Wednesday, November 26, 2014

The Pool Boy Effect

A cross-section of a Natare perimeter pool gutter:

The Photo: This Natare stainless steel gutter with a lip to which a swimmer can cling with her fingers or rest her arms on the grating over the trough while resting or while having underwater surface sex is what my pools, the encounter pools at Splash and the pools at Adolph’s deep water training facility as well as our casino’s bungalow pools are equipped with. It’s the sort of pool gutter that is installed by pool owners who are knowledgeable about the requirements for features that make an effective sexual encounter pool.

The Pool Boy effect: Is what I call the seasonal peak in diaphragm and cervical cap fittings from local women who plan to have sex in swimming pools during the summer. The Pool Boy effect began to be noticeable several years ago after there was a high profile incident involving a pool boy and the daughter of the pool owner that left the girl paralyzed from a stroke which her parents claimed was caused by the pool boy forcing water and air into her uterus during sex in their swimming pool which he had come to clean. 

There were several articles mentioning the possibility of water or air being forced into the uterus during underwater sex if the vagina floods which is common. At the time it was recommended that women expecting or enjoying underwater sex protect their upper reproductive tracts by wearing a contraceptive diaphragm during underwater penetrative encounters which I’ve been teaching for years. With a properly fitted and correctly inserted diaphragm or cervical cap this can provide very effective protection, but shouldn’t be used by IUD wearers as the strings could stick to the diaphragm rim or cap and the IUD pulled out when the cervical barrier is removed. Of course women with IUDs from which the strings have been removed can use a diaphragm or cap safely for flood control.

In the last several years we have noticed college age women coming to be fitted as well as mothers bring high-school age daughters for diaphragms for use as flood protection regardless of the time of year if they take swimming, have pools at home or know someone who has a pool which is almost everyone out here. And the number of heated indoor pools has increased to the extent that the pool boy effect is no longer nearly as seasonal.

Right now moms are bringing in their teen daughters to be fitted for diaphragms as Christmas presents for the girls (w/o their fathers knowing), who have probably been having pool sex anyway, but this an ideal way to get it recognized as ok between mother and daughter so they can bond w/o fear of embarrassment while discussing male sexual appetites and how to satisfy them as well as their own.

As I expected, wearing a diaphragm has become something of a status symbol with adventuresome young sexually active women regardless of what other method of contraception they are using. I think it is because wearing a diaphragm to protect themselves during physically risky sex is a very adult thing to do and by being fitted and wearing one they feel more adult and in control.

When I asked Bea why her friends routinely insert diaphragms when they don bikinis she said it’s because the men can immediately tell they are protected when they insert a finger so think the girls are more experienced and older than many of them actually are. Knowing she has a diaphragm inserted tends to cancel out the pre-pubescent look of waxed pubes for men who are concerned about the possibility of the woman being underage.

It was the same when I was a teen when every girl at my ballet school was fitted for a diaphragm at menarche as is done at St Lucy’s. The look on a boy’s face the first timre he inserted a finger inside me and felt the rim of my diaphragm was priceless! Usually the first question was “What is that?” and I’d explain it was a cervical barrier that allowed me to take him bareback. That pretty much ended any concern that guys had. However, then hormonal birth control wasn’t as universal as it is today and many of us were depending on the diaphragm’s effectiveness to prevent becoming preggers.

Thanksgiving prep - update: First things first. I have all the full panel STI results for my guests, all negative and my girls and I are looking forward to sex with the several men whom we rarely see. The table has been extended in my dining room and the good china and silver is out washed and polished.  All the guests who had to travel have arrived safely ahead of the major storm expected along the Central and North East Coast tomorrow. The food is in my restaurant size refrigerators in my commercial size kitchen and the chef and his staff have been by to ensure she has everything needed ahead for the big day. I will have a divemaster on duty if there are guests who want to enjoy dive-sex, though I’m cautioning no drinking until after diving not before.

A tenth couple at my Thanksgiving table this year: In addition to 1) Ondine, (Willow’s mom) with Jacques, Gigi’s father and a former lover of mine as her partner; 2) Bea & Chris (our male Gyn); 3) Pirate and Yardley Flood, our ballet-boot trainer; 4) Adolph and Kassi (his new PR manager); 5&6) Odette and Odile (With the Gemini, Castor and Pollux who have been ardent in their continuing pursuit of the Swan Twins); 7) Marvin (Morning Wood) and me; 8) Paul (the Swan Twins father) and Gigi since she looks a lot like the swan twins and is submissive like Odette and; 9) Willow and Mitch who is a Stallion level Escort working for Pirate our local Stable Master. She is sweet on Mitch after they were paired during the series of tests he was given to prove he wasn’t responsible for the rash of pregnancies his clients with IUDs had. And finally the welcome addition; 10) my BGFF Anya with a mystery man (Chris has his current negative full panel STI results) who we all are looking forward to meeting

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