Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Condoms and Zika

Reservoir tip root boots for photoshoots

The Photo: a selection of colored latex condoms now increasing in popularity because of the Zika virus.

Zika protection: My circle and I have reluctantly begun to use condoms with our partners now because there is no other protection from the Zika virus while having sexual intercourse of any kind. For repeated acts of underwater PVI we have always used the nitrile female condom (FC2) – just as Taryn’s porn actresses do during rehearsals -  except for the cum shots - but we hadn’t been using latex condoms except with new men until we got the of their (negative) STI full panel results. Now all our casual partners taken while out clubbing have to glove up. “No glove, no love!” Latex is far better than polyethylene and Nitrile from the standpoint of its heat transfer properties. The super-thin latex is amazing and personally I like the textured ones since in a condom I don’t get the feel of an uncut man’s frenulum rubbing bareback against my G-spot during ballet-sex, when I’m taken from behind while on my toes. However, latex can be easily damaged by a sharp fingernail so there is that to be careful to avoid.

Reality: Most Escorts, Hostesses and women in my circle have never really been too concerned about birth defects since we all are using effective contraceptive methods and would terminate any unplanned pregnancy. But that is certainly foremost in the minds of most women of reproductive age especially now that it’s known that a woman can be infected by sexual intercourse. Our concern now is that as scientists learn more about Zika they are finding that there may be other long term problems (in addition to Guillain-Barre syndrome) even for adults who show no early symptoms.  Now we know that the virus can stay for at least six months or perhaps longer in a man’s semen.

But what about saliva? The U.S. CDC says that any secretions can transmit Zika so fellatio and cunnilingus are included.  I’ve never been a fan of dental dams so when clubbing oral sex is out at least for now. The rules at my London club, “The Costume Club” (AKA Clever Cunts), have been changed to substantially increase the use of condoms and most of the members understand as none of them wants to take Zika back to their wife and/or mistress.

So when I’m with a new and well-endowed man (and not menstrual) I’ll wear one of my transparent silicone Oves cervical caps for contraceptive protection while he wears a ultra-thin latex sheath lubricated with a water base lube. That way I’m not as likely to grip him so tightly when he is in my anterior fornix that the reservoir tip is flattened and his secretions squeezed out around his glans and down his shaft so he slides out. I know I could use an FC2, but inserting it ahead of time spoils the line of my nude pubes under a sheer thong and with the large anterior ring hanging out it is too much like advertising which is such a put-off and not my style at all!

Current UK (NHS) Zika virus guidance: This guidance is from August 6, 2016 the most recent official UK guidance available. However, the intervals of 6 months for avoiding unprotected sex may not be long enough as longer instances of the virus remaining active in semen have been found to occurred in the U.S. The article can be read HERE

Current (8-17-2016) U.S CDC Zika guidance concerning sexual transmission: Sex includes vaginal, anal, oral sex, and the sharing of sex toys The U.S. seems further ahead in Zika research, perhaps because there is greater likelihood of cases in states in the deep south.  The article can be read HERE

U.S. FDA advises testing for Zika virus in all donated blood and blood components in the US: On August 26th the FDA said “As a further safety measure against the emerging Zika virus outbreak, today the U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued a revised guidance recommending universal testing of donated Whole Blood and blood components for Zika virus in the U.S. and its territories.”

“There is still much uncertainty regarding the nature and extent of Zika virus transmission,” said Peter Marks, M.D., Ph.D., director of the FDA’s Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research. “At this time, the recommendation for testing the entire blood supply will help ensure that safe blood is available for all individuals who might need transfusion.” The full News Release can be read HERE:

Zika and my circle: Given the cool climate in the UK experts think it unlikely that there will be much spread of Zika by mosquitos. However, it can be spread through bodily secretions during vaginal, anal, oral sex, and the sharing of sex toys so there could be transmission by persons infected by mosquitoes while traveling outside the UK.  Which is why I and my wards and other friends haven’t been visiting my home on Lost Cove on Virgin Gorda recently as the Caribbean is not safe for sunbathing and bikinis right now and it is also hurricane season there now as well. Not that I worry about microcephaly, since we all use effective means of contraception and would terminate an unplanned pregnancy should one occur, but the scientists are finding more about Zika almost daily and there could be more serious and long term effects for adults that are as yet unknown. And of course I wouldn’t want to infect partners during unprotected sex which I enjoy so much and have them spread it to others.

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