Saturday, June 6, 2015

Pointe-shoe quiz June 5, 2015

What is the style name of this pointe-shoe?

The maker’s name is obvious, but what is the style name; like the Freed Classic or the Bloch Alpha?

This may be a good shoe for some, but not for me. I tried a pair and they don’t fit me well. The blocks are far too wide for me and I don’t like the fabric insole rather than a sueded one that is in the Alpha S0104 style that I wear for Morning Wood.  A nice feature is the sueded heel grip sewn into the inside of the backs to help grip the heel especially when wearing nylon tights.


  1. A little birdie told me that these are the Eurostretch SO172L pointes from Bloch's economy line.

  2. Hi Eric! Getting tips from wildlife now are you? Well, yes you are right! They are the new from Bloch style they call Eurostretch with satin that stretches to grip the foot. Gaynor Minden has had shoes made with stretchable 'Luxe' satin for more than a year.
