One type of industrial pipe layer
Slim, sleek and at my peak: Very early this morning, after class, I was in the stirrups at my Gyns having tested negative for hCG, the pregnancy hormone. She fit the stabilizing cup over my cervix and locked the rim in my pubic notch. Then she attached a sterile 4mm cannula onto the hose connected to the vacuum pump and we were ready to rock and roll. After my EVA, I keep wanting to refer to it as an manual extraction, I inserted one of my Milex Omniflex diaphragms and was good to go. A few minutes later I walked into Body Buffers and my Esthetician slathered my bod with a hair stiffener and then hot wax and in a few minutes, with the exception of eyebrows and scalp hair I was totally devoid of body hair. Actually, there isn’t very much left after having been waxed regularly for 24 years, my first time when I was 14, so there is very little discomfort any more. But the first time, as a 14 y/o, having all the hair around my pubes ripped out was breathtaking! Even now I shudder when I think about that first time, but we all have to start somewhere. I still slather a pure aloe vera gel on immediately after waxing and wear it around the house for an hour while it is absorbed in to my skin then shower and rub in more aloe vera before getting dressed for the day. When I’m menstrual like this I’m at my secondary libidinal peak, the primary is the 6 days each cycle when I’m fertile, so I’m looking for action later today.
Stalked by a pipe layer: I do a lot of my shopping late at night or very early in the morning after I get off work. You can meet some interesting people that time of day. Recently there was a guy I recognized who I kept coming across in the grocery, pharmacy and outside Fasteners, our casino’s bondage boutique. I’d seen him before in several of the heavy latex clubs w/o his mask on so when I came out of the chastity belt section of Fasteners and saw him fondling some cuff shackles I knew I was being stalked.
For me, being seriously stalked seems to be a seasonal thing. Well, I’m stalked all year round and sort of used to it, but I’m rarely approached except during warm weather. Perhaps that’s because in cold weather I’m in pointe-boots of one sort or another most of the time. Pointe-boots seem to make the wearer fascinating to watch, but give the impression of being dangerous if approached. Of course that’s not really true except in rare instances, but that seems to be the male perception because pointe-boots look menacing, like something a Domme would wear. However, pointe-boots (or ballet boots) are so often worn by untrained women that the girls are easy prey because they can’t run or even walk quickly in ballet heels and they don’t have the strength or training to use the heels as weapons. A knowledgeable stalker can tell a lot about a woman’s skill in her boots by how confidently she strides in them. That information is important for to a stalker because there is a chance that the guy could run into someone like me who fights in pointe-boots and can defend herself cutting an attacker to ribbons with the blades in the heels of a pair of fighting boots. But that wasn’t the case the other night.
It was still warm at 3:00 AM and I was in a pair of pink satin Gaynors, Gaynor Minden pointe shoes for the newbies reading this blog. I wear Gaynors while shopping for the same reason that dancers wear them for pointe-sex, they show off our legs wonderfully! And the practical aspects of Gaynors are that the shoes with their polymer shanks and blocks do most of the work, are comfortable when en pointe and the shanks and blocks are nearly indestructible. In addition, since I’m a dancer most of my strength is in my legs and the blocks and platforms of Gaynors make marvelous weapons! But pink satin, or even black leather, pointe shoes appear far more feminine and far less threatening than pointe-boots which I think is why I’m approached when I’m in pointe shoes but not when I’m wearing ballet heels. Perception is totally the reverse of reality, but there you are! Go figure!
So, there I was coming out of Fasteners with my special order custom made titanium mesh chastity belt and my stalker was standing right there fondling the stainless steel chains on a display of shackles by the entrance waiting for me. He couldn’t have been more obvious if he’d been holding a sign with my name on it! Really! I mean, no one fondles shackle chains at 3:00 AM in Fasteners, right? Not that Fasteners isn’t a marvelous place to shop if you are deep into BDSM and need the really hard to find bits and pieces, but as a pick-up spot at 3:00 AM I’ll have to admit it’s pretty quiet. However, since he followed me in I thought why not give him a shot, right?
He asked what I thought of a pair of shackles that were advertised as being designed for a woman. I asked if he was looking for a gift for a girlfriend and suggested the titanium shackles which are smaller, stronger, lighter, and more expensive and were on display further inside the shop where he couldn’t have kept watch for me. He decided against purchasing shackles (Who could have guessed!) and asked where he had seen me before and we agreed it was at Gepettos Latex & Leather. I remembered him as an industrial strength pipe layer who ruined the evening of his first lottery partner, a UNLV senior in a heavy (rental rubber) enclosure suit and gasmask. He was out to lay as much pipe as he could and he wasn’t being a gentleman about doing it. He repeatedly rammed her cervix and she was obviously not having fun but didn’t want to tell him to stop. In a place like a fetish club a girl gets a bad reputation if she tells a partner to stop. That’s not how it should be but those places are very macho with their own code of conduct and women are supposed to have done enough research on a partner ahead of time to know his tastes and her physical limitations. At Gepettos the woman is given a printout of her lottery partner’s bio with his measurements and likes and dislikes so she gets to say no before any commitment is made so no one looses face. Solo women usually do their due diligence and are the safer and happier for it. A few don’t, and pay the price. That night with my pipe laying stalker and his partner a bartender stopped their encounter when she lost consciousness. She was being held in place in a bar-sling and was wearing a muffle guard so her airway was kept open and her screams were suppressed. It’s very noisy in there anyway so no one was really paying attention when the staff brought the chick around, got her out of her rental rubber and helped her get to her car. My stalker - pipe layer got in line for another lottery partner and this time the girl could take all of him comfortably so the outcome was mutually satisfactory. Guys! I’m sure my stalker had fun the first time too since the staff waited until he got off in her before they stepped in.
In my case the question was should I have him wear a condom? I always carry some textured ones in my clutch or dance bag, just in case. I like the textured ones because if it turns out I need him to wear one at least I get more sensation from him in textures, but I’d much rather take him bareback so his semen will drain into my thong for hours afterward even if I Kegel most of it into a tissue immediately after he withdraws. I love having a man shoot his wad in me when we are skin-on-skin! Then I know biology is giving him it’s best shot at immortality and it’s up to me to block his chance of impregnating me if I can. I love that risk! Even though I know it’s very small. But to get back to the condom question, to find out about his sexual health required a full STI panel or an up-to-date medical card and we could look at his health card on-line or have an STI panel run at my casino’s meat market, Naughty Pleasures which was on the far side of the complex, so I took my car and he took his and we met at Naughty’s. It turned out he was as safe as medical science could tell, which is pretty good these days with the recent HIV detection enhancements so it was skin-on-skin and he was marvelous! We were in a small private barre room at Naughty’s that is set up like a ballet studio but which includes a bed and wet bar. I ended up having him four times! The last time I ripple-gripped him and he was peeing blood afterward so I was pleased to know I’d gone some way toward payback for the UNLV Co-ed he had abused, though I didn’t laugh at his pink stream and burning urethra. I just suggested he stop by the clinic (it is open 24/7) and be treated for strain. The last I saw of him he was walking a bit funny to get to his car, on his way to the clinic.
Slim, sleek and at my peak: Very early this morning, after class, I was in the stirrups at my Gyns having tested negative for hCG, the pregnancy hormone. She fit the stabilizing cup over my cervix and locked the rim in my pubic notch. Then she attached a sterile 4mm cannula onto the hose connected to the vacuum pump and we were ready to rock and roll. After my EVA, I keep wanting to refer to it as an manual extraction, I inserted one of my Milex Omniflex diaphragms and was good to go. A few minutes later I walked into Body Buffers and my Esthetician slathered my bod with a hair stiffener and then hot wax and in a few minutes, with the exception of eyebrows and scalp hair I was totally devoid of body hair. Actually, there isn’t very much left after having been waxed regularly for 24 years, my first time when I was 14, so there is very little discomfort any more. But the first time, as a 14 y/o, having all the hair around my pubes ripped out was breathtaking! Even now I shudder when I think about that first time, but we all have to start somewhere. I still slather a pure aloe vera gel on immediately after waxing and wear it around the house for an hour while it is absorbed in to my skin then shower and rub in more aloe vera before getting dressed for the day. When I’m menstrual like this I’m at my secondary libidinal peak, the primary is the 6 days each cycle when I’m fertile, so I’m looking for action later today.
Stalked by a pipe layer: I do a lot of my shopping late at night or very early in the morning after I get off work. You can meet some interesting people that time of day. Recently there was a guy I recognized who I kept coming across in the grocery, pharmacy and outside Fasteners, our casino’s bondage boutique. I’d seen him before in several of the heavy latex clubs w/o his mask on so when I came out of the chastity belt section of Fasteners and saw him fondling some cuff shackles I knew I was being stalked.
For me, being seriously stalked seems to be a seasonal thing. Well, I’m stalked all year round and sort of used to it, but I’m rarely approached except during warm weather. Perhaps that’s because in cold weather I’m in pointe-boots of one sort or another most of the time. Pointe-boots seem to make the wearer fascinating to watch, but give the impression of being dangerous if approached. Of course that’s not really true except in rare instances, but that seems to be the male perception because pointe-boots look menacing, like something a Domme would wear. However, pointe-boots (or ballet boots) are so often worn by untrained women that the girls are easy prey because they can’t run or even walk quickly in ballet heels and they don’t have the strength or training to use the heels as weapons. A knowledgeable stalker can tell a lot about a woman’s skill in her boots by how confidently she strides in them. That information is important for to a stalker because there is a chance that the guy could run into someone like me who fights in pointe-boots and can defend herself cutting an attacker to ribbons with the blades in the heels of a pair of fighting boots. But that wasn’t the case the other night.
It was still warm at 3:00 AM and I was in a pair of pink satin Gaynors, Gaynor Minden pointe shoes for the newbies reading this blog. I wear Gaynors while shopping for the same reason that dancers wear them for pointe-sex, they show off our legs wonderfully! And the practical aspects of Gaynors are that the shoes with their polymer shanks and blocks do most of the work, are comfortable when en pointe and the shanks and blocks are nearly indestructible. In addition, since I’m a dancer most of my strength is in my legs and the blocks and platforms of Gaynors make marvelous weapons! But pink satin, or even black leather, pointe shoes appear far more feminine and far less threatening than pointe-boots which I think is why I’m approached when I’m in pointe shoes but not when I’m wearing ballet heels. Perception is totally the reverse of reality, but there you are! Go figure!
So, there I was coming out of Fasteners with my special order custom made titanium mesh chastity belt and my stalker was standing right there fondling the stainless steel chains on a display of shackles by the entrance waiting for me. He couldn’t have been more obvious if he’d been holding a sign with my name on it! Really! I mean, no one fondles shackle chains at 3:00 AM in Fasteners, right? Not that Fasteners isn’t a marvelous place to shop if you are deep into BDSM and need the really hard to find bits and pieces, but as a pick-up spot at 3:00 AM I’ll have to admit it’s pretty quiet. However, since he followed me in I thought why not give him a shot, right?
He asked what I thought of a pair of shackles that were advertised as being designed for a woman. I asked if he was looking for a gift for a girlfriend and suggested the titanium shackles which are smaller, stronger, lighter, and more expensive and were on display further inside the shop where he couldn’t have kept watch for me. He decided against purchasing shackles (Who could have guessed!) and asked where he had seen me before and we agreed it was at Gepettos Latex & Leather. I remembered him as an industrial strength pipe layer who ruined the evening of his first lottery partner, a UNLV senior in a heavy (rental rubber) enclosure suit and gasmask. He was out to lay as much pipe as he could and he wasn’t being a gentleman about doing it. He repeatedly rammed her cervix and she was obviously not having fun but didn’t want to tell him to stop. In a place like a fetish club a girl gets a bad reputation if she tells a partner to stop. That’s not how it should be but those places are very macho with their own code of conduct and women are supposed to have done enough research on a partner ahead of time to know his tastes and her physical limitations. At Gepettos the woman is given a printout of her lottery partner’s bio with his measurements and likes and dislikes so she gets to say no before any commitment is made so no one looses face. Solo women usually do their due diligence and are the safer and happier for it. A few don’t, and pay the price. That night with my pipe laying stalker and his partner a bartender stopped their encounter when she lost consciousness. She was being held in place in a bar-sling and was wearing a muffle guard so her airway was kept open and her screams were suppressed. It’s very noisy in there anyway so no one was really paying attention when the staff brought the chick around, got her out of her rental rubber and helped her get to her car. My stalker - pipe layer got in line for another lottery partner and this time the girl could take all of him comfortably so the outcome was mutually satisfactory. Guys! I’m sure my stalker had fun the first time too since the staff waited until he got off in her before they stepped in.
In my case the question was should I have him wear a condom? I always carry some textured ones in my clutch or dance bag, just in case. I like the textured ones because if it turns out I need him to wear one at least I get more sensation from him in textures, but I’d much rather take him bareback so his semen will drain into my thong for hours afterward even if I Kegel most of it into a tissue immediately after he withdraws. I love having a man shoot his wad in me when we are skin-on-skin! Then I know biology is giving him it’s best shot at immortality and it’s up to me to block his chance of impregnating me if I can. I love that risk! Even though I know it’s very small. But to get back to the condom question, to find out about his sexual health required a full STI panel or an up-to-date medical card and we could look at his health card on-line or have an STI panel run at my casino’s meat market, Naughty Pleasures which was on the far side of the complex, so I took my car and he took his and we met at Naughty’s. It turned out he was as safe as medical science could tell, which is pretty good these days with the recent HIV detection enhancements so it was skin-on-skin and he was marvelous! We were in a small private barre room at Naughty’s that is set up like a ballet studio but which includes a bed and wet bar. I ended up having him four times! The last time I ripple-gripped him and he was peeing blood afterward so I was pleased to know I’d gone some way toward payback for the UNLV Co-ed he had abused, though I didn’t laugh at his pink stream and burning urethra. I just suggested he stop by the clinic (it is open 24/7) and be treated for strain. The last I saw of him he was walking a bit funny to get to his car, on his way to the clinic.
I don't know if I really want to be ripple gripped by you or your girls anymore if I'm going to be peeing blood, after what you described from this "pipe layer." But then again, is that an extreme case?
ReplyDeleteIn my experience a guy peeing blood usually only occurs after he gets off four or five times in a short period of time. I'm pretty sure he was using a chemical enhancer and I still had to ripple grip him at the end to get him off... He was definitely worn out when I finished with him.