Monday, June 8, 2015

Turtles in the BVI, female Viagra and new partners

A Hawksbill sea turtle in the BVI

The Photo: A Hawksbill sea turtle on the bottom of a bay in the BVIs. See how well its coloration blends with the bottom flora and fauna. 

Sea turtles in the BVIs: The British Virgin Islands has a Sea Turtle Hunting season December 1st through March 31st. Hunters are legally allowed to harvest Hawksbill and Green Sea Turtles, both endangered animals. Hawksbill turtles (must be 15+inches carapace length) and Green turtles (24 +inches carapace length) but these sizes still put them in the late juvenile / sub-adult age. There is a moratorium on loggerhead turtles, leatherback turtles, & all sea turtle eggs.

Sea turtles are breeding now and interfering with their egg laying is prohibited. Fortunately for us most of their breeding grounds and egg laying beaches are on the northern side of Tortola. So far we have only had only one female, a huge leatherback, come ashore to nest and she is on one end of the beach up against the cliff out of the way where it is sunny during the day. Marvin and I were on the beach after midnight where he was doing his biologic best to breed me when we heard her digging her nest.  We were almost finished so he came (he had already given me my pleasure) and we went to watch her finish digging, lay her eggs and cover them with several feet of sand then reenter the water. She will probably be back with another batch in a few weeks.

There is an active movement to ban the hunting of all varieties and sizes of sea turtles in the BVIs, but they constitute an important boost to the economy during hunting season and they are delicious to eat.     

Flibanserin a female Viagra?: In early June an advisory panel to the USFDA recommended approval of Flibanserin, a drug touted by Sprout Pharmaceuticals to treat Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder (HSDD) in women--a persistent lack of desire for sex. The advisory panel’s 18-6 vote came with stipulations from those in favor that measures be taken to reduce the drug's side effects that can include low blood pressure, fainting, sleepiness and nausea.

HSDD was recognized as a distinct sexual function disorder for more than 30 years, but was removed from the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders in 2013, and replaced with a new diagnosis called female sexual interest/arousal disorder (FSIAD).

In trials for women taking Flibanserin the average number of times they had “satisfying sexual events” rose from 2.8 to 4.5 times a month. The majority of adverse events being mild to moderate and were resolved during the treatment. The most commonly reported adverse events included dizziness, nausea, fatigue, somnolence and insomnia. That’s almost a doubling of satisfying events so for women suffering from FSIAD the side effects may be worth putting up with them. Thank God I’m not one of them!

How Flibanserin works: [from:] “The proposed mechanism of action refers to the Kinsey dual control model. Several sex steroids, neurotransmitters, and hormones have important excitatory or inhibitory effects on the sexual response. Among the neurotransmitters, the excitatory activity is driven by dopamine and norepinephrine, while the inhibitory activity is driven by serotonin. The balance between these systems is relevant for a healthy sexual response. By modulating these neurotransmitters in selective brain areas, Flibanserin, a 5-HT1A receptor agonist and 5-HT2A receptor antagonist, is likely to restore the balance between these neurotransmitter systems. 5-HT1A receptor activation likely plays a significant role in the empathogenic effects of serotonin releasing agents (SRAs) like MDMA ("Ecstasy") as well.”

“Flibanserin is a 5-HT1A receptor agonist and 5-HT2A receptor antagonist that had initially been investigated as an antidepressant. Preclinical evidence suggested that Flibanserin targets these receptors preferentially in selective brain areas and helps to restore a balance between these inhibitory and excitatory effects.”

HPV inoculations and biocides: Fortunately all the new girls have had their Gardasil shots and because of the high number of male partners we are all sharing we are using a new biocide from Labia Labs, a major improvement to DiveGel+ called DiveGel++. The new formulation of silicone lube can be safely used with silicone cervical barriers for dive-sex and is easier to remove from lingerie and swimsuits, but of course a silicone lube isn’t conducive to cunilingus unless the lube is applied afterward. The lube also has an improved vaginal pH balance and the biocide is more effective with no side effects.  

The new men’s sexual education continues: In my post for May 31, 2015 I mentioned five couples who had come down for the women (who are friends or Taryn’s at Cambridge) to get a bit of sun and a few hours of familiarization training as ‘Hostesses’ at a fetish club this summer since they want to experience the fetish community first hand as background for their study of medicine and eventually psychiatry. The men in my circle as well as the boyfriends they brought with them are keeping the new girls filled with fresh semen. But it is the five new STI screened men that my circle and I were particularly pleased to have joined us. While they have great sexual stamina they aren’t all that worldly though several of them think they are the world’s gift to women.

For me there is nothing more erotic that taking a new unprotected man inside me for the first time and the few after that are marvelous as well as I learn his lovemaking technique, especially if he is well endowed. As this is written I’m CD10 and fertile and should ovulate on Friday the 12th so I need to be sure I’m protected with a cervical barrier of some sort as I enjoy the new scent, the color of their eyes and hair, the feel of them grasping my hips or shoulders to hold me in position while they work on my G-spot or thrust into my anterior fornix squeezing his glans when I have a Reflexions flat spring diaphragm inserted and his thrusting rubs the anterior rim against my G-spot. For most encounters I can delay my most intense orgasms to have the contractions occur when he is ready and we tip over the edge into toe curling, gasping, screaming ecstasy together.

Bea has set all the new men back on their heels. When an 18 y/o who appears to be an ingénue milks a man’s penis when he takes her to bed for the first time thinking he is going to show her what sex with a man is all about it can be a shock to his masculinity.  On their first encounter she always mind-fucks him, giving him pompoir and it’s usually the first time for him! She can quickly have a man on a psychological penis leash if he isn’t careful as they can easily become addicted to her amazing muscular encounters and become in thrall to her grip. Fortunately she hasn’t had her head turned by the effect she has on men, at least not yet.

Service school: The five Cambridge grad students who have come to me for ‘hostess familiarization training’ as Taryn called it are all popping 500mg fast acting capsules of acetaminophen because of what one called pelvic trauma. I had cautioned them to try to avoid bruising of the mons pubis from a partner’s too forceful thrusting when his pelvis slams into hers, but for some it takes personal experience to drive the lesson home, in a manner of speaking.

The trainees were told to bring three pairs of 5” pumps (stripper heels) as well as at least one pair of good quality leather ballet-boots which they were fitted for at the Blackthorn fetishwear shop. The boots are custom made by a cobbler in London. They are well made of good leather, provide plenty of ankle support and the heels won’t break or come off easily nor will the reinforced toe-boxes collapse. The boots aren’t up to Gepetto’s standards, but they only cost £350 rather than the £2,000 that his would cost. I am very pleased how well their ballet-boots fit and they come with a quarter of a stress ball in the toe-boxes. It only took two sessions to teach them that the boots have to be laced extremely tight to grip the instep. Correctly laced 90% of the wearer’s weight is supported by the instep being wedged between the tongue and laces and the shank of the boot while the remaining 10% is on her toes pressed into the stress ball. They are actually doing very well wearing them, becoming accustomed to walking confidently in them and the thick leather of the shafts provide good ankle support. They can keep up during our regular 30 minute ballet-boot exercise session where my wards and I walk around the house wearing heel guards to protect the floors and carpets and up and down stairs to keep our feet and legs used to the needs of ballet-boot wearing.

I would have liked the girls to also train in pointe-shoes as that is a skill that few hostesses have and would increase their desirability, but while they had all taken ballet and a year or two of pointe they do not have the muscles nor stamina for hostessing en pointe and there is no time to build up the needed strength and flexibility in their legs, feet and ankles. We started with the easiest shoes first being penetrated from behind while in stripper heels while bent over with the hands griping the knees. This also gave the students some relief from being penetrated from the front where their bruised pubic bones would almost certainly be hit. And now we have progressed to being entered from the rear while standing in ballet-boots either bent over holding on to a barre, chair back or counter top, or just bent over holding on to her knees, but that takes much better balance than when entered that way in stripper heels. 


  1. How is it that there is little to no porn of the pointe shoe sex that you so delicately describe. Few may have the opportunity to experience but it sounds delightful to watch your skilled artistry.

    1. There is pointe-shoe porn, but very little ballet-sex where the woman is en pointe in pointe-shoes (not ballet-boots) and penetrated from the rear with her feet a la second while bent over holding on to the barre.

      I attribute the dearth of ballet-sex to the fact that few women want to develop the strength and stamina needed to remain safely en pointe and possibly contend with thrust-drop while being penetrated from behind when they could far more comfortably and safely be taken in missionary or doggie style while wearing pointes and minimize the likelihood of injury.

    2. Yes that was what I was referring to. Your eloquent descriptions of training these artists are captivating. It is unfortunate that few will see or experience.

    3. Most of the girls I know who are adept at ballet-sex are not porn actresses, but very up-market Escorts an occupation where they can be properly compensated for their artistry.

    4. Fair enough and I wasn't suggesting anything negative in that observation. It just seems like there are adult movies for just about every thing.

      I am curious do they see the dance training as a means to this world? Or are they still looking to dance professionally too?

    5. > I am curious do they see the dance training as a means to this world? Or are they still looking to dance professionally too?

      The Escorts I work with don’t want to be dancers although some are working as dancers in clubs because they need the money. They see ballet training as a competitive advantage in meeting client expectations. Almost all are grad students using escort work to pay for their formal education. They understand that like dancers any woman in escort work has a short sell-by date after which she needs to be well established in another more generally accepted line of work or have married well.


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Powys , Wales, United Kingdom
I'm a classically trained dancer and SAB grad. A Dance Captain and go-to girl overseeing high-roller entertainment for a major casino/resort