Friday, August 26, 2016

Wet Dreams and a condom conundrum

Dead Pointes, prep for the Wet Dreams short course

The Photo: Dead pointes to be ritually burnt after the Wet Dreams seminar.

A Wet Dreams technique short course: I had been repeatedly asked by my young wards, Bea and Seren, if I would hold a Wet Dreams short course for girlfriends from Cambridge. It seems “Wet Dreams” is what some men at Uni call ballet-sex. I’m not sure how it got that name except perhaps from the fantasy aspect of sex with a ballet dancer penetrated from behind while she is en pointe. Returning readers will recall that ballet-sex is where the woman is entered from behind while sur les pointes a la seconde.  When used by Bea and Seren giving a man ballet-sex has proven extremely effective in seducing highly desirable males among the facility and students.

Additionally, the use of 16+ MUF Manuka honey as a natural spermicide or to sweeten the taste and add to the bouquet of pelvic musk and coitial discharge adds to their partner’s enticement, if any is needed, to engage in cunnilingus and fellatio.  Michaelmas term classes don’t start until October 6th so the girls still have more than five weeks to enjoy my training seminars and being intern Hostesses at the Costume Club (AKA Clever Cunts) in London. The girls have been with me for the last several days practicing for ballet-sex with suction cup dildos mounted on the mirrored walls of my old ballet studio. A major problem with holding this sort of pelvic training is usually finding acceptable male partners, not that there aren’t be a great many men wanting to participate.

An offer I couldn’t refuse: HM’s Government recently approached me, through Tim’s father, Lord D**** (a member of an agency that cannot be named) about providing pelvic skills training for a few young women who will be using the skills I teach while on HM’s service.  I was pleased that Lord D**** apparently remembered me as fondly as I remember him from the time that he and I had a ballet-sex encounter which we enjoyed immensely while he was my guest at Blackthorn Castle last year. Of course that was before I was introduced to his son who has become my primary lover.  

As I mentioned above a major problem with holding that sort of pelvic training is a shortage of acceptable male partners who in this instance need security clearances as well as being free of STIs. When I mentioned this to Lord D****, he said a pool of physically fit men free of STIs was available from an SAS base nearby. He said that he would arrange to have six men of my choice be sent to Blackthorn Castle on temporary duty as a training detail. So over the past weekend I was in Cheshire (along with Chris my male Gyn) selecting the six (all of whom have the needed security and health clearances) who will partner the female agents I will be training and they arrived late last night.

The timing of this has worked out marvelously as Bea and Seren and their friends can have the men as partners for their Wet Dreams classes at a Friday through Monday house party over the Summer Bank Holiday (on the 29th) before the government women are scheduled to arrive. This will give the men an opportunity to find out what will be expected of them and we will have a few days to test the men’s sexual stamina before the government women students arrive on Wednesday after my wards and their friends leave for London this coming Tuesday. Blackthorn Castle makes a wonderfully secluded training facility for this sort of thing. Since the women’s identities are classified.

Contraceptive protection: Bea and Seren’s six Cambridge friends are on one form or another of hormonal contraception. As returning readers will recall Bea and Seren have stringless, frameless copper bead GyneFix IUDs implanted. For the Wet Dreams course latex flat spring diaphragms have been fitted for the students who didn’t already use them as one of the goals of the course is to train the women in using contraceptive diaphragms for menstrual flow control, to provide some thrust buffering when mating with very well endowed men and as a tool to cause a protected partner to slip out of his condom if the couple’s anatomies permit the man to fit snugly into his partner’s anterior fornix. The female government students are all on Depo-SubQ Provera 104 which requires an injection in the thigh or abdomen every three months. The government women will also be fitted with latex flat spring diaphragms as well as their use will be an important part of their training.

Pointe shoes for Wet Dreams training: The female agents all have extensive ballet training and will take the course in Gaynor Minden pointes. Bea and Seren’s friends will take their Wet Dreams short course in their own traditional paste pointes as none wanted to spend the money to be fitted for GM shoes. They were told to each bring at least six pairs of pointes with them. In the several days of class as well as dildo practice they have already been through several pairs each. I had let them know they will be more susceptible to injury from thrust-drop during ballet-sex when wearing paste pointes and advised heavily padding their toes which they seem to have taken to heart. We will see how that goes as they haven’t been paired with the men yet, so they have had no opportunity to experience thrust-drop.

Forced condom shedding: One of the tricks I teach young women is how to force a properly sized and correctly worn condom to slide off an erect penis and it can be practiced in almost any position if the couple’s anatomies are such that he can reach deep into her anterior fornix. The male training partners will be on performance enhancers to minimize any lack of focus and penis wilting during training encounters. The woman wears a latex flat spring rim diaphragm because of the stability of the rim and as I mentioned the man must be long enough to reach to the bottom of her anterior fornix.  When her condom wearing partner is aroused and producing pre-ejaculate that is contained in the reservoir tip he thinks he is safe and even if he is aware she is wearing a diaphragm (which many men aren’t) he believes he is safe from accidently impregnating her should her diaphragm leak.

The process that causes him to slide out of a properly worn condom is that with a latex flat spring diaphragm the rubber dome is stretched very tightly over the tip of the cervix when he thrusts deep into her anterior fornix. The 360° pressure on his glans from him forcing the stretchy latex into her fornix will flatten and squeeze the reservoir tip forcing the pre-cum and ejaculate down over his glans and the shaft of his erection allowing him after a few thrusts to slide out of his protective sheath. At that point even if he realizes he is unprotected it is usually too late to withdraw and he almost always inseminates her. While the men will know the government women they are helping train are on hormonal contraception my partners have told me that when a condom slips off it is always scary, but most seem to enjoy knowing their partner will be draining his liquefied semen.  

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