Monday, October 6, 2014

Pediatricians recommend IUDs for teens, Club screening update

The ParaGard (copper) and Mirena (Levonorgestrel) IUDs
The photo:  Showing proper placement of the ParaGard and Mirena IUDs.

FINALLY!!! What took them so long? For years I’ve been recommending having IUDs placed for teens with uteri large enough to accommodate them.

Pediatricians now recommend IUDs over the pill for teen birth control. The article says in part:

“In new recommendations published Monday, the American Academy of Pediatricians endorsed implantable birth control as "first-line contraceptive choices for adolescents." The group recommends that pediatricians either learn how to implant these devices or identify health care providers in their communities to whom patients can be referred."

These recommendations put the pediatricians in line with the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, which has recommended long-acting, reversible birth control as the first-line choice for teenagers since 2005.”

The full article can be read here: IUDs for teens
Ebola: In an abundance of caution travel histories are now required for both men and women entering our clubs – Naughty Pleasures Meat Market, The Boot Bar, Toe-Tape and others - where negative STI panels are necessary for admittance because bodily fluids (sweat, saliva, semen, FCM etc.) are exchanged between partners. It’s not foolproof, but a cautionary step to minimize the likelihood of guests infecting each other or club hosts and hostesses.

The nonsense of asking travelers from Ebola infected countries to say if they have been in contact with Ebola virus victims and expecting a truthful answer is patently absurd. We require a minimum interval of four weeks from the time a traveler left an Ebola ravaged country until presenting him or her self here and being free of symptoms.

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