-boots have the Boot Bar which is just down the arcade at Naughty’s from Toe-tape. You would think that after a hard day on their feet or in pointe class that would be a turn-off, but that’s not the case. The sort of women Toe-tape attracts are the ones who want to flaunt their skill in pointe shoes from years of ballet training and are willing to stand the discomfort while seeking male companionship using their feet and legs in addition to other feminine assets to attract admirers. It turns out there are a surprising number of us who fit that description.

Other requirements for patrons of Toe-tape are: Guests must be at least eighteen and have a current and negative full STI panel on file. The STI panel is a hurdle some prospective members struggle with initially, but when it’s explained that it is for the guest’s protection as much as the club’s liability almost all consent and provide one. And since most of the girls have had a condom burst or come off inside them they understand the need if casual sex is to be available on premises. There is no cover charge for women, but there is a fifteen dollar charge for men and leg men willingly pay it. There are s few busty statuesque chorus girls in pointes who come in, but the ballet crowd is much smaller 5 feet 5 inches on average with slim hips and high firm breasts.

I’ve had Anna taking the girls to Toe-tape after they finish work with their assigned escort trainees just to add some teen blood in the mix. Bea’s ID showing she’s eighteen is excellent so she has had no trouble getting in and has been very popular with some conventioneers in town who were thinking ahead and were tested for STIs  before coming to Vegas. Do we believe the paper they give us? No we don’t, but we hack the computers of the labs the reports supposedly come from to check and so far no male guest has tried to pass bad paper.

Pointe shoes at Toe-tape: No matter which maker and style pointes the guests wear to perform or take class in almost all wear Gaynor Minden pre-arched hard shanked shoes when they come to Toe-tape because no one when a guest here is concerned with proper classical technique, we all want our feet to be well supported and as comfy en pointe as possible while we enjoy casual sex with  Mr. right now.


1 comment:

  1. "Marvin has never metatarsal he didn’t like."

    C'mon Jill! I never pegged you for a pun like that. I tip my hat to you. ::bows::
