Monday, March 9, 2015

Lesbian sex, masturbation and the contraceptive diaphragm

Grishko Ulanova I pointes and Milex arcing spring diaphragm folded for insertion

The Photo: A Milex arcing spring diaphragm folded for insertion. Unlike the Ortho All-Flex arcing spring rim the Milex arcing spring has two elbow hinges that must be folded by griping the rim at two specific spots.

Masturbation and the diaphragm: Masturbation: The excitation of one's own or another's genital organs, usually to orgasm, by manual contact or means other than sexual intercourse. (The American Heritage® Stedman's Medical Dictionary) In some masturbation situations a diaphragm can act as an upper reproductive tract protection device.

Veronika’s friends: Returning readers will remember Veronika is Alexi’s daughter, and my first ‘pelvic protégé’ in the UK, who dances with a major international ballet Co located here in London. I am currently schooling her in the pelvic skills needed for success as a ballet escort. She is friends with a gorgeous 22 y/o soloist (I’ll call her April) with a lovely Balanchine body who is a heart-breaker for the straight men in the company because of her looks and the fact that she is a femme lesbian with a butch partner (who I’ll call Willamina or Will) who owns her own cosmetics company. They met at a party for major ballet donors and April said it was love at first sight for her.

April taking SCUBA lessons: Will has an indoor heated pool at her place in Chelsea where she is having April take SCUBA lessons and will eventually graduate to a OTS Guardian FFM for dive-sex.                      

Veronika referred the couple to our clinic because they want to try underwater penetrative sex with a strap-on and dildo and need diaphragms for ‘flood insurance’ to minimize the possibility of PID as April wants to become pregnant and have a baby when her career ends. Will is in her late 30s tall and slim with lovely legs, muscular shoulders and just the right amount of androgyny to be an extremely striking woman. Will and April make a gorgeous couple and turn heads wherever they go.

The Milex Arcing spring for use by lesbians: Both Will and April had our clinic’s standard baseline full pelvic workups and full panel STI tests and hCG tests came back negative. Neither Will nor April had been using contraceptives of any kind – other than condoms to sheathe penetrative toys to protect against STI transmission - as they don’t have sex with men. Both have had the full series of three Gardasil shots even though Will is outside the recommended age bracket since even though they are monogamous getting an STI from lesbian sex is a possibility and rape is too for women in sexually adventuresome lifestyles and additional vaccine coverage can’t hurt. 

I fitted Both Will and April with Milex Arcing spring diaphragms to be worn ‘dry’ (w/o spermicide) for ‘flood insurance’ since while April will generally be the one penetrated Will wanted to be fitted so she too can experience using a strap-on or dildo underwater. Returning readers will recall that the vagina will often flood during underwater penetrative sex depending on the position of the vagina while being thrust into. So just as with a penis the hydraulic pressure created by thrusting a tight fitting strap-on or dildo into a flooded vagina could force water through an unprotected cervix into the woman’s uterus causing PID and possibly infertility. Additionally the dome of a diaphragm provides some thrust buffering should the partner wielding the strap-on or dildo lack skill in thrusting into her partner.

Hence the need for a lesbian who anticipates underwater penetrative sex to have her cervix protected. The Milex arcing spring is the best choice since there will be little likelihood of the rim being under-thrust and no tactile penis diaphragm interaction and the stiffer silicone dome is more rugged and better suited to take thrusts from hard sex toys like strap-ons and dildos than is the stretchy latex dome of a Reflexions.

Both Will and April were very excited about being fitted with Milex arcing spring diaphragms and I gave them both an opportunity to practice insertion and removal so they can check that the dome is covering the cervix and cautioned to indert before arousal as when aroused the vagina tents, lengthens, and makes proper insertion to cover the cervix difficult and sometimes impossible.

Lesbians, a niche market for Milex diaphragms: I’m thinking that since Will is very active in the Lesbian community a trend setter and an early adopter of social trends our clinic may see an increase in Milex fittings among lesbians as followers want to participate in the latest trend in sexual protection. While very few lesbian couples have access to a pool for SCUBA sex many do have access to hot tubs in which the vagina can flood during penetrative sex

As with my Lesbian friends I also use a Milex Arcing spring - it has the same spring strength as the Reflexions flat spring - as upper reproductive tract protection when a man is not available and I crave sex in a hostile environment and dive solo to masturbate underwater with a dildo (well lubed with DiveGel+) in my pool in the basement of Blackthorn house. The dive pool is about sixteen feet deep and I hold myself on the bottom with a Velcro closure ankle leash. Stimulating myself to orgasm while sucking gas can be awesome when I’m urgently in need of kinky release!

British Summer Time: In the UK the clocks go forward 1 hour at 1am on the last Sunday in March, (3-29) and back 1 hour at 2am on the last Sunday in October, (10-25). The period when the clocks are 1 hour ahead is called British Summer Time (BST). There's more daylight in the evenings and less in the mornings (sometimes called Daylight Saving Time).

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