Zip-ties make great flexi-cuffs
A friend drowns: She was a lovely 24 y/o brunette and an accomplished dancer. She was a bit curvier than the traditional Balanchine body, but she was very good at maximizing the return on her assets. She wasn’t getting paid what she thought she was worth as a dancer and she saw her beauty as a depreciating asset which she needed to at least price at the market rate so she became an independent businesswoman. Ever since September of 2008 when Wall Street melted down the demand for beautiful and talented women for fantasy encounters has gone through the roof, and the demand for elite talent has far exceeded supply. Adventuresome women entered the business as Independent operators to profit from the shortage of high end fantasy escorts and the independents screening and security isn’t always the best, which may have lead to what happened last week.
Her business premises: She had set up in a secluded estate that had been foreclosed on and is now owned by a California bank. The former owners had walked away leaving the place furnished and the bank left the utilities on and is keeping the place up including pool maintenance while a local real estate company is showing it to prospective buyers. All she used was a bedroom and the enclosed pool and kept her usage undetected hiding her diving gear among the sports equipment the former owners left. She had an arrangement with a friend at the realtors so she knew when the house was to be shown so she could make certain there was no sign of her activity. She had come to me when she set up out there and I advised her on what she would need. The pool is conventional with a dive well at the deep end of only 15 feet. But that’s plenty of room if a client doesn’t want a three atmosphere encounter.
Her equipment: Because the place was being shown she couldn’t leave a vaginal muscle trainer or tether anchors on the pool bottom so I suggested she use a drain clip to clip a set of tethers to the grill over the drain at the bottom of the dive-well and use a BCD to hold her off the bottom but she thought a BCD would just get in the way of a more intimate encounter with a client. So then I suggested she wear weighted pool-pointes. Pool pointes are silicone pointe shoes made using a pair of the woman’s actual pointes as a pattern and they are usually made with polymer shanks and neutral buoyancy and a good pair will support you en pointe when out of the water. The ribbons are one single length looped through grommets and a slot under the insole so ribbons can be easily replaced w/o sewing. The platforms of the blocks can be fitted with a threaded adaptor that allows lead weights to be screwed to the platforms to hold the wearer on the bottom for walking around or stability during a dive-sex encounter and that is what she decided to use and did so with considerable success. At least that’s what she said. She had the lead platform-weights coated with silicone rubber (which is a standard option) so she wouldn’t mark the bottom of the pool with lead if she was dragged along the bottom. I suggested again that she wear a buoyancy control vest but she said the pool was shallow and the SCUBA equipment she was using was positively buoyant when the tank was low so she could drop her weight belt and the pool pointes were held on with Velcro fasteners so they could be quickly unfastened and the weighted pointe-shoes dropped if necessary. She also wasn’t using a dive computer because, she said, of the short duration shallow dives. I asked what about repetitive dives and she said she wasn’t doing more than two a day so thought she would be safe. I wasn’t at all sure. What if something changed and she needed to know if it was safe for her to dive a third time that day? But she smiled and said she would be fine.
Her laptop showed she had a morning encounter scheduled. Her air supplier, the guy has a portable compressor and comes to fill her empty oxygen tanks, found her that afternoon on the bottom of the pool.

Her arms had been spread and her wrists were zip-tied to an air tank dolly which had been tossed into the pool and her air hose had been cut.

Even with the light weight of the aluminum dolly she couldn’t get off the bottom because she had no BCD and couldn’t drop her weight belt and weighted shoes. Not that a BCD would have done her any good as her attacker would certainly have slashed its air bladder.

Her last minute or two w/o air must have been terrifying!
The ME said: She was wearing a strapless FemCap for protection and that the semen inside her had been there about as long as she had been dead, so her killer either got off in her just before he killed her or just afterward. Or, there was another person involved. There were raw spots on her hips where her thong cut into her as it was being ripped off but that might just have been rough sex.
Motive: It’s not clear to me why she was killed and killed that way. Her killer, it was almost certainly a man, and perhaps someone she knew because there were no real signs of a struggle, could just as easily have shut off the air from her tank. It was planned certainly but was her client her killer? That seems unlikely to me because he would have to be pretty stupid to leave his DNA inside his victim, but you never know. I’m thinking her death was a professional hit, done by cutting her hose to send a message. Dive sex is a premium service and the guys I talked to said she was very good at it. Perhaps the elite independent girls who have started cream skimming the high end services during the talent shortage are seen as a threat and someone is trying to scare them off. Being a pool-chick in Vegas can be dangerous.
I have to assume the pictures you included are from a crime drama, as your clique are pretty reclusive, and I doubt the girl in question would allow herself to be filmed doing her "work."
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I have to wonder if this friend had taken your precautions to heart if she would have avoided this fate? I know you like dive-sex, among some of your other activites, because of the inherent danger and how you get off on it. If you were in that girl's situation, what's the likelihood that you would survive? Basing on your previous posts on Yahoo! 360, I think you'd have an 80/20 chance in favor of survival.
The pics aren't of my friend. She died in a tiled swimming pool. I think her problem was not screening clients properly. She was far too trusting! I admit that I self-lubricated when I heard how she died. I did think about what I would have done differently had I been her. I’ve been in some scary situations with people who wanted me dead and because I knew or sensed I was in danger I gave them minimum opportunities to attack. And I wasn’t encumbered with all the weight she was using to hold herself on the bottom. I think a girl weighted like she was and with no expectation that she is in danger stands little chance of saving herself from a knowledgeable killer who has a huge upper body strength advantage. Even if he was so clumsy that she was able to flood his mask or pull out his reg those are temp diversions that are corrected in seconds while she is struggling to drop her weights.