Friday, January 16, 2015

Dildos and diaphragms at the Priory

A silicone Semina diaphragm mounted on its introducer

The photo: A silicone Semina (coil spring) diaphragm on its introducer which makes it easier to insert displayed on a pair of Gaynor Minden pointe shoes. Semina is available in six diameter sizes, from 60 to 85mm, in 5mm increments and is made in Brazil.

The weather: It’s been raining and cold, around freezing, for the last few days with occasional snow flurries so the Barony’s Land Rovers with their all terrain tires and large heaters are a very comfortable and safe ride for Charles, my Chamberlain of the Household, and me to travel in to the Priory and while making the rounds of shops in the nearby villages to introduce myself. 

Priory girls training: Returning readers may recall what I wrote about Blackthorn Priory in my December-31, 2014 post entitled ‘My Welsh Roots’: “There is nothing to suggest St. Candice (as I tend to think of her) was in any way a disciplinarian. However, she is patron saint of a religious community of women living in a surprisingly large medieval Priory the early parts of which date from the 11th centaury.  The Priory is on Blackthorn Barony land within a few miles of the Baroness’s relatively small but superbly constructed 13th C. castle…”

“The Priory is part of the Barony of Blackthorn and the office of Prioress of the Order is in the gift of the Baroness Blackthorn. Maintenance of the priory and the Order are paid for from a small percentage of the profit from the minerals mined on the Baronial estates. The Order of St Canna stresses discipline, obedience and service.  Blackthorn priory’s primary function seems to be to raise female foundlings selectively chosen from the slums of major cities in the UK.  Their schools taught by Sisters who have attended the best universities, prepare the girls for university educations and socialize the young girls through exchange programs with other elite public (read private) schools in the UK.”

Pelvic exams, diaphragms and dildos: It is the custom at Blackthorn as with many girls’ schools to give Priory girls reaching menarche their first gynecological exam and fit them with an effective barrier contraceptive so they can become accustomed to wearing it before they move to fifth and sixth forms at Barrow Priory in Middlesex where they will need it during social encounters as guests at dances at a neighboring boys school.

The primary barrier currently in use by Priory girls is the silicone Semina diaphragm (pictured at the top of this post)  which the girls think looks like a pink soap bubble a fact that helps the girls remember to insert their diaphragms for flow control on light days during menses. The smallest Semina is 60mm so any student requiring a smaller device is fitted with a 22mm FemCap and a menstrual cup for flow control. There were four girls who had reached menarche in the last several months and Chris, my Male Gyn and new member of the Blackthorn Clinic, gave them their pelvic exams. All had deep post-pubic vaults, took 60mm Seminas and none needed a hymenectomy.

Some readers may wonder why students reaching menarche are not immediately placed on hormonal contraceptives since these days so many girls routinely go on contraceptive hormones with all the negative side effects accompanying them. Some few Blackthorn girls are put on hormones if they have very painful periods or their cycles won’t stabilize. However, the Order feels that it is important for young women to experience the ebb and flow of their hormones while cycling naturally. Diaphragms let them become accustomed to handling their genitals w/o fear or shame as so many young women are taught and can experience the marvelous surge in creativity when fertile. Additionally, the discipline of inserting the diaphragm every evening before bed and removing and cleaning it each morning gets them into a routine that will be beneficial when they become sexually active.

I fitted them with their Seminas and Diva menstrual cups and discussed the insertion and removal procedure for their barriers and Diva cups then let them practice insertion and removal of both devices. Fortunately, in my opinion, none required a FemCap since a cap shouldn’t be used during menses and it has depth limitations during dive-sex.

Then in my first presentations as Baroness I presented each newly blossomed young woman with two dildos: her first borosilicate (Pyrex) glass dildo, a 1 ¾ inches in diameter and 8.0 inches long glass shaft in the shape of a phallus with a handle to use while on her back – a nice feature about Pyrex is that it can be warmed or cooled for use in hot or chilly weather. And a high quality silicone one of the same size with a suction cup base with which to solo train for male penetration in the ballet studio. This second item is especially useful in training for deep penetration of the anterior and posterior fornices while en pointe during ballet-sex – suctioned on to the mirrored wall in a studio where the user can hold on to the barre rise en pointe and back on to the dildo. All the girls were eagerly anticipating trying them out.

P.T. with the first of Marvin’s patients: I’m looking forward to the phys. therapy sessions with my first of Marvin’s patients who will be here this coming Monday. That will give the security group time to finish installing six HD cams in the castle ballet studio where the video will be stored on disks and satellite linked to Marvin’s office in London. If the videos are any good we may pixelize the faces and sell them on the porn market through Taryn’s org.

Maya arrives: His Grace accompanied Maya, his recent Russian ballerina bedmate, when she arrived this morning in his helicopter. He stayed for lunch and a brief tour of the castle before leaving to get ahead of the rain which appeared later this afternoon.  Chris has already set up a Gyn exam and procedure room in one of the unused interior rooms and fully stocked it with supplies from the Blackthorn Clinic in London.  He removed Maya’s Medusa silver and gold IUD, performed a vacuum aspiration to remove the reproducing tissue and inserted a frameless six bead copper GyneFix IUD this afternoon. Everything went well and she is on a ten day course of an antibiotic and was told no vaginal sex or heavy lifting for a week so she is looking forward to a restful few days of barre, reading and catching up on her sleep.

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