Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving 2010


Thanksgiving Day:
Cyndi’s mom, Fiona, and her boyfriend are with us again this year to celebrate Thanksgiving! The Honorable Lady Fiona etc, etc (known to her friends as “Fi”) and her current stud-muffin an SAS Major, Colin Tree, who is with the Military Attaché unit of the Embassy in DC were able to come! She flew out with Senator Reid, to brief him on an Anglo-American project, while Congress is on Thanksgiving break. Limnaea was on the east coast so it was no trouble to pick up Maj. Tree at Dulles. I will fit Fiona with a Reflexions so she can dive the pit She prefers a diaphragm which she used before having her GyneFix implanted rather than the 30 mm Oves I fitted her for last year. That will work out well because we now know Reflexions is quite safe as a gas guard down to at least 200 feet.

Like last year I have a team of chefs - hired off-duty from the casino - working my commercial grade kitchen to prepare the traditional turkey dinner. There will be Parade watching and football for the men but I expect to be able to lure them away from the games for plenty of sex.

For the weekend there will be:

1.Cyndi & Chris,
2. Anya & Robin,
3. Shelly & Jeff,
4.Marie-Claude & Pirate,
5.Diané & Peter,
6. Fiona & Colin,
7. Cara & Clark an experience escort new to our group
8.Abigail (Abi): pool-assistant and Lorelei in residence to Adolph & Adolph
9.Gigi & Chuck, my fave Gyno and Taryn’s old BF.
10.Beth: My Pool Assistant/Dresser & Jon a lovely male escort
11. Jacques & me.

The lovely thing about having a very large house is I can bed them all here for the entire weekend. My circle, since they are in synchrony with me, will be CD 7 – 10 from tomorrow through the weekend so we should all be fertile by Saturday and ready to test the stamina of out partners. Fiona is a few days ahead so will probably ovulate this weekend.

The only sadness is that Taryn won’t be here with us. She sends her love and asks to be remembered to all. She is enjoying Trinity College Cambridge and her tutor says she is doing well in her studies while having an active social life at her country house, Cunt Castle, on weekends.


  1. Jill, Happy Thanksgiving to you over there and to your friends... Have a great weekend! :)


  2. A happy Thanksgiving to you all. And I'll bet everyone will be giving their thanks every night!
