Friday, December 11, 2015

Block Donald Trump from the UK?

“Everybody likes me!” “I’ll build a wall and have Mexico pay for it!”

For my readers in the UK: Donald Trump, a candidate for the Republican nomination for President of the Unites States, a man with an enormous ego and a mouth to match, has proven himself a world class “xenophobic, race-baiting, religious bigot” (a quote from Republican U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina). Currently there is a petition to the UK Parliament that already has more than 500,000 signatures to ban him from the UK. God bless the signers every one!

Read The Telegraph article on the reaction here in the UK to Donald Trump’s call to block all Muslims from entry into the U.S.: HERE
And, the petition to block Donald Trump from the UK can be found: HERE

Right now the Republicans have their knickers in a twist as Trump is appealing to the base instincts of Republican voters being stirred up by his vitriol of hate and fear. One can only hope that the American electorate in the Republican primaries can see through the egocentric blather and personal attacks that ‘The Donald’ is infamous for. Unfortunately he is currently sucking all the air time from the established U.S. media as they jockey for ratings driven by the narcissistic drivel and outrageous comments that spew out of his mouth like vomit the morning after an alcoholic binge. After Trump the Republican Party will have a massive headache.

1 comment:

  1. Real Clear Politics' polling averages has Mr. Trump leading the field by nearly 15 points. He has an average of 30.4 percent across the country, while Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, whose eligibility should be in question due to his birth in Canada (to a Cuban father and an American mother but whose citizenship at the time may still be debated), has 15.6 percent. Dr. Ben Carson and Florida Sen. Marco Rubio are tied for third with 13.6 percent. Everyone else in single digits or below.

    Now the GOP higher-ups are preparing for a possible brokered convention, as it seems that no one would have a clear path to being the nominee. Trump hasn't broken 40 percent support in any state. In fact, here in Iowa, Cruz has a microscopic lead.
