Adjustable racer-back details of front
close extra lift bra
The photo: The
racer-back of a VS So Obsessed front-close push-up that provides extra lift which
in fetish circles is sometimes called a ‘razor-back” because of the number of
elastic back bands that have been slit - or weakened so they come apart while
the wearer is on the dance floor - by jealous rivals usually in a fetish club
ladies’ loo using a razor blade paint scraper as an offensive weapon. A box
cutter will work as well though I think it’s too heavy and bulky to
conveniently carry in a clutch while clubbing. Because costume sabotage is
common among competitive women it’s always a good idea to go into the ladies
loo of a fetish club in pairs to watch one another’s backs.
Sex and the
push-up: For Balanchine bodied ballerinas like me; long
legs and neck, short trunk, small breasts and head the push-up bra is a
necessity when out clubbing at venues where there is a need to show cleavage. The
extra lift gives me (a B-cup with lactating breasts) amazingly deep cleavage
that when worn with a revealing top guarantees a man will have a hard time looking
me in the eye when talking to me because he can’t get his eyes off my cleavage.
When that happens I can sometimes see the drape in his slacks change as he
becomes hard and fanaticizes about cumming on my chest and watching his semen
drain down my cleavage and my pelvis begins to tingle as I start to become
aroused. I’m shamelessly brazen when the mood strikes me, especially when I’m
fertile, so thinking about what he might do to me if I could get him alone gets
me wet and all because I’m wearing a push-up. Marvin has no idea wearing a
push-up affects me so strongly that way.
Extra lift front
closure bras are amazing to breast feed in too and it’s such a surprise to a
new man when I offer to let him milk me.
I love playing with a man’s mind like that while feeling amazingly desirable,
feminine and very attractive and it works not just with men I meet for the
first time, but with the men I’m around all the time as well; Marvin, Chris my
Gyn, Alexei and Jack to name a few.
Veronika and
her Ben Wa set: Returning readers will recall that Veronika
is the ballerina daughter of my close Belgravia neighbor and Russian ex-pat
Alexei. She asked me to help her increase her pelvic skills and one of those is
Pompoir, being able to milk the semen from a man
while he remains stationary inside her. It’s
what I use to call ‘ripple grip’ which I think better describes that muscle flexing
technique. The primary training device for isolating and strengthening of the vaginal
muscle sets to be able to milk a man effectively is a pair of Ben Wa balls. I have her training with a one inch diameter surgical
stainless steel set.
Each ball weighs 2.307 oz.) for a total of 4.614
oz. of steel, more than a quarter of a pound and she has become proficient in
moving the balls up and down her vaginal barrel while performing household
tasks and can even hold them in place in pointe class doing jumps and développés
while en pointe. Pompoir is said to be one of the sexual skills that Wallis
Simpson used on King Edward VIII that made him so in thrall to her that he
abdicated the English throne in order to marry her.
The Mares Trick is far too advanced to be
teaching at this point in her training, but being able to successfully accomplish
Pompoir is an important requirement on the way.
She has been trying out her penis milking skills
on several of her ballet partners and has set off something of a rivalry between
them for her attention. However, she is still looking for Mr. Right while enjoying
Mr. Right Now. That’s quite similar to what Morning Wood and I are doing,
enjoying secondary sexual partners to take advantage of situations that arise
and to fill urgent needs when we aren’t together. As the saying goes “when I’m not near the man
I love I love the man I’m near.”
contraceptive sponge and pregnancy: In
our clinic we have recently seen several women testing positive for hCG after
using the Today sponge. The Today contraceptive sponge is not currently
available over-the-counter in the UK, but can be purchased on the Internet.
Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is a hormone produced by the syncytiotrophoblast, a portion of the
placenta following implantation. The presence of hCG is detected in pregnancy
tests. has Today sponge vaginal contraceptive sponge – box of 3 for
17.36 GBP which depending on how much sex you have might be a good deal
compared with condoms.
The Today
sponge contains the spermicide Nonoxynol-9 (N9) and is supposed to be capable
for protecting against pregnancy for an unlimited number of acts of IC over an
interval of 24 hours and should be removed no earlier than 6 hours after the
last act of IC and should not be worn continuously for more than 30 hours. When
it first came available in the U.S. it was advertised as being effective for 48
hours, two days, which is how the Today sponge got its name.
We had
another walk-in patient who wanted help removing a sponge that had been forced
into her posterior fornix by a well endowed partner. She has short fingers and
freaked out when she found it was off her cervix and she couldn’t reach it. She
could have used a long handled spoon to tease the sponge out from behind her
cervix, but was too upset to think clearly. We removed the sponge soaked with
her fertile cervical mucus and semen and gave her the EC pill ellaOne.
Happy Easter: I’d
like to wish my readers the blessings of the Easter season. Even though I’m a
Priestess of the Goddess Aphrodite I respect the beliefs of my readers of all
different faiths.
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