A pair of Oves cavity rim cervical caps
Wearing Oves: I feel so safe and adventuresome when I have an Oves sucking on my cervix! That’s because the dome of ¼ mm thick transparent silicone rubber collapses when the rim grips the walls of the cervix making it the smallest of the cervical barriers because the dome conforms to the shape of the wearer’s cervix. The collapsed dome also adheres by surface tension to the cervix which, with the cavity rim seal and small cross-section makes it very difficult to dislodge. I’ve been using Oves as my primary method of contraception (and for over-pressure protection) for 88 cycles now, that’s since June of 2002. And since I have such a tight fit I have been wearing Oves dry (without spermicide in the dome) since August of 2004 with no pregnancy scares! It’s awesome!
Problems with Oves: For me there are only two problems with Oves. 1) The ultra-thin dome and its small size provide no thrust buffering if I should be with a man who is extremely well endowed. 2) Oves (or any cap) shouldn’t be worn for contraception during menses because the flow will float it off the cervix. Because I have very regular 28 day cycles there is little chance I could be impregnated during my periods, but if it was displaced while I was having a submerged encounter the possibility of an embolism is very real. So for over-pressure protection during menses I wear a diaphragm which limits the depth at which I can have dive-sex to above 10m. To shorten the length of my periods I have a Menstrual Extraction at the first of each cycle. That way my periods are only 3 days long and I can safely wear Oves for 25 of the 28 days of my cycle!
The Aristocrat and Adam: Readers of my old 360 Blog may remember the British member of the Peerage who was waiting out her pregnancy on her plantation on Virgin Gorda. She was to have her Amniocentesis in mid May. I think she already suspected there were problems. Somehow we just seem to know these things and sure enough the tests showed the fetus was female and that there were significant genetic abnormalities so she and Sir Robert (her Gyn) decided to terminate since what she needed was a healthy male heir. At her age, in her early 50s, she was lucky to get preggers at all and genetic abnormalities were a very high risk which she understood, but wanted to try anyway. Given the result she has given up trying to produce an heir herself. Fortunately I was able to suggest an alternative, Adam. He is a beautiful baby boy who was orphaned when his mom was killed when she became collateral damage in a nascent drug war. He was seen as a loose end and no one wanted him because he wasn’t Family, so, since I was already lactating (the result of excessive nipple stimulation several years ago when I was modeling latex fetishwear and had a lover who was big into boobs) I took him to care for until I could place him in a good home. So, her Grace’s termination was a godsend for both Adam and her.
Over the Memorial Day weekend I sent Limnaea, my G550, to pick her and Robin (Sir Robert up and bring them out here. She jumped at the chance to have a healthy very young male infant – I had already had his DNA run and as far as science can tell right now he is nearly perfect, genetically. It would have taken weeks to even get that sort of thing scheduled but money talks and his tests were put at the top of the list. Even so the details took several weeks but the results were worth the wait. She had called quite distraught as you can imagine when the abnormalities were found and I had intentionally kept quite about Adam’s availability so as not to prejudice any decision she made. Immediately the termination was complete she called again as I am one of the few women who knew what she was attempting so she felt she could talk with me. I let her know that Adam needed a home and sent her his DNA results and she was overjoyed to take him. Robin started her on herbs right away to increase her prolactin levels as her pregnancy hormones dropped and a week later she started using a Medela to gently pump her breasts. Now she’s not producing at anywhere near what should be her full capacity but her breasts are continuing to swell and when Adam latches on her Oxytocin levels go through the roof so she needs sex each time she feeds him. Peter, the stallion who impregnated her over the New Year holiday, is available to take care of her needs and the two of them have become a quiet item in town. Her doctors have changed her diet so she is getting the nutrients she needs to produce rich milk and she is staying in one of the pool bungalows that became available when one of Bernie Madoff’s investors had to cancel. Today Eve had a GyneFix IUD implanted and in another 3 weeks, (6 weeks after her termination) when her vagina and cervix have returned to normal she can be fitted for a diaphragm which she needs because she wants to try dive-sex. In the meantime one of the local dive-shop instructors we use is giving her SCUBA lessons so she will be up to speed and can immediately start DS lessons after she has her barrier fitted.
She will stay with us until her milk is sufficient to take care of Adam which Robin thinks will be another several weeks. In the mean time I still breast feed him during the day and Eve (AKA her Grace) feeds him at night. He is already so very male switching easily between my breasts and Eve’s with his tiny hands already trying to hold on to them. I’m finally getting a good nights sleep again after all those early AM feedings and am back on L-Dopa to reduce my prolactin level and milk supply to regain my ballet figure. I’m really going to miss him because breast feeding for new moms is an awesome bonding experience! Well, it is, but not enough that I want to pull my 105 lb bod out of shape having one of my own, so I’m careful to have an Oves Cap sucking on my cervix whenever I’m around men. With my oxytocin levels so high I’m unbelievably spontaneous.
Wearing Oves: I feel so safe and adventuresome when I have an Oves sucking on my cervix! That’s because the dome of ¼ mm thick transparent silicone rubber collapses when the rim grips the walls of the cervix making it the smallest of the cervical barriers because the dome conforms to the shape of the wearer’s cervix. The collapsed dome also adheres by surface tension to the cervix which, with the cavity rim seal and small cross-section makes it very difficult to dislodge. I’ve been using Oves as my primary method of contraception (and for over-pressure protection) for 88 cycles now, that’s since June of 2002. And since I have such a tight fit I have been wearing Oves dry (without spermicide in the dome) since August of 2004 with no pregnancy scares! It’s awesome!
Problems with Oves: For me there are only two problems with Oves. 1) The ultra-thin dome and its small size provide no thrust buffering if I should be with a man who is extremely well endowed. 2) Oves (or any cap) shouldn’t be worn for contraception during menses because the flow will float it off the cervix. Because I have very regular 28 day cycles there is little chance I could be impregnated during my periods, but if it was displaced while I was having a submerged encounter the possibility of an embolism is very real. So for over-pressure protection during menses I wear a diaphragm which limits the depth at which I can have dive-sex to above 10m. To shorten the length of my periods I have a Menstrual Extraction at the first of each cycle. That way my periods are only 3 days long and I can safely wear Oves for 25 of the 28 days of my cycle!
The Aristocrat and Adam: Readers of my old 360 Blog may remember the British member of the Peerage who was waiting out her pregnancy on her plantation on Virgin Gorda. She was to have her Amniocentesis in mid May. I think she already suspected there were problems. Somehow we just seem to know these things and sure enough the tests showed the fetus was female and that there were significant genetic abnormalities so she and Sir Robert (her Gyn) decided to terminate since what she needed was a healthy male heir. At her age, in her early 50s, she was lucky to get preggers at all and genetic abnormalities were a very high risk which she understood, but wanted to try anyway. Given the result she has given up trying to produce an heir herself. Fortunately I was able to suggest an alternative, Adam. He is a beautiful baby boy who was orphaned when his mom was killed when she became collateral damage in a nascent drug war. He was seen as a loose end and no one wanted him because he wasn’t Family, so, since I was already lactating (the result of excessive nipple stimulation several years ago when I was modeling latex fetishwear and had a lover who was big into boobs) I took him to care for until I could place him in a good home. So, her Grace’s termination was a godsend for both Adam and her.
Over the Memorial Day weekend I sent Limnaea, my G550, to pick her and Robin (Sir Robert up and bring them out here. She jumped at the chance to have a healthy very young male infant – I had already had his DNA run and as far as science can tell right now he is nearly perfect, genetically. It would have taken weeks to even get that sort of thing scheduled but money talks and his tests were put at the top of the list. Even so the details took several weeks but the results were worth the wait. She had called quite distraught as you can imagine when the abnormalities were found and I had intentionally kept quite about Adam’s availability so as not to prejudice any decision she made. Immediately the termination was complete she called again as I am one of the few women who knew what she was attempting so she felt she could talk with me. I let her know that Adam needed a home and sent her his DNA results and she was overjoyed to take him. Robin started her on herbs right away to increase her prolactin levels as her pregnancy hormones dropped and a week later she started using a Medela to gently pump her breasts. Now she’s not producing at anywhere near what should be her full capacity but her breasts are continuing to swell and when Adam latches on her Oxytocin levels go through the roof so she needs sex each time she feeds him. Peter, the stallion who impregnated her over the New Year holiday, is available to take care of her needs and the two of them have become a quiet item in town. Her doctors have changed her diet so she is getting the nutrients she needs to produce rich milk and she is staying in one of the pool bungalows that became available when one of Bernie Madoff’s investors had to cancel. Today Eve had a GyneFix IUD implanted and in another 3 weeks, (6 weeks after her termination) when her vagina and cervix have returned to normal she can be fitted for a diaphragm which she needs because she wants to try dive-sex. In the meantime one of the local dive-shop instructors we use is giving her SCUBA lessons so she will be up to speed and can immediately start DS lessons after she has her barrier fitted.
She will stay with us until her milk is sufficient to take care of Adam which Robin thinks will be another several weeks. In the mean time I still breast feed him during the day and Eve (AKA her Grace) feeds him at night. He is already so very male switching easily between my breasts and Eve’s with his tiny hands already trying to hold on to them. I’m finally getting a good nights sleep again after all those early AM feedings and am back on L-Dopa to reduce my prolactin level and milk supply to regain my ballet figure. I’m really going to miss him because breast feeding for new moms is an awesome bonding experience! Well, it is, but not enough that I want to pull my 105 lb bod out of shape having one of my own, so I’m careful to have an Oves Cap sucking on my cervix whenever I’m around men. With my oxytocin levels so high I’m unbelievably spontaneous.
If I didn't know any better, this is either fate or something totally made up. Of course, you do use a lot of pseudonymns, so they all fit together.