Friday, January 1, 2016

New Years Eve, Floss playsuit

A floss playsuit of stretch black tulle strapping

The Photo:  No, before someone asks, that isn’t me. She’s a lingerie model. I do have hair that long, but it’s red, my eyes are green and my breasts while small like hers are a bit fuller since I’m lactating. The stretch black tulle strapping is embellished with silver sequins that wraps around the body, tying into a large adjustable bow at the shoulder and another on the thong-style derrière makes a very attractive package for the women wrapped in it. I think it is one of the most attractive of the Agent Provocateur garments I have and it is very easily gotten out of by untying the bows rather than having it ripped off.

My New Years silver playsuit: This suit was a Christmas gift from my primary lover, Marvin (Morning Wood). It’s the sort of provocative costume I like to wear when I am alone with a lover to get his blood pressure up. I had briefly considered wearing it during my New Year house party, from the 31st to the 3rd, but thought better of it since I’m sure it would “scare the horses”, in a manner of speaking, as most of my neighbors aren’t ready to know me quite that well. It would certainly be a piece of amazing gossip to begin the year, but I’m looking for more mainstream news to emanate from the Barony if any news at all.  

Of course to confidently wear something like this the wearer must have waxed pubes or the look is spoiled. That is especially true if one is strutting around on her toes where the pelvis is thrust out as a ‘preview of coming attractions coming soon to an encounter Sallie near you’. It has a tiny vulva cup that just fits over the head of a sports plug I always wear when performing in minimal costumes like this with an audience I’m not entirely comfortable with. Wearing a plug prevents amorous and adventuresome members of the audience from slipping fingers inside me while I’m giving them personal attention. Some of the nice things about this costume are that I can be milked by just removing a pastie and the vulva cup can be slipped to one side if I am sans plug and want to be fingered, or to assist a male acquaintance obviously in need of help with his erection by having him insert himself inside me for a few minutes. Playsuits are so much fun that way!

New Years Eve festivities: I thought the evening went very well. After the ball for which a string quartet played and ringing in the New Year at midnight  couples began pairing off (not necessarily with the partner they arrived with) some being more circumspect about it than others. Several of the men had asked staff how to get to specific women’s rooms so I knew there were games of musical beds in progress. I thought it was lovely that my guests felt safe enough here to begin new or continue with established trysts, but of course since few of them had ever been guests here I think it was mostly that they saw it as the chance of a lifetime to be fucked on New Years at Blackthorn Castle.

Actually I had a chance to become very closely acquainted with the Timothy (Tim) the twenty-five y/o son and heir of Lord D**** who lives nearby. Tim is on leave from the SAS in which he is an officer, having graduated from the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst and Oxford. He looks so handsome and virile in his dress uniform! He is a fabulous ballroom dancer and is an amazingly gentle lover with tremendous sexual stamina, but then he said he hadn’t been with a woman in several months. I knew he was my type when he said he has a thing for ballerinas so I showed him my costume and shoe rooms. He was particularly taken by the shoe room which smells of new pointes as well as the scent of damp leather and paste and anti-bacteria spray from drying Freed and Gaynor pointes that I wear on a daily basis. The shoe room has a barre and mirror so I can try on a pair and see how I look in them, and yes there can be a different look between pairs of seemingly identical pointes, at least there is for me.  It was there in the shoe room having shown Tim how I prepare my toes for pointework and tying my feet into a pair of Gaynor Mindens that I first had ballet-sex with him. He is tall and marvelously well hung so even en pointe a la seconde he lifted me several inches off my platforms making me very glad I always wear GM pointes with their internal thick platform pads for ballet-sex as thrust-drop can disable if not hospitalize the woman if she doesn’t protect her toes properly when engaging in ballet-sex.

Tim as a bedmate: As my New Years bedmate Tim and I had a marvelous time, but very little sleep. As I mentioned earlier he has (or had- I’ll know more about that as the house party continues) amazing sexual stamina and was obviously experienced as he knew exactly what to do to drive me wild with desire on my toes, on my back, on my hands and knees entered from behind doggie style, or even when I was astride him where he only had to look at me with those lovely deep blue eyes! He did most of the work except when I was astride him. He gave me a series of bone melting orgasm so all I had to do was lie there and enjoy his skill. My only contribution while on my back was the very strong vaginal contractions he gave me when I came and took him into ecstasy with me. He actually got off seven times though the last one was Pompoir where I milked him.

Marvin had taken to bed a nineteen y/o Cambridge student the daughter of a local politician. She is sucking up to him in every way possible (she swallows during fellatio which he loves) as she wants to get into one of his Psych classes a class which is already over subscribed. I suspect if she is as willing and talented a bed partner as he hopes he will almost certainly find a way to get her into the class she wants. I made sure she was using protection. In her case Nexplanon the etonogestrel single rod upper arm implant since Marvin will not wear a condom and I don’t want him impregnating my guests. I haven’t seen them this morning so they are probably sleeping in. I hope she isn’t so sore she walks funny this morning as everyone will know what happened, but then anyone paying attention saw them disappear together so they weren’t hiding it.   

Contraceptive enquiries: During the evening several of the young ladies from adjoining estates came to ask about birth control for themselves. I’m not sure how my expertise in the field of contraception became known in the area. Well, it was probably because I fit two of the castle’s servants with Caya diaphragms and I imagine they told their friends. In the village that sort of news travels faster than light so it spreads from one great house to another not to mention through the general population.

Two of the girls were looking for something nonhormonal as they are currently on the pill which is causing depression and frequent spotting. I recommended they consult their Gyns about a copper IUD. I don’t think cervical barriers are for them as neither seems to be able to think clearly and for a diaphragm or cap to be effective it takes a being a bit obsessive/compulsive to stick to the regimen of wearing it every time because barriers are unforgiving of oopses and just-this-once events. The other is a Doctorial candidate in mathematics at Oxford and as highly organized as any one I’ve ever seen. So should be an excellent candidate for successful use of the Caya diaphragm.  

Friday morning January first: There may be an early start to the New Year by only a few of guests. Most, (other than my wards, their partners and I who have already taken our technique and pointe classes) will almost certainly be sleeping in. Breakfast is to order this morning as guests come down to breakfast or brunch, whenever they wake. And with temperatures in the low 40s (F) rain and 20 mph winds forecast for the entire weekend we will be playing a lot of indoor sports. Archery in the Great Hall, darts in the blue drawing room and billiards and Charades will be the organized entertainment. Of course couples can go off by themselves.  At this elevation we have already had snow flurries.  


Wishing all my readers a happy and prosperous 2016



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