The Pfizer Riser
Pharma testimonial: I’ve been approached by Pfizer about recommending Viagra. I thought they were joking at first since I’m not a user, being of the opposite sex. But the Pfizer PR guy said that I was “a direct beneficiary of the efficacy of the product” so I could speak from a woman’s perspective, which is certainly true if I was inclined to, but I decided against it for several reasons. First it would compromise my position as being independent of the pharmaceutical industry which I value because of my dislike of them pushing hormonal contraceptives. Second, performance enhancers like Viagra, Cialis and Lavitra are a mixed blessing for many women. While Vegas caters to men’s carnal appetites there are a lot of older women in the country who were very relieved when their husbands were no longer able to perform sexually. So being able to raise Lazarus from the dead is, for a large percentage of my sex above the age of 50, a very mixed blessing. And, finally, with a man’s strength, size and aggressiveness why should he be given another sexual domination ace by knowing that physically he is almost certain to stay hard enough to finish inside even if he has serious medical problems? In specific instances you can make a case either way but when performance enhancing pills can be bought almost anywhere and w/o a Rx I think they are far too readily available. Perhaps that’s a surprising position for a girl in my business – satisfying male appetites of all sorts – to take, but there you are.
A Mestel SGE 400-3BB Gas mask
A Nitrous Oxide encounter: Taryn and I went to a gas mask party last night. Chuck, the Gyn at our clinic was Taryn’s escort and Pirate went with me. Most of the girls there are big into dive-sex so the topic of conversation was Gabe Watson’s Manslaughter plea with him getting only 4 ½ years with all but a year suspended. That’s getting off pretty damn light for drowning your wife and novice dive partner! He was supposed to be a trained rescue diver! He didn’t share his air, or drop her weights, or inflate her buoyancy compensator! He just left her to sink to the bottom! My God! Can you imagine? And they were on their honeymoon! He has recently remarried, what could his second wife have been thinking? A woman diving with Gabe Watson as her dive buddy would be about as safe as if she went Dove hunting with Ex VP Cheney!
Recreational gas cylinders: Taryn and I were using our Mestel SGE 400-3BB military grade gas masks with small nitrous oxide (N2O) inhalent cylinders that mate with the standard NATO 40mm filter canister mounting. Gepetto has branched out into supplying recreational gasses as well as fetishwear so we were using an inhalent cylinder of his company’s design with a chip that is programmed with the user’s weight and lung capacity so the correct amount of gas, a mixture of 70% nitrous oxide and 30% oxygen, that is released into the tight fitting the oral-nasel unit of the mask is just enough to make us euphoric and pain free during very rough sex, but not enough to put us to sleep. The gas canister transfer unit is really quite complex. It has a small heater in the cylinder mount that warms the compressed gas to about 65° before release into the oral nasal unit to prevent frostbite. There is also a flow monitor in the unit which will detect when the wearer has stopped breathing for more than some interval, the default is 60 seconds, after which an alarm will sound. This feature was added after wearer’s overdosed and stopped breathing or fainted and used up the gas in the cylinder and suffocated.
Because of the hazzard of N2O to a fetus all the girls at the party had to take pregnancy tests, even the ones of us who weren’t using N2O because when those of us who were breathing gas vented our masks some amount of it got into the air, a situation analogous to second hand smoke in a resturant and it’s well known that N2O will cause birth defects and miscarriages. Frequent use of N2O can be addictive and it depletes vitamins B9 (folic acid) and B12. People into breathing nitrous oxide, especially women, need to be on a good multivitamin rich in B9 and B12. Nitrous oxide is safest when used while lying down because in the higher euphoric states user’s loose control of most of their muscles. So I think N2O is more a woman’s gas because we can go deeper into euphoria and let the man do the work during sex. Guys have to stay at a lower level of euphoria in order to function sexually. I’ve had guys collapse on top of me unable to finish even when using a performance enhancer because they had inhaled too much gas. They had massive boners but didn’t have the stamina and concentration to ejaculate.
The party: was at the home of a very successful casino owner and his third trophy wife a 23 y/o dancer. The man is a very shrewd investor and even in this economy he is turning a profit and positioning himself to make a lot more when the recession is over. Including the 4 of us there were 8 couples. The home has a huge guest wing with a recreation area which for the party had been filled with couches enclosed with potted shrubbery for some privacy. Everyone had brought their gear bags and each couple was assigned a bedroom. And there was a bowl of various performance enhancers on a table in each bedroom for guys who were feeling insecure.
In the common area our host had recreational drugs available but most of the performers among us stayed with minimal alcohol, to hold down our calorie intake, and away from the hard stuff which when mixed with recreational gasses can be fatal. Typically that’s because the mix causes the user to overestimate his or her abilities. Taryn and I both wore Penetrator plugs and caps to the party. She had a strapless FemCap inserted as a thrust buffer because Chuck can easily reach her cervix even when she is taken from behind. There is no fear of pregnancy of course because she has a GyneFix IUD implant. I was wearing my Milex Omniflex diaphragm because I was still having residual bleeding after my EVA. The purpose of our wearing plugs was to give our sexual partners something to remove (besides our thongs) in order to get to us where it counts. Since I had a diaphragm inserted I wore a smaller Penetrator w/o the locking lug that fits in the pubic notch to prevent accidental expulsion. The smaller style plug is just held in place by the muscles in the vaginal walls and suction.
Swapping partners: One of the fun parts of the evening was when the women were raffled off to men other than their dates or wives. I was a little apprehensive about married couples being in the mix as wives often feel they have a lot to lose in partner swaps for recreational sex. But I talked to all three of the wives there and they seemed comfortable with the arrangement, confident that their men wouldn’t form any lasting attachments. Taryn, gorgeous, long legged and 17 was of particular interest to the guys and her number was dawn by a 45 y/o married investment banker. His wife didn’t seem all that pleased but she tried to put the best face on it she could and was delighted when her number was drawn by Pirate. The hosts 23 y/o dancer wife was partnered with a chemical executive from the east coast and there were problems right away because their anatomies were mismatched. As hostess she wanted to accommodate him if she could and because I’m known as an expert in sexual problems she asked my opinion.
Unsafe at any speed: I recommended against the match because he is very large, long as well as thick, and she is rather small taking only a 60mm diaphragm so in my opinion the likelihood of her being injured was pretty high. She decided, as hostess, she had no alternative so I fitted her with a strapless FemCap for thrust buffering and had her insert an applicator of Dive-Gel (the silicone lube) to reduce friction from the tight fit and I helped her apply a topical estrogen cream around the entrance to her vagina in the hope that it would make the tissues stretchier. If she had several weeks over which to apply the estrogen cream that might have worked but about 10 minutes into her encounter with him while breathing N2O he rammed her cervix brutally and when she twisted to try and get away from his thrusts she tore. It was a class two tear that she didn’t fully realize the seriousness of while she was euphoric on gas. Afterward the physician on duty with the EMT unit rented for the party sewed her up but it’s as though she had an episiotomy and she will be out of action for at least several weeks.
My Raffle partner: The guy I was raffled off to is another banker, very high in the organization of a major investment bank that’s been in the headlines recently. He is in his early 50s and the picture of health; broad shoulders, narrow waist, well toned bod all around, a gorgeous male to look at. I had talked with his wife earlier and she said he was partial to ballet dancers as mistresses having a soloist at ABT in an apartment near their home in NYC. And she said ruefully that he had been talking to her about how he hoped to be matched with me. She is French and danced with the Paris Opera Ballet in the 1980s so she is familiar with powerful men and their mistresses, but we were both surprised when I was actually paired with him.
The guests who didn’t bring their own gas masks were fitted by one of Gepetto’s techs who had a supply of masks and N2O cylinders and was on hand to help with any mask problems. So my guy was wearing a mask exactly like mine, a Mestel SGE 400-3BB, which is top of the line equipment. We went to my assigned room and he wanted to start with me on my back on a table with my legs on his shoulders. I had been wearing Gaynors but he wanted me to change into Freeds which he said have a much better scent and he is so right about that! I put on a pair of well broken in Classics and worked in them to warm up a bit using a chair back for a barre to sweat in my pointes before taking up my position on the table. His equipment is a good size about 8 inches long and wonderfully thick! I love thick since it gives the nerves around my oculus and in the erectile tissue of my G-spot good tight contact, even through the stretchy rubber dome of my diaphragm. I relaxed, and nodded, he couldn’t see me smile since we were both masked while I positioned his tip between my labia and nodded again for him to enter me. It is always fun having a new man for the first time! He enjoyed having me rub my platforms against his neck, chin and under his nose so he could smell the scent of damp leather and paste in my shoes while he thrust into me. He is a skilled and considerate lover and got me off beautifully before he finished in me.
Going for seconds he wanted to take me from behind so I draped myself over a bed-altar, each room had been equipped with one, and he entered me doggie style. Since I wasn’t en pointe I wasn’t as tight as I could be but I was very deep and he did try to kiss my cervix which by me pushing down a bit I let him do. And then things started to go wrong as he was taking me to orgasm. I was having strong vaginal contractions when I felt him shudder and thought he was getting off but he wasn’t thrusting. Perhaps he did ejaculate but moments later he collapsed on top of me! I was able to roll him off me, pull off his mask and hit the emergency button by the bed. I thought he had overdosed on N2O but his lips were blue his heart beat was irregular and even while still euphoric from the gas he had severe chest pain. The doctor who was standing by for just that sort of emergency gave him nitro under his tongue started an IV and had him taken to the ER.
A wife’s concern: His wife wasn’t all that understanding at first, accusing me of trying to fuck him to death! I put that down to her French temperament because it clearly wasn’t my fault. I’m to blame? I don’t think so! He’d even told her he fancied meeting me so it’s not as though his need for me was a surprize, right? He just happened to be drilling me when life in the fast lane caught up with him and he nearly died in the saddle. However, his attack did put a damper on the festivities and the party broke up early. Fortunately it takes only about an hour to recover from the effects of breathing N2O so our host served coffee and some of us made dates to get together again under happier circumstances.
My raffle partner is doing well in ICU at a private hospital. His wife calmed down after she found he wasn’t going to die. It seems she needs him for at least another 2 years when her prenuptial agreement times out. Then she will inherit if he passes rather than his great wealth going the children from his first two marriages. Between brief visits to her husband in ICU she is already managing to console herself by starting dive-sex lessons. I’ve fixed her up with Peter (he and Diané are on the outs at the moment) and she is enjoying immensely all the pleasures he can provide.
A Nitrous Oxide encounter: Taryn and I went to a gas mask party last night. Chuck, the Gyn at our clinic was Taryn’s escort and Pirate went with me. Most of the girls there are big into dive-sex so the topic of conversation was Gabe Watson’s Manslaughter plea with him getting only 4 ½ years with all but a year suspended. That’s getting off pretty damn light for drowning your wife and novice dive partner! He was supposed to be a trained rescue diver! He didn’t share his air, or drop her weights, or inflate her buoyancy compensator! He just left her to sink to the bottom! My God! Can you imagine? And they were on their honeymoon! He has recently remarried, what could his second wife have been thinking? A woman diving with Gabe Watson as her dive buddy would be about as safe as if she went Dove hunting with Ex VP Cheney!
Recreational gas cylinders: Taryn and I were using our Mestel SGE 400-3BB military grade gas masks with small nitrous oxide (N2O) inhalent cylinders that mate with the standard NATO 40mm filter canister mounting. Gepetto has branched out into supplying recreational gasses as well as fetishwear so we were using an inhalent cylinder of his company’s design with a chip that is programmed with the user’s weight and lung capacity so the correct amount of gas, a mixture of 70% nitrous oxide and 30% oxygen, that is released into the tight fitting the oral-nasel unit of the mask is just enough to make us euphoric and pain free during very rough sex, but not enough to put us to sleep. The gas canister transfer unit is really quite complex. It has a small heater in the cylinder mount that warms the compressed gas to about 65° before release into the oral nasal unit to prevent frostbite. There is also a flow monitor in the unit which will detect when the wearer has stopped breathing for more than some interval, the default is 60 seconds, after which an alarm will sound. This feature was added after wearer’s overdosed and stopped breathing or fainted and used up the gas in the cylinder and suffocated.
Because of the hazzard of N2O to a fetus all the girls at the party had to take pregnancy tests, even the ones of us who weren’t using N2O because when those of us who were breathing gas vented our masks some amount of it got into the air, a situation analogous to second hand smoke in a resturant and it’s well known that N2O will cause birth defects and miscarriages. Frequent use of N2O can be addictive and it depletes vitamins B9 (folic acid) and B12. People into breathing nitrous oxide, especially women, need to be on a good multivitamin rich in B9 and B12. Nitrous oxide is safest when used while lying down because in the higher euphoric states user’s loose control of most of their muscles. So I think N2O is more a woman’s gas because we can go deeper into euphoria and let the man do the work during sex. Guys have to stay at a lower level of euphoria in order to function sexually. I’ve had guys collapse on top of me unable to finish even when using a performance enhancer because they had inhaled too much gas. They had massive boners but didn’t have the stamina and concentration to ejaculate.
The party: was at the home of a very successful casino owner and his third trophy wife a 23 y/o dancer. The man is a very shrewd investor and even in this economy he is turning a profit and positioning himself to make a lot more when the recession is over. Including the 4 of us there were 8 couples. The home has a huge guest wing with a recreation area which for the party had been filled with couches enclosed with potted shrubbery for some privacy. Everyone had brought their gear bags and each couple was assigned a bedroom. And there was a bowl of various performance enhancers on a table in each bedroom for guys who were feeling insecure.
In the common area our host had recreational drugs available but most of the performers among us stayed with minimal alcohol, to hold down our calorie intake, and away from the hard stuff which when mixed with recreational gasses can be fatal. Typically that’s because the mix causes the user to overestimate his or her abilities. Taryn and I both wore Penetrator plugs and caps to the party. She had a strapless FemCap inserted as a thrust buffer because Chuck can easily reach her cervix even when she is taken from behind. There is no fear of pregnancy of course because she has a GyneFix IUD implant. I was wearing my Milex Omniflex diaphragm because I was still having residual bleeding after my EVA. The purpose of our wearing plugs was to give our sexual partners something to remove (besides our thongs) in order to get to us where it counts. Since I had a diaphragm inserted I wore a smaller Penetrator w/o the locking lug that fits in the pubic notch to prevent accidental expulsion. The smaller style plug is just held in place by the muscles in the vaginal walls and suction.
Swapping partners: One of the fun parts of the evening was when the women were raffled off to men other than their dates or wives. I was a little apprehensive about married couples being in the mix as wives often feel they have a lot to lose in partner swaps for recreational sex. But I talked to all three of the wives there and they seemed comfortable with the arrangement, confident that their men wouldn’t form any lasting attachments. Taryn, gorgeous, long legged and 17 was of particular interest to the guys and her number was dawn by a 45 y/o married investment banker. His wife didn’t seem all that pleased but she tried to put the best face on it she could and was delighted when her number was drawn by Pirate. The hosts 23 y/o dancer wife was partnered with a chemical executive from the east coast and there were problems right away because their anatomies were mismatched. As hostess she wanted to accommodate him if she could and because I’m known as an expert in sexual problems she asked my opinion.
Unsafe at any speed: I recommended against the match because he is very large, long as well as thick, and she is rather small taking only a 60mm diaphragm so in my opinion the likelihood of her being injured was pretty high. She decided, as hostess, she had no alternative so I fitted her with a strapless FemCap for thrust buffering and had her insert an applicator of Dive-Gel (the silicone lube) to reduce friction from the tight fit and I helped her apply a topical estrogen cream around the entrance to her vagina in the hope that it would make the tissues stretchier. If she had several weeks over which to apply the estrogen cream that might have worked but about 10 minutes into her encounter with him while breathing N2O he rammed her cervix brutally and when she twisted to try and get away from his thrusts she tore. It was a class two tear that she didn’t fully realize the seriousness of while she was euphoric on gas. Afterward the physician on duty with the EMT unit rented for the party sewed her up but it’s as though she had an episiotomy and she will be out of action for at least several weeks.
My Raffle partner: The guy I was raffled off to is another banker, very high in the organization of a major investment bank that’s been in the headlines recently. He is in his early 50s and the picture of health; broad shoulders, narrow waist, well toned bod all around, a gorgeous male to look at. I had talked with his wife earlier and she said he was partial to ballet dancers as mistresses having a soloist at ABT in an apartment near their home in NYC. And she said ruefully that he had been talking to her about how he hoped to be matched with me. She is French and danced with the Paris Opera Ballet in the 1980s so she is familiar with powerful men and their mistresses, but we were both surprised when I was actually paired with him.
The guests who didn’t bring their own gas masks were fitted by one of Gepetto’s techs who had a supply of masks and N2O cylinders and was on hand to help with any mask problems. So my guy was wearing a mask exactly like mine, a Mestel SGE 400-3BB, which is top of the line equipment. We went to my assigned room and he wanted to start with me on my back on a table with my legs on his shoulders. I had been wearing Gaynors but he wanted me to change into Freeds which he said have a much better scent and he is so right about that! I put on a pair of well broken in Classics and worked in them to warm up a bit using a chair back for a barre to sweat in my pointes before taking up my position on the table. His equipment is a good size about 8 inches long and wonderfully thick! I love thick since it gives the nerves around my oculus and in the erectile tissue of my G-spot good tight contact, even through the stretchy rubber dome of my diaphragm. I relaxed, and nodded, he couldn’t see me smile since we were both masked while I positioned his tip between my labia and nodded again for him to enter me. It is always fun having a new man for the first time! He enjoyed having me rub my platforms against his neck, chin and under his nose so he could smell the scent of damp leather and paste in my shoes while he thrust into me. He is a skilled and considerate lover and got me off beautifully before he finished in me.
Going for seconds he wanted to take me from behind so I draped myself over a bed-altar, each room had been equipped with one, and he entered me doggie style. Since I wasn’t en pointe I wasn’t as tight as I could be but I was very deep and he did try to kiss my cervix which by me pushing down a bit I let him do. And then things started to go wrong as he was taking me to orgasm. I was having strong vaginal contractions when I felt him shudder and thought he was getting off but he wasn’t thrusting. Perhaps he did ejaculate but moments later he collapsed on top of me! I was able to roll him off me, pull off his mask and hit the emergency button by the bed. I thought he had overdosed on N2O but his lips were blue his heart beat was irregular and even while still euphoric from the gas he had severe chest pain. The doctor who was standing by for just that sort of emergency gave him nitro under his tongue started an IV and had him taken to the ER.
A wife’s concern: His wife wasn’t all that understanding at first, accusing me of trying to fuck him to death! I put that down to her French temperament because it clearly wasn’t my fault. I’m to blame? I don’t think so! He’d even told her he fancied meeting me so it’s not as though his need for me was a surprize, right? He just happened to be drilling me when life in the fast lane caught up with him and he nearly died in the saddle. However, his attack did put a damper on the festivities and the party broke up early. Fortunately it takes only about an hour to recover from the effects of breathing N2O so our host served coffee and some of us made dates to get together again under happier circumstances.
My raffle partner is doing well in ICU at a private hospital. His wife calmed down after she found he wasn’t going to die. It seems she needs him for at least another 2 years when her prenuptial agreement times out. Then she will inherit if he passes rather than his great wealth going the children from his first two marriages. Between brief visits to her husband in ICU she is already managing to console herself by starting dive-sex lessons. I’ve fixed her up with Peter (he and Diané are on the outs at the moment) and she is enjoying immensely all the pleasures he can provide.
Jill, you are really being a femme fatale, because it seems when someone screws with you, either physically or figuratively, you're fatal. Of course, that's just a joke. Still, when your hostess got herself tore from trying to take that huge guy, it seems doing Nitrous when having sex is not all that safe.
ReplyDeletePeter and Diané are on a break-up? How is she handling it?
I love nitrous sex more than anything. Wish I could meet you!
ReplyDeleteI find the entire idea of gas mask/nitrous oxide sex to be incredibly fascinating. I've always loved nitrous at the dentist, and learned early to answer the dentist's question of "How are you doing?" by answering "Almost there..." The nitrous is always cranked up then. If only combining the two (nitrous and sex) with my gas mask were possible...dang!