Monday, July 11, 2016

Bare down there: Nude pubes – the pluses and minuses

A full Brazilian (squeaky clean) waxing

The photo: The lovely and confidence building results of a full (squeaky clean) Brazilian waxing.

IPL hair removal: Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) laser permanent hair removal is not suitable for use on light blond, red and white/grey hair as darker colored hair absorbs the energy from the laser and is more quickly destroyed.  However, my thick bright red hair while not as easily removed by laser as darker colors was removed in nine sessions, one every six weeks, over the last year. If I was young and hadn’t been waxing it would have taken longer, but I’d been waxing for more than twenty years so there wasn’t a lot of hair left. Finally, all I have left now are my eyebrows and scalp hair!

The down-side of bare down there:  There can be a safety issue with pubic grooming at home. If not careful shaving can cause cuts requiring a visit to the ER and home waxing can cause burns also requiring a trip to the ER. Too, there is some research that shows that girls who haven’t reached puberty have more pelvic infections than after puberty when a thick bush can afford some protection. So removing pubic hair can increase the chance of pelvic infections.

Reasons for nude pubes: Growing up in a ballet boarding school I couldn’t wait for my first pair of pointe-shoes and my first pubic waxing, which occurred shortly after I reached menarche at fourteen. The school encouraged nude pubes since costumes fit better and leotards and tights displayed the mons pubis and cameltoe in greater detail. Some of the other reasons knowledgeable and sexually sophisticated women prefer hairless pubes are:  

  • It makes the woman look younger.
  • Ease of access to fondle the shaft of the clitoris.
  • Sports Plugs (vaginal plugs) seal much more securely if body adhesive is needed (if her post-pubic vault isn’t shaped to retain the plug) when the wearer has bare pubes to prevent being finger-fucked at parties.
  • It’s easier to clean up while menstrual, especially after menstrual sex and cunnilingus.
  • Hair doesn’t get caught in a partner’s teeth and the relief zippers of catsuits.
  • Greater comfort, poise and confidence gotten from knowing you look fabulous when displaying nude pubes under revealing clothing.

Latex Catsuits relief zippers: Nude pubes as a relief zipper plus was mentioned above, but I think it needs its own brief discussion because with tight relief zippers on properly sized, very tight, latex catsuits getting a relief zipper closed even when the wearer has a closely trimmed bush can be a challenge. I recommend some relief zipper training for my escort clients when fitted with one of Gepettos custom latex catsuits that are so tight that the zipper is between the labia forming a soft deep cameltoe. With one of those it is very difficult to get even a well waxed zipper fully closed w/o having hair caught in the zipper unless wearing a Sports Plug so nude pubes are highly recommended.  Of course a suit that tight can’t be worn comfortably by many of us but for those who can, like me, the zipper along the shaft of my clitoris is very arousing.

A Full Brazilian for hygiene: Hygiene is defined as: “Conditions or practices conducive to maintaining health and preventing disease, especially through cleanliness.” Well, ease of clean-up is certainly one aspect of having nude pubes though I agree with the doctors (in the links below) that grooming to hairless pubes isn’t really the primary reason that a high percentage young women and a much higher percentage of performers and escorts go bare down there for the reasons mentioned above. A recent New York Times article about shaving, waxing, or lasering pubic hair is at:

“Most Women Prefer to Go Bare, Citing Hygiene (and Baffling Doctors)” can be read HERE

In case readers hit a pay-wall at the NYT Links cited in the above article are:

“Pubic Hair Grooming Prevalence and Motivation Among Women in the United States” can be read HERE

“Pubic hair removal among women in the United States: prevalence, methods, and characteristics” can be read HERE:

“Vulvovaginal Health” article can be read HERE:

“Pubic hair grooming injuries presenting to U.S. emergency departments” article can be read HERE.

Major external anatomical parts of the female genitalia
The photo: Is in the public domain from Wikipedia: Vulva_labeled_english wikipedia By Vagina039.jpg Londoner500derivative work Lamilli (talk) - Vagina039.jpg, Public Domain, httpscommons.wikimedia.orgwindex

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